Life Or Death

Stop Stealing My Joy...#GodGiven

June 24, 2024 Jes
Stop Stealing My Joy...#GodGiven
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Stop Stealing My Joy...#GodGiven
Jun 24, 2024

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What if the secret to a more fulfilling life lies in giving rather than taking? Join us in this episode as we uncover the profound principle of reciprocity through the teachings of Luke 6:38. We explore the deep impact of generosity on our lives and relationships, and consider how resisting the urge to take from others—whether it be their joy or happiness—affects us. Reflecting on personal responsibility, we'll discuss the consequences of our actions, societal hope for justice, and the pitfalls of seeking restitution outside divine guidance.

On a more personal note, I share my own struggles with the morality of taking versus giving. Reflecting on a hectic day, I delve into my thoughts on preventing others from finding happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Through biblical references and personal stories, I emphasize the importance of helping the weak and needy, and highlight the joy and purpose that come from sponsoring charitable activities and envisioning a future where my ministry supports education and personal growth. Despite setbacks, my delight in the Lord remains strong, and I encourage you to find the same resilience and joy.

We'll also examine the balance between wants and needs, and how desires play a crucial role in our personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. By exploring the teachings of Christ, we reflect on the blessings that come from selfless acts of giving. We discuss the holistic dimensions of tithing and how offering all aspects of oneself can lead to divine blessings. Finally, we call upon you to plant seeds of faith and nurture them, aiming for a prosperous life in alignment with divine purpose. Tune in for heartfelt insights, spiritual guidance, and a call to live a life of generosity and integrity.

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What if the secret to a more fulfilling life lies in giving rather than taking? Join us in this episode as we uncover the profound principle of reciprocity through the teachings of Luke 6:38. We explore the deep impact of generosity on our lives and relationships, and consider how resisting the urge to take from others—whether it be their joy or happiness—affects us. Reflecting on personal responsibility, we'll discuss the consequences of our actions, societal hope for justice, and the pitfalls of seeking restitution outside divine guidance.

On a more personal note, I share my own struggles with the morality of taking versus giving. Reflecting on a hectic day, I delve into my thoughts on preventing others from finding happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Through biblical references and personal stories, I emphasize the importance of helping the weak and needy, and highlight the joy and purpose that come from sponsoring charitable activities and envisioning a future where my ministry supports education and personal growth. Despite setbacks, my delight in the Lord remains strong, and I encourage you to find the same resilience and joy.

We'll also examine the balance between wants and needs, and how desires play a crucial role in our personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. By exploring the teachings of Christ, we reflect on the blessings that come from selfless acts of giving. We discuss the holistic dimensions of tithing and how offering all aspects of oneself can lead to divine blessings. Finally, we call upon you to plant seeds of faith and nurture them, aiming for a prosperous life in alignment with divine purpose. Tune in for heartfelt insights, spiritual guidance, and a call to live a life of generosity and integrity.

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Speaker 1:

Give and it'll be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For what the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Good morning. Luke 6, 38. Come, come, just come and join. You're very, very welcome. Give and it'll be given to you.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, we resist that temptation, though right, to be given to you. A lot of us, we resist that temptation, though right. When we have an aggressive assertion towards a policy, principle, creature, human being, a fellow brothers and sisters, are we given to them or are we taking what our wants and needs are? You see, we often feel like I don't want what you're giving me. They woke up, they're all snarly, somebody bit them, they're on the wrong side of the bed, they stubbed their toes, they're having a bad hair day and things are just like ah, I don't have it. We're not giving. At that exact moment, in fact, we're stealing, we're taking. We're stealing their joy away from them, we're taking their happiness away from them. The actions and decisions that we're making are causing them to not be happy. I don't want to be a cost and expense to anybody else. In fact, the good measure. Why is it a good measure, because every one of his works is good and he works within me and I work within them. Press down, why press down? Footloose and fancy free if you would, because it's continuing to be on that solid foundation, shaken together, and I say I'm unshaken. I'm unshaken within that, I'm not rattled and rattled and I'm just upheaved about it. I'm running over. Yes, of course, running over. Further than you could ever imagine will be put into your lap. Here it comes. So what you're doing to others will be gave back into you. So you're taking their happiness away from them, stealing my sunshine. You're stealing their joy. You're taking everything that they have, want and need and using it against them. Don't let that be the derogatory for you. It'll come back to haunt you. It'll eat you alive, for with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us don't believe in this. We hear it and we're like, yeah, I really don't think there's any consequences for making any mistakes in this world. It and we're like, yeah, I really don't think there's any consequences for making any mistakes in this world. I don't think that's right. This is the part of the world that we needed to see an improvement in.

