Life Or Death

Darkening In The Awakening

June 23, 2024 Jes
Darkening In The Awakening
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Darkening In The Awakening
Jun 23, 2024

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Can knowledge become a stumbling block on your spiritual journey? Join us as we explore this profound question through the lens of the Book of Job. We'll grapple with the dual nature of knowledge, cautioning against its potential to foster pride and control while advocating for a humble reliance on divine wisdom. Through heartfelt personal testimonies and biblical insights, we underscore the significance of seeking God's counsel and the redemptive power of faith in navigating life's complexities. Discover how mindfulness in our words and actions can illuminate the path to spiritual growth, offering light even in the darkest moments.

Have you ever faced an identity crisis in understanding your relationship with God? We tackle this common struggle, emphasizing that faith should permeate every aspect of our lives, not just isolated moments. Reflect on how God’s creation empowers us with knowledge and capability to influence our daily decisions and interactions. By recognizing God's presence in every person and situation, we can balance righteousness with redemption and move beyond societal definitions to forge a deeply personal understanding of our Creator.

What does it mean to evolve spiritually and embrace the power of acceptance and redemption? We navigate the transformative journey of spiritual advancement, stressing the importance of acknowledging one's spiritual needs and maintaining an unwavering connection with the Holy Trinity. Drawing from biblical references and personal experiences, we reflect on the eternal salvation offered through faith and the assurance of divine approval. Embrace the love, life, and personal growth that come from aligning with a higher purpose, and learn to view earthly struggles as insignificant in the grand tapestry of divine support and guidance.

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Can knowledge become a stumbling block on your spiritual journey? Join us as we explore this profound question through the lens of the Book of Job. We'll grapple with the dual nature of knowledge, cautioning against its potential to foster pride and control while advocating for a humble reliance on divine wisdom. Through heartfelt personal testimonies and biblical insights, we underscore the significance of seeking God's counsel and the redemptive power of faith in navigating life's complexities. Discover how mindfulness in our words and actions can illuminate the path to spiritual growth, offering light even in the darkest moments.

Have you ever faced an identity crisis in understanding your relationship with God? We tackle this common struggle, emphasizing that faith should permeate every aspect of our lives, not just isolated moments. Reflect on how God’s creation empowers us with knowledge and capability to influence our daily decisions and interactions. By recognizing God's presence in every person and situation, we can balance righteousness with redemption and move beyond societal definitions to forge a deeply personal understanding of our Creator.

What does it mean to evolve spiritually and embrace the power of acceptance and redemption? We navigate the transformative journey of spiritual advancement, stressing the importance of acknowledging one's spiritual needs and maintaining an unwavering connection with the Holy Trinity. Drawing from biblical references and personal experiences, we reflect on the eternal salvation offered through faith and the assurance of divine approval. Embrace the love, life, and personal growth that come from aligning with a higher purpose, and learn to view earthly struggles as insignificant in the grand tapestry of divine support and guidance.

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Speaker 1:

Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Job 38.2. We proclaim it, we testify it. Right, we've put our words to rest. Don't we advance each segmentation, not trying to be a little over-analytical? Good morning, welcome, come. Come and join me, join me for the deliverance. But don't we invest in our own personal restitution? Isn't it like I'm taking this notion, advancing it and taking it to the eternity, to the eternal image? Am I not finding God in Christ within every aspect and every way, shape and form? We can advance within that. I don't like to be darkened, I don't like to be put on down, I like to shine bright, like a diamond, if you would. So our investment is who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? And knowledge is a good reference. I'll take this from the end and I'll move forward here. So the first become last, the last become first. We'll start with knowledge. What is knowledge? It's possibly the forbidden fruit, the tree of knowledge right Tastes. So ever good, my Lord, help me. And when we gain knowledge we've deceptively seen this before our knowledge gets decryptive, it's saddened, it's oppression, it becomes bondage to us, it becomes that the knowledge that we've received is no longer tolerable by anybody else in any way, shape or form, for we know better than everybody else and we're going to force it, we're going to show them, we're going to tell them and now we're only good for making decisions on others.

