Life Or Death

Transforming Hearts with Eternal Gifts

June 26, 2024 Jes
Transforming Hearts with Eternal Gifts
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Transforming Hearts with Eternal Gifts
Jun 26, 2024

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What if the key to a more fulfilling and joyous life lies in the simple act of forgiveness? Join us as we explore profound themes of redemption and spiritual rebirth, inspired by Luke 15:24. Drawing from personal reflections and scriptural references, we delve into the transformative power of conversion and forgiveness. Our discussions emphasize the need for practical spirituality, where internal transformations are mirrored by external actions. We also underscore the importance of charity, mutual support, and preparedness for eternal life, encouraging you to seek divine guidance daily.

Ever wondered why material possessions often leave you feeling empty? Discover the often overlooked importance of inviting God into your life and finding true fulfillment through faith. We reflect on the eternal blessings that come from living in alignment with God's will, preparing for eternity, and storing treasures in heaven. Through engaging narratives, we discuss the significance of being born again and embracing God's gifts, urging you to share your blessings and find true purpose and joy in a life dedicated to spiritual growth.

Step into a life of faith-driven purpose by considering the concept of investing in eternity. We explore how true possessions come from God and how faith can transform your daily decisions and spiritual journey. Personal stories highlight the importance of prayer and the joy of unexpected blessings, like finding a life partner. With the unwavering support of a Savior and Redeemer, embrace the spiritual gifts of faith, share your blessings, and live a life filled with gratitude, positivity, and divine fulfillment.

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What if the key to a more fulfilling and joyous life lies in the simple act of forgiveness? Join us as we explore profound themes of redemption and spiritual rebirth, inspired by Luke 15:24. Drawing from personal reflections and scriptural references, we delve into the transformative power of conversion and forgiveness. Our discussions emphasize the need for practical spirituality, where internal transformations are mirrored by external actions. We also underscore the importance of charity, mutual support, and preparedness for eternal life, encouraging you to seek divine guidance daily.

Ever wondered why material possessions often leave you feeling empty? Discover the often overlooked importance of inviting God into your life and finding true fulfillment through faith. We reflect on the eternal blessings that come from living in alignment with God's will, preparing for eternity, and storing treasures in heaven. Through engaging narratives, we discuss the significance of being born again and embracing God's gifts, urging you to share your blessings and find true purpose and joy in a life dedicated to spiritual growth.

Step into a life of faith-driven purpose by considering the concept of investing in eternity. We explore how true possessions come from God and how faith can transform your daily decisions and spiritual journey. Personal stories highlight the importance of prayer and the joy of unexpected blessings, like finding a life partner. With the unwavering support of a Savior and Redeemer, embrace the spiritual gifts of faith, share your blessings, and live a life filled with gratitude, positivity, and divine fulfillment.

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Speaker 1:

For this. My son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found and they began to celebrate Luke 15, 24. Good morning, good morning, welcome. Come, come join me if you would Thank you for listening For this. My son was dead and we talk about that.

Speaker 1:

How many of us are actively prowling this earth as if we're scorned, we're dead, we're bitter, we're bitten, and is alive again. It goes back to that question that I asked you last week, or maybe it was the week before Do you need to be converted? Do you need to be forgiven? Is there a need or a want and I love the word choice the need or the want Some of us? We actively want to be forgiven, we actively need to be converted, but is it practical or are you equipped with everything that you need and you're shining light on the relevance of what you find to be relevant? He was lost and is found. Excuse me If I've been lost in some way, shape or form, but truly being lost would mean you're taking that strain, that genre, that assertion, that life, the walk within that discipline and degree, and you're taking it further than you could ever imagine. So now I am found. Found must be your assertion of being capable and competent, within exercising your own rights or discipline and degree, within the topic, within the assertion, and they began to celebrate. Everybody rejoices, they're happy, we give thanks, we celebrate in every way, shape and form, because I was once lost but now I'm found.

Speaker 1:

We forget about being blind and seeing. We forget about needing clothing, food and shelter, and he provided it for us. We think along the lines of our maternal physical whole person. Wants and needs is a derogatory to where we must beg and plead for the mercy of humanity or we weren't going to have anything. Well, I don't think, lord forgive me, that we should have to count on one another those ways. In fact, I think that we should be on the other side. Every topic and assertion that we could ever discuss implicate in a sense of actual practicality. We live within that.