Speaker 1:

Most of us have lost hope when it comes to the score measure you use with others will be the score measure that gets used on you Judgment day. Very well, well done, if you would think about what I'm saying. We lost hope as society, as humanity. Well, it doesn't really work. I don't think there's anything that's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

The only other choices, of course, would be restitution in the sense of violence, rage Thou shall not kill, actually like hurting somebody, taking matters in your own hands, like hurting somebody right, or going to an essence of I'm legally going to get you in trouble which isn't an essence of God either. So, immediately, the only options that we have to attempt to justify the check and balance, the way in the scale, is to search to institutions that no longer are God involved. So do you think it's our punishment? By the way and I think it's a good, interesting topic for discussion it must be our punishment when we steer away from God in Christ and we're looking into institutions to where they don't even belong. They don't exist and there's shiny little badges and there's no commandments or there is no God, there is no give, score or measure, and we're the ones who can tell you how to live? I think different. Do you think it's our punishment that we're looking to them as to be God, that we're looking to them to be the ones that are going to make things right? How is it that we are taking from others and all of a sudden it's their problem? You've stole my happiness away. No, no, no, I'm a very happy person. I practice daily with God, with Christ, with the Holy Spirit, with the enactment. I'm very subtle. I live a very good life. I lead a life, live a life worth leading and lead a life worth living. Yes, of course, isn't it rhetorical? He fits in the picture in somewhere. See, I don't steal anything from anybody. I don't take anything from anybody. I can't afford the cost and the expense behind that score and measure. It's just like too expensive. And I don't care how many zeros are behind the bank account. I can't do it like that. And it's a bank account. Of course everybody's involved and it's not. It's about God and Christ and surrounding the soul of omission.

Speaker 1:

I had a confession last night. I went to bed and thought on the mind very busy day, a couple different locations and I was sitting there and I think out loud, I talk out loud and then I try to talk to some of my friends. I was thinking I said I just couldn't do it. Lord forgive me. I said, even at my very, very worst, I don't think that I have it to do it. And the reference was like what are you talking about? I don't understand. I said I just couldn't stop, prevent somebody's life from advancing. I couldn't be the person that was still in their happiness, preventing God and Christ from being in their life and preventing life from advancing. They have to want you to be in their life. And everybody starts scratching their head like what does that even mean? And I'm sitting here saying it's a confession of what I've witnessed, what I've experienced. I just can't be that person.

Speaker 1:

If you can't make that decision, the decisions that they're making, you don't have to deal with it in any way, shape or form. So the ones that are making those decisions, they should be dealing with, the ones that are afflicting one another. If you steal happiness from one another, you should be with the ones who steal happiness from one another. If you praise, if you give, if you sing, if you rejoice, you should be with the ones that rejoice, that proclaim the glory, the grace, and no way, shape or form should it ever be that your life is stopped, it's upheaved because of somebody else. So that oppression of give is more of a take.

Speaker 1:

And you've heard I've took, all right tooken. I'm over here, I'm like, I'm given every day, 24-7, in every way, shape and form. I'm given physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, economically, every aspect possible I'm given. These individuals are tooken in a complete different mindset, by the way. Does it work? No, there's always a cost and expense and they're never happy. God forbid me when tying the shoe in the morning and lacing up the boots is irrelevant because it doesn't work and we're just walking out the door. We've got issues In all things.