Speaker 1:

We asked a question here recently. I have a lot of friends international. A lot of them have a lot of power. Might wealth, economics, influence hands, tech, everything that you could think of, communications, health, education, everything you could think of? And we were having a conversation the other night and the reference was knowledge. Well, knowledge is no more than the acceptance of what self is capable of. Knowledge can never be knowledge power. I think they're both the same acceptance. It can never be. I'm only capable of making decisions on others. You know, making decisions on others must be or shall be rock bottom. When you have established or confined that the only necessary notion how to advance from this particular demographic location season of storm is to start making decisions on God's creation, well then you've lost hope and there is nothing else. My Lord, it only gets worse from there. So the knowledge is deceptive.

Speaker 1:

I also believe in opposition. What is the knowledge on the flip side of it? The knowledge on the flip side is more along the lines of what I surrender, the white flag I surrender. I'm putting it within his hands. I'm smart enough to know better, I don't have to experience it.

Speaker 1:

And that's not taken for granted that when you fall, you stumble, you fail in this world, that you can continue to be forgiven. The derogative of salvation yes, through the blood and cup you are saved and you are redeemed. But it's more of the notion of putting it where it belongs. It's possessive, you know it doesn't belong to you. I didn't say that you couldn't use it, I didn't say that you couldn't exercise within it, but it doesn't belong to you. And I think that's where we need to advance, or that's what we need to learn how to accept, live in a world where everybody can have sustainment, rest assured, an abundance of everything. You are forgiven, you are redeemed is no more than the gratitude of what God has given for us.

Speaker 1:

Counsel by words, proclaim it, speak it, hear it, witness it, see it, take it. It's a DNA, it's in on your heart, it's in the blood, it's what you're perceiving right. And we say to be pure in thought and heart and soul and mind and word and deed. Counsel by word. You hear me say it often. Who do I seek? The great counsel of my Savior, my Redeemer, the Shepherd? Yes, of course I seek counsel within him. I don't point the finger at somebody else in a sense of blame it's your fault, this is happening. Oh, no, no, no, no. You'll often see me on my knees, yes, of course, praying or a sense of repentance. So I'm seeking counsel of him, knowing that I'm forgiven, now and forever. By the way, it's not just a short-term coming to his existence in my life. No, no, no. I'm taking it there and I'm putting it within that mindset.

Speaker 1:

So, by the words, we proclaim it, we listen to it, we testify it. Not only is it what we're seeing, hearing, but it's also what we're speaking. We need to be careful on what we're exiting, what we're having. Leave our mouth. You know the story. What we're exiting, what we're having, leave our mouth. You know the story. Cut the tongue right out of the mouth, jab the eye out and cut the hand off.

Speaker 1:

If you would think about what I'm saying. We have to be very, very capable of what we're actually releasing from us, because inequity lies on the inside, and so does our blessings. Darkens. Who is this that darkens? But it's a tough one though, isn't it? I find light within the dark, and I often find dark within the light Very good. That's a sense of confession, advancement. I am forgiven, redeemed.

Speaker 1:

How often have you been tried in life and you've faced inequity and unfortunate events happen, something that should have defined you, set you back, twist and turn in some way, shape or form, and presently, today's day and age, you can reflect on it. You can reflect on how he was present with you, how you look behind you and you've seen footprints and somebody was carrying you through the sand. See, he's with us each and every day in every way, shape and form. So the darkening down, it might be that you need to start feeling some of the darkness, absorbing some of the darkness, so that your counsel by words, without knowledge, can actually be perceived. It's okay to stumble and it's okay to fall, but it's very, very reluctant to be capable of advancing in every notion. So I advance within the darkness.

Speaker 1:

By the way, discovery and a lot of you of the daily listeners, thank you for listening. Discovery is over half the battle of defining who God in Christ is to you. It's the identity crisis. We see a picture. There's long hair of Christ. There's a beard. We think about God.

