Life Or Death

Rediscovering Miracles and Faithful Living

June 24, 2024 Jes
Rediscovering Miracles and Faithful Living
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Rediscovering Miracles and Faithful Living
Jun 24, 2024

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Can miracles reshape our understanding of faith, probability, and divine intervention? In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the profound nature and significance of miracles, delving into why we react to these divine occurrences the way we do. We discuss miracles as gifts that challenge our perception of what's possible and what isn't, and consider how they can both inspire profound belief and raise doubts. Along the way, we emphasize the critical role of the Holy Trinity and the daily blessings we may overlook, urging listeners to maintain steadfastness and humility in their faith journey. Listen as we underscore the necessity of a devoted walk in life to truly experience and recognize these divine gifts.

We also highlight the critical importance of supporting religious institutions and services, specifically Life for Death Ministries. By focusing on the unique benefits that faith-based organizations provide, we express our heartfelt gratitude for the support received through social media and donations. This chapter underscores the responsibilities of believers to share joy, provide for others, and seek fulfillment in Christ. Join us as we explore the miraculous nature of our mission and the profound impact of recognizing God's presence in everyday life. Thank you for being part of our journey and contributing to our cause.

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Can miracles reshape our understanding of faith, probability, and divine intervention? In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the profound nature and significance of miracles, delving into why we react to these divine occurrences the way we do. We discuss miracles as gifts that challenge our perception of what's possible and what isn't, and consider how they can both inspire profound belief and raise doubts. Along the way, we emphasize the critical role of the Holy Trinity and the daily blessings we may overlook, urging listeners to maintain steadfastness and humility in their faith journey. Listen as we underscore the necessity of a devoted walk in life to truly experience and recognize these divine gifts.

We also highlight the critical importance of supporting religious institutions and services, specifically Life for Death Ministries. By focusing on the unique benefits that faith-based organizations provide, we express our heartfelt gratitude for the support received through social media and donations. This chapter underscores the responsibilities of believers to share joy, provide for others, and seek fulfillment in Christ. Join us as we explore the miraculous nature of our mission and the profound impact of recognizing God's presence in everyday life. Thank you for being part of our journey and contributing to our cause.

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Speaker 1:

The conversation is miracles, and I was going to state gifts of miracles. But why must we pronounce it miracles? Why do we pronunciate it? Why do we walk within it? Why don't we believe it? I think it could be part recourse, I'm not really sure. But we search this world, we find it, and it's supposed to be faith-based, right. We find substance the Holy Trinity, the Father, son, the Holy Spirit and every entity. We are guaranteed that when we walk out that door, regardless of what happens, that we can turn the other cheek, that we can walk away. We don't have anything to worry about. It's a little bit of recourse, right. We often fail as humanity in society. I don't think that it's going to happen. Oh, vengeance belongs to God, so you don't have anything to worry about. So just passively let it go.

Speaker 1:

This morning, the talk that I gave referenced what we were given to other individuals. I said when you give them hate and when they're suffering because you're alive, you're not giving to them, you're taking from them. You're taking their joy, their happiness, which ultimately belongs to God, does it not? I seek happiness and joy within him. My fulfillment, my sustainment, the commitments that I've made and I'm given within him is something that I can receive. So, when it's all taken away, it's not the miracle, it's the forelonging of it or the prolonging of it. We take it a little bit further. Miracle might be an insight of a disposition to where God doesn't exist.

Speaker 1:

Define the miracle in your mind. Somebody said it's amazing. I was like cool, it's amazing. It's completely something different. But I think about it different. It's something that creature wasn't capable of. There's no way that that happened. It's not possible. It's not probable. Cause and effect Crunch the numbers, do the stats on it. It could be population percentages. It's just not going to happen. And all of a sudden, here we are. Here we're standing with this miracle and of course, we define it to God. That one occurrence and I call it an occurrence, naturally it's a sort of a blessing. We're praising it, we're rejoicing about it. We want to tell other individuals in the communities and other dioceses, parishes and wards about it.

Speaker 1:

Listen to this miracle that's happened. Listen to it. It's outright upheaving. It changes the way that you think. But that's the same inequity that provides doubt.

Speaker 1:

I want you to think about the concept God doesn't exist in the world. How dare you? I know, be careful with the word choices Everybody's like very sensitive, I get it, but God, christ, the Father, son and Holy Spirit doesn't exist in the world in any way, shape or the form. How come, might you ask I, of the form? How come, might you ask? I don't understand. Because that one in a million, when it happens, that one in a trillion, when there's actually a miracle in this world, well, guess what? Now, that only creates more doubt. Oh, I heard that it happened for somebody. But I'll tell you what.

Speaker 1:

On a normal basis, god belonging to vengeance, or vengeance belonging to God, seeing a blessing, seeing somebody turn over a new life, being born again, blessing, saved, redeemed, in every way, shape or form, yes, through the blood, the body, the cup, that's actually real. I don't perceive it and I don't see it. So the miracle can't be the testament of something actually happened that was out of the ordinary. So then the question becomes is it ordinary to be receiving blessings of God in Christ daily? Am I invested in a vocation, in an actual devotion of walk to where I can say, in policy, principle, practicality, the movements of my hands and feet and laboring of the deeds, that he actually exists? Because if it doesn't, it only weakens me, right, it gets me really humble and bitter and it might just snap right off. I mean, I'm not quite sure Conditions of the mind, paralysis. It could be a physical condition.