Speaker 1:

There's opposition. So my opposition at this one is we should be giving for one another, we should be caring, we should have charity, we should be sovereign to the joy, to the blessings, to the prosperity that we're receiving in each and every way, shape and form. We should continue to advance. We continue to advance in the milestone of doing and treating for others, but aggressively if you're bleeding out against the sandstone, somebody's trying to sharpen you up so that you can be receptive to it. The blade's going back and forth. You're seeing the sparks flying. You know it's not a dulling edge, that it's going to be razor sharp if you would cutting paper and you're so abrasive to it that you're not receptive to it and it bounces right off of you. It is water and oil, though the correlation, how it actually mixes and blends within you.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, we can accept the simplest of terms. Right, keep it simple. Stupid, stupid simple. And it actually works, lord, forgive me. So some of us, we can accept consent, yes, I do, no, I don't, and for us that's everything in the world, consent being a form of love. God is love Christ, et cetera. We take it to that entity.

Speaker 1:

But other of us, we're so negligent to the inner person because the external works don't match what the inner works wanted to have, like it doesn't go hand in hand, that all of a sudden we're completely upheaved, we're defined, we're turned upside down and we're bitter and we're bitten in every way, shape and form and degree. And I'm not really sure. But the way that I think about it, can it be somebody else's fault or problem that you are or are not receptive to the truth. Where does the truth rely? Where does it exist? Is it within you Heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed? Do you find it within your fellow brothers and sisters, some of us? It's on the television, it's on the cell phone.

Speaker 1:

You wake up in the morning. What's your number one priority? I'm reaching out to God real quick here. Excuse me, and I'm not mad at you, excuse me, I'm going to have to get a little bit of God in Christ. Real quick, come, please come into my heart, soul, mind, save me, redeem me, revive me in every way, shape and form. I need what his presence and the gifts that he's given to me to be in my life daily, for that's all that's relevant. I know that every step that I take with him is a step of being blessed, being redeemed, saved, being turned around, born again, turning over a new leaf. But if I'm without him and thought, word and deed, and heart, soul, mind, body and spirit, then I'm suffering, I'm inadequate, I'm not prepared, I don't have, I'm not equipped, and I don't like to go into any venue, any social assertion or any form of life not being equipped. I think preparedness is relevant when we think of the eternal image. Most of us we reference eternity and I reference heaven. I like to be blessed. I have a fulfillment life.

Speaker 1:

I'm currently working with the very well, as a lot of different religious institutions, private sector and private funding. We're getting ready to have a very well power hub. It's astonishing we're going to have it to where records can be abolished, to where you can be released, to where it's within your belief, competence and means. You can have what you want, what you need. You'll be provided sustainment with what you're capable of and nobody is going to fail, because failure is not an option. Do you know why? Lord, forgive me? It's called forgiveness. You are forgiven now and forever. My Lord, have mercy. So I don't condemn others. I don't tell you. You know what. You just took it too far. But I can tell you what I've learned from experience Each and every one of us is capable of condemning ourselves.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to somebody the other day and they were referencing utilizing power. I do a lot of international business, depending on the day, and there's arms, there's hands, there's guns, and there's medical and health and education, food and communications and derogatory of thoughts and possessions, the psychology of society. It gets really extreme, to tell you the truth. And I told this person. I said it's still the same lesson from the beginning. They looked at me like they were scratching their head. What does that mean? I said you can use as much power as you want, it's all available, unlimited world power. They've even got nuclear warfare and weapons of mass destruction, anything you can think of.

Speaker 1:

But what they don't tell you is there's a cost and expense behind it, and the same goes for heaven and same goes for eternity. There was a very high price that was paid for your blood. There was a very, very, very amount of suffering, an extreme amount. That happened. He so beloved the world that he gave his only son so we could be saved, so that we could be forgiven remission of our sins through the blood of salvation. Yes, of course, think about what I'm saying. You can utilize as much blessings or curses as you want in this world, but what they don't tell you is there's a cost behind it and some of us we forget about that. We're walking up in the store and we're grabbing the blessings, we're throwing them up in the bag and we're walking out. We're throwing deuces up. Peace, I'm out. You're not even paying for what you've got going on.

Speaker 1:

You see external works mixed with the internal works to where you're actually laboring within those deeds. You're planting the seeds in your own personal garden. You're watching it grow. I'm invested in my life because he's invested in me. I wake up in the morning. I wish I had somebody laying next to me. God help me. Good morning, how are you? Did you want to say, like a prayer together before we got out of bed?

Speaker 1:

Every moment that you have, why won't you invite God within your life when you know he is the one that's going to provide you sustainment, fulfillment, a bunch of everything in every way, shape or form. They call it an abundance, and you'll know he can't lead you astray, that if you have him, you'll have one another, you'll have eternity, you'll honor a living God. Why won't you invite him in? We're so quick to turn the shoulder to him and invite in inequity so that we can be upheaved, so that we have a point, a point to prove, so that we can be happy for what we're going through. That's unfortunate, if you don't mind me saying it's very, very unfortunate.