Speaker 1:

We're not quite sure who is he in our lives, how is he enactment in our lives and how do we get that role or that part that he's playing to be relevant? Because it's not a necessity, because it's not a visitation, it's not just well, for an hour on Sunday I'll be seeing with him, I'll be meeting with him, and then my life shall advance and proceed. No, it's rather relevant. It's a 24-7 direct notion of the breath that was put in my lungs, the salvation, the body, the blood, why I am saved, why I am redeemed and how life advances. So I can't in any way, shape or form or mindset be confined to.

Speaker 1:

Here's the creator of the universe, if you would. Accomplishing multitudes of nations, abundance of everything, forgiveness, saving, redeeming, truly changing the world that we live in. But we forget that notion the restitution, the tip of the world that we live in. Well, we forget that notion the restitution, the tip of the hat, if you would. This is still the world that God created. If it was the world that creature created, it would be a completely different place. But in that mindset he's given us the power, the ability, the knowledge not to be. Ignorance is bliss. Still, at the end, you're still going to be forgiven, hallelujah. But given us the knowledge, the priority. We are equipped, we are capable, we are able to continue to lead the world that he's given us.

Speaker 1:

You see that we don't create a world to where we fail one another, to where we condemn one another, to where we're judging one another. I'm up to my neck with her today and I just can't deal with her anymore. Look to find God within every person, every enactment and every notion. Do you know why? Because it's not yours. Let Christ truly breathe within you and you will see what I'm referencing. Some of us, we're just not capable, we're not answering, and pointing the finger is the only solution that we have. So who are you? Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?

Speaker 1:

My goodness, I like to think of something, and I know it can be daunting. Oh, my Lord, that's such a task that's put out in front of us. What if every decision you ever made you were accountable for, and I don't want to say it's held against you because the ignorance is bliss? You still are forgiven, you are redeemed. If you never stumble, you never fall. Someone said well, if you don't lose love, you'll never have love. So hell is just as, equally as important as heaven, and it's still God created Righteous. The child is just as important as being the adult and getting evil.

Speaker 1:

You need both aspects, both shades, colors, walks within your life so that you can have an assertion of discovery. At what point did you find God documented and realize that this is God for you and that particular subject? Is that what it is? Think about what I'm saying. Should it be creatures to find what God is for me within this subject, within this topic? They've told me what's right for me. They've told me what's wrong for me and that's as far as this is going to go. I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

I think we are advancing as individuals, hearts, souls and minds. Every topic, discipline, degree, facet, laboring, deeds of the hands, if you might. He possesses the ability to fulfill you and to give you what you need to be capable and able. Well, there you go, here it comes. You, because of him, are capable and able. Let me know when you discover God, when you found God within this particular assertion, when you found that safe haven, when you found the happy medium, if you would the balance. Now I've got substance the Holy Spirit, the Trinity. It's not about me, it's not about him. It's about us. We're capable, we're able. Hallelujah, we are saved, we are redeemed. It's transgressive though, isn't it? It's so progressive. I'm continuing to advance.

Speaker 1:

I acknowledge the need, the want, the spiritual need and want, and the emotional and the eternal. The whole person continues to evolve within this mindset. So every directive of mentality, when you include the Trinity, the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, and you advance within it, you can find God's calling within it. But if you sideline it and they've had this argument it's a discussion or an argument, maybe it's a debate, I'm not quite sure. Do you fail in life first and then seek God, or do you seek God 24-7? And when you come to a point, to where there's a crossroads I'm going left, I'm going right there's a stop sign, somebody's put the brakes on you Then you ask for it in my hour of darkness, then you're praying on it, then you're asking for him, then you need him. You see, either is relevant. But making up for what is wrong can't be right, and for what is right can't be made up to be wrong. But if it's about Christ, if it's about forgiveness, if you seek his counsel to be guided, to be led, to be lead in that way, shape and form. You can never be led wrong.