Speaker 1:

I have shown you that by working hard in this way must help. We must help the weak and remember the words of Lord Jesus, how he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20, 35,. I apologize, lord, forgive me, I'm stumbling all over the place here this morning Must be a sense of moral crucifixion, condemnation and persecution because of a Christian belief. It could be in all things that I have shown you. We've seen it, we've heard it, we've been delivered. I am received now and forever. That by working hard in this way. We must help the weak and remember the words the needy and the poor. Help the weak. Those that are weak sometimes are more self-defiant, aren't they? I'm the took and I'm taken from you. Those that are weak, I don't have self, I'm not capable and able. It's an expense to others.

Speaker 1:

I like to give, I like it. I sponsor a friend of mine from Commerce Children's Hospital. I usually walk for an hour every morning. I say where are you? We try to raise some money. We get to have fun. She's seen some of the friends that I have in my life and some of the professional and personal acquaintances and it's really nice, it's enjoyable, I enjoy it. I envision after the ministry gets up to full speed here I'll be taking certain lives all the way to college and professionalism and personal and intellectual and sponsoring individuals. Plus, I like charity. I give a lot for sisters and nuns, franciscans, jesuits, things like this latter days occasionally. It's fun, I really enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

There's a reward behind giving. You get to actually see what you're accomplishing and put it in works, and it's touching heart, souls and minds. I'm reminded of the testament that when we are capable of touching a heart, soul and mind, creating sustainment, finding fulfillment. The next person that encounters the person that you helped, they might be capable of offering the same notion and token. But if we're only taking from one another, abusing, hurting, violating one another then the next person might be violated, hurt and taken for granted. It becomes very, very poor. Pness spreads like a disease and there is no stop or cure for it and it's very inadequate. You wish there was some way to help it, but there's not. It's very, very sad.

Speaker 1:

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart, psalms 37.4. So delight yourself in the Lord in every way, shape or form, but it requires works and acts, laboring of the deeds. You hear me often say they're growing pains, because I continue to grow, even the sense of defiance, when I am disturbed, when I'm discovering, when I'm upheaved, twists, setbacks and failures. I'm still discovering him and I'm still advancing. So delight yourself in the Lord. You can rejoice when you fail. By the way, don't let, like creature or yourself, self, moral condemnation like, oh, it's the end of the world. There is no other alternative. I don't think so. The world continues to advance and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Speaker 1:

We had a talk yesterday and we were talking about wants and needs and somebody that was brilliant, brilliant beyond means in any way possible. They said let's focus on needs. And I said needs doesn't get you anywhere. The confession of restriction and limitation of society. You see, within needs you can't ever discover, you don't ever grow, you don't get anywhere. You got what you need and you're just like stuck right there, like you can't go anywhere. And I'm not into the stuck aspect and the right there, excellent, cool. So no flicking ahead and you got good plumbing when now trying to ship you off with a postage stamp.

Speaker 1:

Forgive me, but the mindset, the mentality, wants are more relevant in this world because they provide sustainment. When somebody is capable of helping you with your wants, you're capable of discovering, you're capable of failing, succeeding. If you only have what you need, you lose everything in every way, shape or form. And I don't like to lose, I like to advance, I like to continue to evolve. To tell you the outright, honest truth, forgive me, I enjoy failure. I find light within the darkness. Because of Christ, I am saved, I am delivered, I am redeemed. So my possessiveness within the mortality of the walk of the crucifixion, in my daily enactment is no more than me finding myself at that humble, landing on my knees. If you would not enjoying persecution, not being taken from, but giving, giving so that I can receive the blessing. Yes, of course, and come, come into my heart, soul, mind, save me, redeem me, deliver me and find me. You see, I don't like to be upheaved and nobody says anybody else, but if we only focused on needs, nobody in this world ever gets anywhere. They're never capable of discovering. They're not capable of sustaining, of advancing. They're never capable of discovering. They're not capable of sustaining of advancing. It's a failure to society.