Speaker 1:

I don't find worth within an equity, but then again, I do. No, you know how I know, because I find light within the darkness. I'm forgiven, I'm redeemed. What's been put on my heart, soul and mind has not been put for my bad. It's been for my good, because he's given it to me, he's delivered to me and I continue to rise and continue to shine. I find it to be irrelevant.

Speaker 1:

How can you choose a form of life, a walk, a color, a tone of preference? That's not adequate? Does it belong to God If the only fact that you can think of this morning is that every form of life, every substance, maternal possession being derogative, thought, word and deed, everything in this world belongs to him? It's not mine. Oh, humbly, so submissively, I'll give it back to you. How in the world would you make it about you and why would you want to define what he's got going on? And some of us? You know I've defeated you. Well, your next challenge will be God, he's got life and he's got death.

Speaker 1:

See, if you can find somebody that you can define what was up with that. It's like oh, my Lord, it's okay. I mean, sometimes they need a cup or body and bread and nobody really knows. I mean they're trying to be born again. Yes, of course I'm not that smart, but when you walk within this world you acknowledge it's his.

Speaker 1:

His presence in every shape and form and discipline is more than enough to what you need to be relevant. You don't have to live life without blessings, without maternal usage in every way, shape or form. You should and shall continue to exist or find fulfillment within that mindset. I'm not sure. But if your denial of his presence surrounding you is all that's relevant, you're probably bitter, you're probably bickering and you're not happy with some of the choices and decisions that you have for what you could be making. But don't point the finger, don't blame it on somebody else and the form of life that you've chosen if it don't provide sustainment, if it is not a living God and heaven and hell are not in on this earth.

Speaker 1:

And why heaven and hell? Because righteous and evil go hand in hand. So does right and wrong. You have to have a little bit of both, which my soul has sought repeatedly. But I have not found One man among a thousand. I found, but a woman among all these. I have not found Ecclesiastes 7.28, which my soul has sought repeatedly. Do you ever feel that I'm seeking a blessing? I'm seeking eternity, but my soul, repeatedly, is trying to find my creator, my savior, redeemer. It's like ET, it's like the movie. They want to touch fingers and ET go home. Right, it's funny, it's a good reference, but they're trying to get back home.

Speaker 1:

How many of you are invested in eternity? We've referenced heaven, we've talked about it. I'm not really sure. When we reference the afterlife, glorification and moving to that segmentation, we should be prepared, we should be equipped, we should be capable of accepting death. Don't you think I've been storing my treasures in heaven? It's time for me to go home. If you only knew the blessings that I have waiting on me. He gave me the talent, the ability, the skills, the tools, the trades that while I was on earth, I was capable of utilizing it, investing it and storing it where it belongs. Now I'm going to redeem, I'm cashing out, if you would. I'm walking away. I'm talking one lump sum payment straight to eternity.

Speaker 1:

But we fear it, we resent it and most of us what comes to our mind? Possibly a last will? I'm not really sure. I might have possessions on earth that might need to be appointed. I might need to go somewhere. I might need power of attorneys and power of medicals and these type of aspects. Oh Lord, forgive me, it could get extremely bad, but I have not found.

Speaker 1:

So, searching for our possessions, what we mean and what we find in that glorification, eternal presence, taking it to heaven in eternity but not bringing it back down, I have not found. But when you put it in his hands, when you invest in his maternal use, when each and every day, the laboring of your deeds is no more than fulfilling the needs and wants of others, why? Because what he's given to me should be for everybody, and I get it. There's privacy and personal in this world. You don't have to share your spouses and there's different aspects, but the blessings that I'm receiving are for everybody. All you have to do is accept it.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, we need to be baptized. We need to be on our knees, we need to be born again. Turn over a new leaf. One man among a thousand I have found, lord, help me so desperate in the search of pureness. But a woman among all these I have not found.

Speaker 1:

I think this is the reference. By the way, lord forgive me, I think it's the reference to pro-life, pro-creation. You can continue to do for others. What is all the love in the world if it's still the noisy clanging cymbal and you're not capable of being receptive or giving love and multiplying it in a sense of pro-life or in relationships. That's a tough one, isn't it? I am fast in finding love within one another and in some cases, ways, shapes and forms. I'm not capable. I'm not. So that's a tough one. We found the prison securely locked and the guards standing at the doors, but when we opened them we found no one inside. Acts 5.23.