Speaker 1:

I talked a couple nights ago of external works Very, very relevant. We forget about the eternal works. We're invested in it, we believe in it, we think in it. The body follows the mind, the mind follows the body, vice versa. I'm talking about a whole person here, health and wellness. So when we get to the point where we realize that the relevance of inequity is that I can't find this blessing that I believe in, we're stuck. We're sitting on the sideline. We're wondering, like, what's going to happen? Who should we talk to? We'll continue to be steadfast, continue to be very modest submissiveness to the truth.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's about God and Christ. It's not about you, but this life that we lead. We have the potential, capability, the service, the economic means, the infrastructures to be capable, competent, of providing to others. You can have fulfillment, you can seek Christ, you can discover life. How dare you rob somebody of life?

Speaker 1:

And often you hear me that, no, I enjoy stumbling. I was like what you want to fall? You want to lay down on the ground so you can turn over a new leaf. You want to find yourself within the confession. There's something about that location that makes me feel a little bit better about self. It's not that in any way, shape or form. If I am not capable or able capable or able of discovering this particular walk, genre, aspect of life in any way, shape or form, then I'm never going to make it. And when I say I'm never going to make it, think about what I'm saying. I'm trying to advance within this world. I would like to go beyond the visitation. I'd like to go beyond I'm going to stay here for a while the staying and I've referenced this to different milestones as we advance and climb in the theological ladder of maturity.

Speaker 1:

Miracles don't happen just out of hindsight. Well, there's a miracle. Now You've got something to look forward to Each and every day the relevance of what you believe should be practical. You should be sitting down at your parishes, within your congregations, referencing to individuals in more of a political standard. What is politics in religion? Religion, there's no subsidizing of it. There's no secondary. Well, there's a secondary source. Creature wrote this down on paper. It's very relevant. No, it don't work.

Speaker 1:

You should be talking as a church, a body and a state what faith-based services need and what they should be implicated in and how each and every one of us is going to be capable of receiving it. I don't want, nor do I need, to be upheaved or to be denied. In fact, I can't deny somebody else, or how should I deny him. So the miracle is for longing the truth, and the truth is we got to get over the hump. I've seen an institution. I receive a magazine in the mail. Quite a few of them tell you the truth. I don't want to name drop anybody and I'm reading it and I open it up, and this particular religious vicinity is a spot where they're helping individuals get over a problem and an issue.

Speaker 1:

I start thinking along the lines of competence. This is something God and Christ provided it's on earth. There shouldn't be abundance of everything. There's no excuses. Nobody should be suffering in any way, shape or form, but all we're capable of doing is acknowledging the inequity and we'll try to nurse you through this so you can come out on the other side. I thought to myself but there is no problem, you cannot support sin and call it God, but wait, every form of life we believe in. That's not so much even about belief, is it? Every form of life that is actually practical within this earth is approved by God and denied by creature. We deny it because we're incapable of acceptance. Because, ultimately it's his and boy, we'd like to make it ours, and we'd like to make it ours real quick, because when it's about us, it's fulfilling, it's demeaning, and when it's about somebody else, I mean Lord, help me. We're just not capable, we're not able.

Speaker 1:

Miracles being told it's so very, very relevant Deprive ourselves only to find out that his existence within eternity might not happen at all. Well, I believe, and I believe each and every day. My purest form of testament is the walk, is the grace of my salvation. I don't believe that we should be making decisions on one another. I find happiness in joy and sustainment and fulfillment, but yet, then again, we might not be searching for the right key, for the right antidote or for the right solution.

Speaker 1:

Let us not misunderstand the concept here. The miracle can be an inequity that guides you as an individual, but we, as a second coming and I know it sounds so stupid right, like you're waiting for your creator, your savior. We're trying to keep it simple we need to be together in our church, our bodies, our wards, our parishes, and we need to be coming together to be making sure that we have faith-based services being offered. I, as a Christian, as a believer, as a humble servant yes, come into my heart, so in mind should never have to walk into an institution to where God and Christ aren't relevant, to, where God and Christ aren't being offered to, where I am being condemned immediately because I'm alive.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to have to suffer and I don't want to be upheaved in any way, shape or form, but the miracle being told, I shouldn't have to wait for that candle to be lit once in my life and see the smile in somebody else's eyes so that I can proclaim that God exists. We have the competence, the means, the disciplines, the degrees in every aspect to be capable of offering it here on earth. So waiting for a miracle is like waiting for your life to pass by and I know the sand globe turned upside down, and waiting for the last grain to drop on through or the grain of wheat to hit the floor To dust. We shall return, but let us be born again, let us be rejuvenated and every day let our purest form of testament, be the miracle that we are capable, able of providing sustainment within, for independence is something that we truly need to learn how to embrace, because if God doesn't exist within you, you'll never be capable of finding him, and that requires a personal, private relationship. So don't deprive yourself of the blessing. Be capable of receiving it, of being respected within it and diving deep within the solution.

Speaker 1:

Invest in the youth, in prayer, in thoughts and thoughts, and words and deeds, but actual acts remember the external works only are practical when the eternal works follow and coincide. Ask your church, ask your body, the congregation where you attend, what issues are important to them from a religious perspective and I'm not, I'm not derogative in the sense of your priorities, might be wrong but find out if they're capable, able, able of finding God and Christ within every institution, life and facet that they have, because if they would, there'd be an abundance of everything. They won't have anything to worry about, they'd be given and they'd also be receiving. Remember the score and the measure. You seek to find inequity, and inequity is what you will be finding, but seek to find blessings, to find redemption, to be invested in it, in whole person and whole body and I truly think that we can change the world that we live in.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for listening to Life for Death Ministries. Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter, check out the Buzzsprout feed. Thank you for your donations and don't forget about the GoFundMe page. So very, very important that we're capable of starting institutions, churches, buildings, faculties, administrations, to where you don't have to deal with non-religious based services. Do you know why? Because they don't work for you. I'm going to tell you the truth and Lord forgive me it's outright a miracle. Thank you for listening. God bless you.

Exploring the Concept of Miracles
Supporting Religious Institutions and Services