Speaker 1:

You've chosen to limit yourself and everybody else. But how can that be relevant to me? Why don't you limit yourself? I want to continue to grow, to expand. I even want to fail.

Speaker 1:

So wants become more relevant than needs, because wants are an item of God. Did you hear what it said? Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. That's your wants. It's way beyond needs. How can you, as a creature God-loving, right God, help me, and you're trying to continue thy father's work If you would continue the desires of the hearts for others by denying the presence of what Scripture of purpose, divinity, steadfastness within a devotion. That sacrament isn't going to get you where you need and where you want to belong.

Speaker 1:

So wants and needs go together, but once a limitation and a restriction, it's token taking you for granted. I'm only going to let you worry about your wants. It's the exact opposite Only going to worry about your needs. I'm taking you for granted when it's about your wants. Here it comes. Now you can have fulfillment. Now you can fail. Now you can succeed. Now you can learn. You can find God and Christ within your own discipline.

Speaker 1:

The directive that he's given you, what he's put on your heart, is made for you to advance His good works. Remember, every work that he has is a good work, not a bad work. So we bring it within there and we advance. We leave it all on the court. You know what I mean. Did you see the numbers I put up last night?

Speaker 1:

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open the window of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more, need I like that? Micaiah 3.10, till there is no more need. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse. And what is the full tithe? It's not only an economic measure, but it might be the whole person. It might be spiritual, it might be physical, intimate, personal and professional. We bring and offer everything that we have here with the hands here, as if we're giving it and we're delivering to somebody else, that there may be food in my house.

Speaker 1:

I was once blind, but now I see. I was once naked and you clothed me. I was seeking shelter and you housed me For me and my house. We will serve. Yes, of course the Lord. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts. Do you have to be tested by creatures? I just wanted to see how you were going to respond.

Speaker 1:

I've used the excuse of inequity and taking and stealing and depriving other human beings of life so that I can find joy in watching individuals fail. My Lord, you did what? Sometimes, I think a little bit different, not to get carried away here. If I will not open the windows of heaven for you, open it up, but you have to be capable of receiving it right. They can open it up. That doesn't mean you're delivered, you're receiving it. You're advancing, you're walking within that milestone. It's a stairway to heaven, it's eternity. I'm moving within that mile and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. My Lord, have mercy. A blessing Life itself is a gift, a gift of a blessing until there is no more need.

Speaker 1:

I think that we forget. And back to kind of what I had mentioned just a little bit ago. We are reminded daily and it's sad, it's very sovereign I'm working on a plan and initiative with GoFundMe right now currently to where faith-based services are going to be offered, and you can find that sort of restitution and deliverance in every enactment, in every genre of life. But we forget when we walk out into this world. God and Christ aren't available and vengeance belongs to God, or I'm going to be saved, I'm going to be redeemed. The same score measure that I use on others is the same score measure that I'm receiving by. It doesn't work. If it worked, it would be different. So we seek out institutions where it doesn't belong. A blessing until there is no more need. Well, if we could start today by planting a solid seed, a seed of faith, watching it grow within belief.

Speaker 1:

Restitution yes, of course you can be paid back for all your inequities in the sense of a gift of life. Then it might grow, it might show to have prosperity and we might advance within that mindset. And I'm not sure, maybe each and every one of us. We take the pill and it affects us. Different Results vary per patient and it could be client. But no, I'm a child, a child of the most high God, and I seek heaven. I seek eternity. I don't want to fail and I don't want to fall, but I find it so undermining or upheaving that each and every day we have to deal with things that don't belong to God. We should live in a world to where consent is embraced. When somebody says no, it's no. You're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody in any way, shape or form. You don't need to. So giving and taking needs to become more practical, and I think that's judgment day. I think it's also very well, it could be well done. Treat others the way that you want to be treated, and some of us we shudder when we hear those words. Knees start shaking and we run for the hills and it's like take cover, trying to get like into the ground or something. That's extreme, but that blessing for no more need is the fulfillment, the peace, the contentment.