Speaker 1:

Our advancement within our souls. And where does he lie within you? Remember the internal works, the internal works. You can have an amazing external image. It can look real nice, it can be shined, polished, it can be new, it can be fancy my goodness, god bless you.

Speaker 1:

But it's the internal works of the body, the soul, the mind. It's like a well-oiled machine. That machine runs wide open, at good RPM. It produces and it makes money every day. It's invested in eternity, the treasures in heaven. It's going there, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

But if it don't have what it needs, if it's not finding the fulfillment, the substance, the purpose, the divinity, the steadfastness, then it isn't worth anything. Our investment needs to be the acknowledgement. So find him within every enactment. And do you need to fail first and then find him? If that's what works for you? Never question the Holy Spirit being the guided light that delivers the soul, whether that's internal or external. See, you can continue to find him, you can continue to move within him. You don't have to be defined, you don't have to be denied. Know that when it's right for you, it'll be right for him, because you can take it to that mindset and you can continue to advance. Then the Lord answered Job without of the whirlwind, and said Job 38.1,. And they continue to advance here. Hold on a second.

Speaker 1:

Can you number the months that they fulfill and do you know the time that they give birth? How come, though, that they're being born again? Can you number the months that they fulfill? Every hair on my head is numbered.

Speaker 1:

The reference to time is it's his time, possessiveness, eternity, right. So can you number the months that they fulfill? Every day, 24-7,. There's not a breath that exits my body and thought and heart and soul and mind and deed that is not fulfilled by him, even in my darkest moments when I'm experiencing inequity. It goes directly back to him. And do you know the time when they gave birth? Born again the gift of life. My Lord, have mercy, you'll never experience this, ever again. You don't have to purchase a ticket, a VIP. You don't have to be RSVP'd and I'm kidding with you a little bit. You heard what I said. Remember what I said. You've got an invitation. You've received an invitation to eternity, to heaven, to the glorious place. Do you know the time when they gave birth?

Speaker 1:

Why the time, and we reference that very, very often because it's his time. It's about him and what he can do for us. It can't be what we can do for others, but what we can do for him. Maybe it is the poor and the needy righteous Righteous in every way, shape and form when they crouch, bring forth their offspring and are delivered of their young. Multiple references within biblical structure of how the young will be foolishly led astray, right, and how we will be righteous while being young, because we need to stumble and fall, and he already knows every decision you're going to make.

Speaker 1:

So why be so hard on yourself? Why self-destruct one another? We're going to have bad days, right, I'm going to wake up and have the bad hair day. I'm in the mirror. I'm trying to get it figured out. Is this some pomade? Maybe I need a haircut. God help me. I just don't look as good as I used to.

Speaker 1:

Why the bad days? And why the acknowledgement of inequity? Because if he accepts you, if God shall be for you, then nobody shall be against you. If your spouses, your family, your congregation co-workers are for you and they seek God and Christ within you, then you're not going to be defined or upheaved in any milestone, in any shape. Remember the acceptance of what you believe, which is maternal in the sense of external works. You walk within that darkness.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. I've chosen to condemn myself. I've chosen to condemn others. I tell you what I'm bitter, I'm bitten, I'm upheaved, I'm not happy and it's not getting there for me. Regardless of what's right and regardless of what's wrong, it still goes back to him. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Choose love, choose life and challenge yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you would not, in a sense of confinement, you hear somebody saying there's a religious challenge or its own personal devotion of steadfastness to improve your likelihood of being happy on this earth. That doesn't mean that you need to be upheaved. That doesn't mean that you need to be submissive and well, I'm not happy, I'm not capable. I'm not allowed to have substance, I'm not allowed to have life, money, the whole person, fulfillment in every way, shape and form. Challenge yourself to seek God every day. We acknowledge that often. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive.

Speaker 1:

And I know that goes back to a different version or translation. But think about what I'm saying. If you're seeking him in every entity, shape form to where you're turned around. You're upheaved, you're suspended and it's going back to being put within his hands. You're saved, you're redeemed, you're blessed. You don't have anything to worry about. So it's each and every day how we advance. He advances within us.