Speaker 1:

My goodness, I wonder how come we are the ones condemning putting our hearts, souls and minds physically, intimately, socially, economically and substance-wise in shackles and chains because we're not happy with who we are or the levels of denial and acceptance that we possess. No, I walk a stern footing when I walk down that road and I'm happy with what he's given me. Some days it's not a whole lot. I feel like I'm fighting eternity and it's terrible, because every mindset, notion and aggression of advancement is that eternal image Be invested in eternity. By the way, have you ever tried it? Ah, some of us. I'm only going to accomplish this for today and I think that'll be good enough. I'm only going to get this far in life and after that I'm going to get a little bit of rest.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying it's right or wrong by the decisions that you've made, but try investing in eternity. I've got everything stored in eternity, everything that I could ever want. You'll notice your eternal images, your possessions, your belongings, even the substance here on earth. When you store it to eternity, the creature can't take it or give it away from you. Some of us, we're waking up and we store it to eternity. Creature can't take it or give it away from you. Some of us were waking up and we have individuals with us in some awkwardly way, shape and form. It's a different fashion of trying to be defined. You're working your way out of it. It's lower to the ground than you could ever go here.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give you this. I guess I'll give you back your spouses. I guess I'll give you back your substances. Oh yeah, you didn't want to deal with me. I guess I'll leave you alone. Yep, things like this.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. If it belongs to God, and then it should belong to you. I mean, he can't deny you. You can't deny him. They're not capable of taking it from you. It's not something that can be held back from you. The entities that can be held back from you, taken from you, robbed, stole and deprived from they don't belong to him. So that means they don't belong to you. But oh, it's so very nice.

Speaker 1:

Here I'm going to dangle that dollar in front of your face. She looks real good, did you see her? Make sure you smile when you see him Do a little bit of a turn so that he sees the right ankle. I'm not mad at you. In fact I'm going to raise a hand at you. Hallelujah. God bless you. Thank you for blessing with what capable and competence that God's put within your heart. You see, I'm not quick to judge. That might be all the love that they have to give, whether it's right or whether it's wrong. That's not on me, that's on them. I mean, I reckon it's between you and God. You're going to have to hash it out or you're going to have to talk to him about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure if you've heard of's been referencing a booth often and I mean I think it works. I'm not quite sure. You get in the confession booth and you open this little panel. Some of them they're spreading messages back and forth here. I got tickets to the Yankees. Have a good night? I'm not really sure Got a sandwich? Are you hungry? They do things different. Of course, they got cup and blood in the rosary Hail. Mary, help me win now and forever.

Speaker 1:

But as you confess and bleed out, you put it out. What do they say? It happens. I flesh out my feelings, my words and my emotions. I flesh them out, I let them take form. How many of you? Your eternal image is fleshing out. It takes shape, it takes root, it takes form.

Speaker 1:

I'm advancing within this milestone. I'm not holding it in, I'm not resenting it, I'm not depriving the ones that I have in my life, surrounding me, or the ones that I've chosen to be in my life, so that they cannot have a piece of the eternity, the paradise, the everlasting yes, the joy and happiness that he's found within me. This eternal movement is more than spiritualism, it's more than being defined and it is more than spiritualism. It's more than being defined and it's more than denying his presence. It's something that you hold near and dear because you take it to that mindset and, by the way, I mean, I prefer, I apologize for space tickets. I think different. So, as we advance within that milestone, we start seeing gifts and our gifts become eternal.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure how it happened, but I was in need. I've been single for X amount of years. I was losing hope. I was giving up on humanity. I kept praying on it. God, help me, let me find a spouse, let me have wives, let me have children, let me be capable of growing within my own garden, maternalizing it and giving back to you what you've given to me. And out of nowhere, here she came right in my life. I bumped into her, we started talking. Have given to me, and out of nowhere, here she came, right in my life. I bumped into her, we started talking and one thing led to another and I seen her again and she said we should do something sometime.

Speaker 1:

When you make the right decisions each and every day, regardless of what demographic you're in, regardless of what's going on, what season, what storm you're weathering, it's right or wrong, it's righteous, it's evil or it's ugly, bad and sad, you can rest assured that the solid foundation of your Savior and Redeemer is going to pull you through to the finish line. It's going to take that jump, that leap of faith if you would, and it's going to move you in ways that you've never been moved. You don't have to deal with things you don't want to, because you're capable of saying no, you're capable of walking away and you can turn the other cheek. I like to be saved, redeemed, blessed, and I like to bring it on in. I tell you the outright truth. You got to watch me. Occasionally I get a little bit spun right on up. They grab me by the heel and send me off to the races, and out the door I go.