Speaker 1:

Remember the talk that I gave last week or a couple weeks ago? I'm going to start off by visiting. I'll visit the topic, the subject. I'll visit the substance, the Trinity and I'll visit occasionally. Now I'm going to stay, I'm going to stay within that topic. It's caught my interest. I'm visiting with him. I'm starting to create a relationship. Now we can advance to the next level. I'm walking and exercising within it. I'm utilizing these tools that I've been equipped with, these practical policies, principles, and I'm advancing within my own life, scripturally, to create sustainment. Finally, I'm giving it back to him, I'm putting it to rest and I'm putting it back into God's hands, to where there is no more need.

Speaker 1:

Anytime there's a defiance in an equity in any way, shape or form, it should return back to that visitation. Now you're visiting the topic, you're letting inequity in, you're being sidelined, you're not putting up the type of events that you want to. Now I need to advance, to staying. Now I need to continue to move and to walk and to exercise, and then the final step is to put it rest, to put it back into God's hands and there is no more need. You see, we graduate from each topic, from every search and for every belief right, we're given fulfillment, the eternal essence of it. We possess the ability of acceptance and we can give it because we've received it, not taken or took, and we can give it, and I think that is very, very relevant.

Speaker 1:

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share. 1 Timothy 6.18,. They're to do good. That's each and every one of us. We're supposed to do good to one another. Good morning, how are you? I'm Jesse Dracke, life for Death Ministries. I have lives and loves to offer within discipline, degree, competence and means, with, very well, health. We have physicians on standby when now they're capable of providing you not only physicians but houses. We can make it happen. Yes, of course, to be rich in good works. Every one of the works are rich because they belong to him. They're very healthy, they're prosperity, they advance. To be generous and ready to share.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's certain things in this world that you can't share. But you can share your happiness, your joy, but there are limitations. You don't have to share your substance. You don't have to share your spouses, your career, your professionalism, uh-uh, what we're intended to share with one another could never cause strife and equity for somebody else. So individuals think different.

Speaker 1:

You've heard me say this before If you feed somebody every day and at the end of the day they're still hungry, what did you accomplish? And so think about this If you share something with somebody else, somebody else can experience joy, but it created pain, turmoil and strife for somebody else. What did you accomplish? So there's certain entities that we need to be mature enough to be capable of handling receiving, receptiveness, and incapable of giving. And you've heard me say it Most individuals in this world and it's a terrible reference, a lot of individuals in this world would not want what you're giving.

Speaker 1:

But when you try to give sin and equity, death, the chains and shackles that have been placed on you and you're trying to give it to somebody else, you're stealing their happiness away from them. You're being stolen, you're being sold. If you would, it's almost like the auction. So this is crazy. Last night somebody went really, really bad. It was relevant.

Speaker 1:

Don't steal somebody's happiness. Don't be the reason why their life's upturned and upheaved. Remember that it's not replaceable, the gift of life, and if it is the same score and measure that is used for you and it shall be used for them. Then you shall continue to seek advancement, you don't have to worry about anything, but don't let them define you. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods. Do not demand them back, luke 6,. There is a tough one though, isn't it? Vengeance belongs to God. There is a check and balance in this world. Give to everyone who begs from you Golly, help me Go to some bigger cities. They got their hand out immediately. Can you spare some change, trying to get a bus ride real quick? And from one who takes away your goods, do not demand them back. I just don't think that that's right.

Speaker 1:

A biblical presence of interpretation. You're not supposed to have anybody that's taken or took anything from you. That's not of God. Being of God would be the point, the rhyme, the reason. If somebody's taken something from you, it's not of God. So you say no, you decline. The consent is not there, no longer is the value. I'm walking away, I'm turning the other cheek and I'm going to continue to advance within what I can do for him and what he can do for me, so I can do for others. Remember the bright side and the dark side of things. This continues to advance, by the way. Listen to me.