Speaker 1:

But the denial of the cup, the denial of the bread, the body, the blood, if you would it, can be very, very expensive, because, within his time and biblical presence, up to 120 years is what the Old Testament will remind us. That's a longevity and a sense of life. But we're invested in the life that goes to eternity. No, I store my treasures in heaven. No, I'm anticipated the second coming. And don't live your whole life anticipating the second coming. Don't live your whole life seeking forgiveness. Don't live your whole life being submissive to the commandments, to the 632 laws of the Old Testament, uh-uh. Don't let it upheave you and define you. Rather, let it provide guidance, strength and structure for your own life and entities. You don't need approval from anybody else, for he already approves of you.

Speaker 1:

Who makes destruction flash forth against the strong, so that destruction comes upon the fortress Amos 5.9. Who makes destruction flash forth? Who? Where did this come from? Where's the source? Who makes destruction flash forth against the strong. And the strong are also ever righteous, are they not? They're forgiven, they're redeemed, but they could be evil. Who makes it? Well, you know where it comes from. Your inequity lies within. Don't find yourself being led astray at a cost and expense of others. Forth against the strong so that destruction comes upon the fortress. For me and my house, we will serve the Lord. My Lord forgive me. My Lord forgive me. It's that destruction comes upon the fortress.

Speaker 1:

Think about the opposition. Every sin, wickedness, inequity, shackles and chains that are placed upon me, that is a burden within my heart, soul and mind that is derogatory, leading me to unhappiness, to where I can't seek sustainment and fulfillment. It'll find destruction within my heart, soul and mind. There is no battle that he hasn't already won. There is no war that he's not equipped for. The preparedness, the sustainment, yes, the salvation through the blood is more than anybody could comprehend, much less rather, walk within. Very good, I am alive because of him and he is alive because of me. You can't deny him, nor he will not be capable of denying you.

Speaker 1:

We need to continue to acknowledge the need and want in our personal, internal and external works. If you got only external works in your own personal mission, in your own vocation, then you're never going to have the eternal acceptance and thought, word and deed, heart, soul, mind, body and spirit. He lies within you and if your eternal possession is no more, then I'm not capable and competent of actually seeing it, discovering it, defining it, finding that happy medium to where it applies directly to you. Then there is no worth. You see, our biblical presence in this truth of structure is the relevance of how it perceives and moves within us and outside of us. The movement can't be one or the other. It isn't. It requires both facets, both ways, shapes and forms. It moves collectively and as you're moving, as you're stumbling, as you're falling, as you're succeeding, you are being built up to be more like him, to be Christ-like in thought and image and word and deed. Never forget about your roots, where you've come in from. They'll keep you so, humbly so. And how come? Because what he did for you was more than we could ever accomplish our whole lifetime. I don't like seeing individuals being defined or being at a loss or having a disadvantage, but it is our restitution of being capable of seeking the cup, of being capable of seeking the body, the blood. You don't need to be bothered. You don't have to do anything you don't want to.

Speaker 1:

I came to a fact yesterday. I had a real bad day. I had a day off. You could say I was sick, I was upheaved, I had steam coming out of the ears. I came to a fact yesterday. I had a real bad day. I had a day off. You could say I was sick, I was upheaved, I had steam coming out of the ears. I apologize to all the fans, the listeners, the givers, the donors. I had had enough of it. I couldn't take it anymore. I was ready to throw the book right at somebody's head. I'm ready to grab and just smack you upside the head and see if it'll help knock some sense in you. I had to walk away from it. Yesterday wasn't the best of days for me. The conclusion at the end of the day and I think some of you will find this very, very relevant it was only a statement and you might have seen the posts on social media.