Speaker 1:

A little bit of evilness will remind you of the sovereigns, of what it is to be forgiven. Each and every day, you should not deny any presence of what you've been given. If the Holy Spirit is the enactment that leads you in thought, word and deed, then every day your progression can move and it can move spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, intimately within you. Somebody even said substance, yes, of course, and abundance of everything. No, trinity. You can't find anything else. Do you know why? Because there's one source, and his source is going to be more than enough for you. As long as you are capable, you are able, within that discipline, with that degree, to be capable of acceptance within the invitation that you have received. You aren't going to have anything to worry about. You're not going to be upheaved.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, that prong queen, that girlfriend, that model that you wanted to see she's seen you the other day she's trying to get herself equipped and ready because she realizes that your wingman is the best wingman that you can have in the whole entire world. Hallelujah, and I sent counsel. I sent counsel within my Savior, within my Redeemer, lord, forgive me. And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors saying Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost. Luke 15, 9. What are we talking about here? Worth, economic, beyond the coin, we're talking about worth. So when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors Notice, when you've got love, when you've got compassion, when you've got economic means, when you've been blessed with substance, come, come, come in here, look what I found, look what he's did for me, rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.

Speaker 1:

You can stumble and fall as often as you want. You can lose complete control. You could be upheaved, you could be turned upside down. You can sell everything you own and start from bare minimum. You can be crawling on the ground, begging please, please, help me. And it doesn't really matter, because the forgiveness of being found within the rhetorical approach of advancing within scripture policy, eternal works, mixed with the foot advancing for external movements, is everything that you've needed. You don't need to deny him. Accept him so you can have everything.

Speaker 1:

So the very well hub, if you would remember what I said. The very well hub, if you would. It's going to be a powerhouse. It's going to be a centralized location to where we're going to be capable of having faith-based services in every way, shape or form and the laws and statutes and codes that they have wrote down on this world. Remember, I walk within the spirit. I am no longer under the law, hallelujah. It is no longer practical to us. We're actually capable of establishing private cities, private counties and private entities to where we get to manage our own. And it's also available. I've got it in Canada, Mexico and Germany. Not at this exact moment. That's why I'm trying to raise some money Lord help me but it's going to be practical. Businesses are interested. We've got a very, very big movement right now and I apologize.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to get carried away, but you can be lost as often as you want. You can stumble, fall and fail as often as you want, especially if it's not in the regard of what Of creature condemning you and telling you what's right or wrong for you. But being found, being found, is throwing up that white flag, it's surrendering, it's giving it to him, your creator, your savior, your redeemer, it's putting it within his hands. You don't have anything to worry about. You can advance, you can be saved, you can be redeemed, for there's glory that can be found within found, and grace and mercy are part of the accompaniness of the blessing that you're getting ready to receive.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure about you. I think different, and some of us need to have that mentality. Are you ready for the blessing? Are you ready to be found, found? Well, let's wrap this up with prayer lord, help me.

Speaker 1:

Our gracious, the heavenly father in christ, our savior, redeemer in strength and guidance, knowledge, wisdom, passion, integrity, devotion. Let the laboring of our hands, our feats, our minds, our hearts, our souls be pure, be pure in thought and word. Indeed, as we transgress, as we move, as we advance within this world, let us be reminded to give the gift of love, of compassion, of grace, maternal, physical, the whole person and everything that we've been given. Let us be reminded that it's been given to us as a blessing, so we can continue to bless those. Let us turn a cold hand, let us turn a cold cheek, let us walk away from the inequity and the strife, but let us maternalize within and finding the true value in it, how I can climb my spiritual ladder and I can continue to advance For the salvation and the price that was paid for my blood is a very high price so that I can obtain freedom, mercy and grace and salvation for the remission of my sins, with love, growth, knowledge, patience, pain and endurance. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior. In your name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for your contributions, thank you for listening, thank you for giving and your donations. Every contribution and donation that we receive is playing a very big impact on setting up communities, locations, colonies, if you would, cities and counties, to where we can have our own life, to where we're no longer living in shackles and chains, to where you can be born again, to where you can be revived, so that you can be saved and so that you can be redeemed. And my question that I'm going to leave you with here be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter, the social media, the Buzzsprout feeds. You might see some interesting facts, you see some cool arts, but the question I'm going to leave you with here today if you are forgiven now and forever, how should you ever be condemned? And if God shall be for you, who could possibly be against you?

Speaker 1:

God bless you. Thank you for listening. Make sure you smile. Make sure the gifts that you're receiving are gifts that you're capable and able of receiving and giving to others. God bless you. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very blessed day. Thank you.

The Path to Forgiveness and Redemption
Seeking Eternity and Redemption
Eternal Investments and Redemption
Blessings and Gifts of Giving