Speaker 1:

But love your enemies and do good and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High Luke 6, 35,. For he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. My Lord forgive me. I once heard somebody say every form of life is accepted by God, by Christ, but denied by creature, and I think it's wrapping it up there. But love your enemies. I don't have any enemies, but they're enemies of God, because the persecution of the religion, the testament, the steadfastness does not exist. Do good and lend, expect nothing in return. Expectations can be obligation, can be the confession of inequity. He is the provider for me. Very good, expect nothing in return I experienced that just a little bit ago and your reward will be great, amazing, astonishing. Your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind and ungrateful to the ungrateful and to the evil.

Speaker 1:

See, and immediately we usually condemn, immediately we're well, you're not worthy, you're not capable, you're not able. No, I'm not given to this person, no, I don't like who they are. If you're not capable of ungratefully giving unconditionally. I'm not interested in what you're giving, and I think it's a good form of testament. Be careful of what you're opening the door to. You open the door to somebody that's got expectations for you and this is what they're going to do for you. You're giving them consent. I'm not giving you consent. I'm not interested. I'm walking away and I'm not going to give you my sunshine or my happiness.

Speaker 1:

Be merciful, even as your father is merciful Luke 6.36. And I think that's it. Be merciful. Thank you, mercy. Be grateful, have an abundance of joy and happiness and return back to salvation, return back to the cross, to washing of the feet and bearing your own inequities.

Speaker 1:

As often as possible, they say bear your inequities. I think I've learned to love them. They exist in a sense of eternal works and they continue to manifest every day, and the external works is no more than a compliment of the grace and glory from heaven and eternity that I've received, for I find myself not to be judged and not to judge others, but continue to be blessed and being forgiven. Let me wrap this up in prayer. And others, but continue to being blessed and being forgiven. Let me wrap this up in prayer, and I know it's a tough one. One more verse Judge not and you will not be judged. Condemn not and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

Speaker 1:

Luke 6, 37. Very good, same score and measure. We've heard it, everybody knows it's the truth. Let's wrap this up Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, when we give, look us to strive to give in happiness and joy and love. Let us be reluctant to the inequity of the world. Let us turn a cold shoulder, turn the cheek, walk away. Let us not be drownded in a sea of abyss or into a sense of epiphany, to where we have no conclusion, where to go. Let us be reminded that we can return to the cross, to salvation, to the glory, the blood, the cup, the bread, each and every day, and that we can find our whole existence within ourselves and with the ones we make commitment to. We ask that you continue to honor our thoughts, our wants, our needs, so that we can advance. Remind us that our wants are no more than the Holy Spirit being the enactment within us, so that we can continue to discover you within every genre and every assertion, with love, compassion, grace, growth. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter, check out the Buzzsprout feed. Don't forget about GoFundMe raising money to have a power hub for very well Faith-based services. We can get individuals out of trouble. Clean up your record, make sure you have employment, careers, substance, personal, professional, whole person, developing heart, souls and minds, continuing to advance. Looking to possibly create some housing for Franciscan sisters, involving sisters of life out of New York, having a house of hope for bitter, battered women, ones that are having children. They've been taken advantage of, they're looking for a new beginning, things like this A lot of advancement, a lot of growth, a lot of pledges. Haven't received quite a lot of input at this moment. When I know more information, I'll be sure to post it and share the story, share what God's works are within the ministry.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. Thank you for your contributions, your donations, your involvement, your giving, caring and wanting goes a very, very long ways and continuing to create sustainment in this world. So, as you give and as you advance, as you smile and as you succeed, don't forget, don't be taken. In some cases, what you're giving to others is stealing their sunshine, their happiness, their joy from them. Continue to give in a sense of reluctance. I'm going to give generously because I expect to receive generously. Well, god bless you. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very good day, thank you.

The Law of Reciprocity
The Power of Giving and Receiving
Sowing Seeds of Faithful Giving
The Art of Giving and Forgiveness