Speaker 1:

They have to want you to be in their lives. You cannot force yourself on them. And we talk about acceptance being one of the most amazing powers in the world Acceptance, blameless, no faults, no excuses. You can't point the finger. You're capable of consent. Consent is love. God is love. I can say yes, I can say no, but you are not forced to deal with anybody or anything that you don't want to, each and every day you don't have to deal with. Well, these individuals aren't quite capable and able. No, I prefer myself every morning. I don't want to deal with them. You guys got to go. Think about what I'm saying. And you got to go is very, very relevant. You got to go. It just ain't happening. Think about what I'm saying. They have to accept you in their lives. You cannot force yourselves on them. Flip the coin, look at it in an eternal image. He has to accept you, which he lies within you. You have to accept yourself in his life. I'm going to repeat myself you have to accept yourself in his life, where you stand, what you're capable of, what you can give, what you're accomplishing, what you can't accomplish. He cannot force himself on you and you cannot force yourself on him.

Speaker 1:

So the relevance of yesterday was so very enlightening. All of a sudden, I was stuck in the corner. I was back down to the ground. They had me into a desolation, to where there's no options and possibilities in any way, shape or form Seeking the forgiveness of God, finding eternity, being invested in the afterlife and I know some of you've seen that I started a GoFundMe page yesterday for continuing to build a church here Some really, really fascinating insights. Looking at having our own fraction facet, having a governing body being capable of helping those that have been misled.

Speaker 1:

I can get your record cleaned up, keep you out of trouble, create sustainment in whole person. Wise and I'm already approved, very thankful. I'm expecting some donors, some big movements. I will most certainly keep you updated, but they have to accept you. The most important thing that I have in everyday acceptance who you've got in your life. You have to either deny them or accept them. But if creature themselves are expecting you to accept them, you better go back to God, you better look to him. He's the one who needs to accept you. My worth is very, very irrelevant.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer. Lord, forgive me, don't forget about what I said. They need to accept you in their life. They have to want to have you in their life. You can't just force yourself in their life and expect happiness. They have to accept you in their life Because to be blameless and to not have fault, to not point the finger. Consent is valuable when it don't work.

Speaker 1:

Amen, hallelujah, I'm walking away. You know why? Because I've got God, I've got Christ and I don't have anything to worry about. God, help me, our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior Redeemer, with love, with grace, with acceptance, with patience, with knowledge. Let us continue to advance our milestones, our steps, our advancements, our laboring of the deeds, yes, the growing pains. Let us look to be blameless, to not have fault or to see the inequity within one another, including ourselves. Let our mirror, our reflection, be the image of Christ as we continue to advance. Let us be more humble, like the child, submissive to the truth that, if we don't have anything good to offer because all of his works are so very good that we don't have anything to offer at all continue to guide us, to lead us and strengthen us in our own personal testaments of commitment, of love, of compassion. We ask that you continue to be the forefront of the interest of those relationships with love, compassion and devotion and growth. In the name of the Father, son, Holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray. So that's it.

Speaker 1:

I'm wrapping it up here. Don't forget to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter, social media, the Buzzsprout feeds. Yes, of course, don't forget what I said GoFundMe page starting a brand new church at a brand new location and continuing to advance, having our own governing body of faith-based works and services. And finally, we can have a power hub and there'll be different locations. We're already talking in talks of discussion, of health, of education, of check and balance, the scale right, the scale of check and balance of life, of everything that you can imagine communications, power, everything. We're going to have it to where it's all faith-based, to where you can have sustainment.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. Thank you for your continued donations and for your support. Your contribution to Life for Death Ministries is sure to touch a heart, soul and mind in a very special way and continue to provide sustainment. Rest assured that everything that I receive goes a very long ways to continue to provide sustainment for others so that they can bless the next person. It just continues to advance with love, with patience, with grace. Thank you, and have a very, very blessed day. Don't forget they have to want. They have to want within his interest. God bless you. Thank you for listening.

Seeking Redemption Through Knowledge and Counsel
Understanding God's Role in Identity
Evolving Spirituality and Advancement
The Power of Acceptance and Redemption