Life Or Death

Divine Mercy and the Sacred Balance of Consent and Faith

June 21, 2024 Jes
Divine Mercy and the Sacred Balance of Consent and Faith
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Divine Mercy and the Sacred Balance of Consent and Faith
Jun 21, 2024

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What does it mean to truly seek God's mercy and redemption? Imagine you are pleading with a wayward spouse, seeking reconciliation and understanding. This episode takes you on a profound spiritual journey, where pleading for divine mercy is about forging a deeper connection and finding redemption. We unpack the vital act of aligning our actions with Christ's teachings amidst life's many trials—both internal and external. Reflecting on personal confession and repentance, we affirm that God's foreknowledge and forgiveness empower us to navigate life's complexities with a clear spiritual vision.

Have you ever pondered the intricate ties between consent, love, and personal boundaries? This episode sheds light on the essence of consent and how it intertwines with our spiritual and personal autonomy. By exploring the scriptural and moral principles that guide us, we emphasize the importance of respecting others' boundaries while staying true to our faith. Discover the sacred balance of allowing others into our lives without sacrificing our own values and beliefs, and learn how divine guidance can help us navigate these delicate waters.

Lastly, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the supporters and donors of Life for Death Ministries. Each contribution is a stepping stone in spreading the gospel and bolstering our mission. We encourage you to embrace your personal faith journey and to actively share the good news. Reassured by the power of prayer and divine guidance, we close with a blessing for happiness and joy, inviting you to continue spreading the message of hope and redemption. Listen in and be inspired to strengthen your devotion and live out your faith with unwavering resolve.

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What does it mean to truly seek God's mercy and redemption? Imagine you are pleading with a wayward spouse, seeking reconciliation and understanding. This episode takes you on a profound spiritual journey, where pleading for divine mercy is about forging a deeper connection and finding redemption. We unpack the vital act of aligning our actions with Christ's teachings amidst life's many trials—both internal and external. Reflecting on personal confession and repentance, we affirm that God's foreknowledge and forgiveness empower us to navigate life's complexities with a clear spiritual vision.

Have you ever pondered the intricate ties between consent, love, and personal boundaries? This episode sheds light on the essence of consent and how it intertwines with our spiritual and personal autonomy. By exploring the scriptural and moral principles that guide us, we emphasize the importance of respecting others' boundaries while staying true to our faith. Discover the sacred balance of allowing others into our lives without sacrificing our own values and beliefs, and learn how divine guidance can help us navigate these delicate waters.

Lastly, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the supporters and donors of Life for Death Ministries. Each contribution is a stepping stone in spreading the gospel and bolstering our mission. We encourage you to embrace your personal faith journey and to actively share the good news. Reassured by the power of prayer and divine guidance, we close with a blessing for happiness and joy, inviting you to continue spreading the message of hope and redemption. Listen in and be inspired to strengthen your devotion and live out your faith with unwavering resolve.

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Speaker 1:

If you will seek God and plead with the Almighty for mercy, job 8.5. And what are we seeking every day? Good morning, you're very welcome, come. Come join us If you will seek God and plead with the Almighty for mercy and plead almost. If I'm pleading, it's almost like a bargain or something. It's restitution. I'm in fault. Is there fault? Is there blame? Why am I having to plead for mercy, for the thank you? I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

We should be capable of being receptive to what we're receiving, what we're eating, what we're drinking, and thinking is no more than a notion of deserving or serving. Serving within him, you see, every gratitude of every breath, in every shape, form and value is no more than progressing within the lines that he's created for me. So, with the Almighty for mercy, I plead with him, and not that I'm begging, but I plead with him. Come, come into my heart, soul, mind, save me, receive me, condemn me. Right. Why condemn me? Think about what I'm saying. Because you would rather be condemned by your creator, your savior, every day, than be condemned by creature. So if you're so in tune with your substance, with your Trinity, with a purpose for why you're devotedly walking, then you shall never be condemned. You remember and you remember God was not pleased with his creation. But you know Christ. Christ gave you a yes, you're, yes, you're saved, you're, you're redeemed, you're risen, hallelujah, he's risen, indeed. So plead him for his mercy, for their redeemer is strong. He will plead their cause against you, proverbs 23, 11. Their redeemer and I seek the good counsel of my Savior, my Creator, my Redeemer is strong. Put on the armor of God, they would say. Right, he will plead their cause against you. And what is their cause? Can anybody bring any point, rhyme, purpose against you? That shall not be of God. Because if God shall be for you, who could possibly be against you? And think about that. And it becomes relevant when you advance within it. The plead is no more than the confession.

Speaker 1:

But listen, in this particular scenario, there's individuals, there's outside forces. They're hitting you from different angles. You're being subsumed, you're being ratified, you're being upheaved in every way, shape or form and you can't seem to get anywhere. But how come? Why is it that you aren't progressing in the life that you should be? Your outside angles cannot be an angle from Christ. The external acts, including the internal acts, should directly relate back to Christ. It should not be.

Speaker 1:

I'm losing, I'm leaving, I've lost. I want you to think about what I'm saying. I'm losing, I'm leaving, I've lost Some of us. That exact testament is the testament that we have with church. I go to church, I'm losing. The church is over, I'm leaving Afterwards. You know, a day goes by.

Speaker 1:

I've lost Our devotion to hearing the word of God, to having the scripture by having the cups full, by letting it breathe within us is the confinement within his chambers. So I seek his counsel and he will plead their cause against you. Why their cause? Because what we're intended to be persecuted, we're going to be derogative in that mindset. I'm not capable, I'm not able. Their redeemer is strong and it's also powerful, right, we don't have anything to worry about, but to walk within that. That can be a tough one.

Speaker 1:

Plead with your mother. Plead for she is not my wife and I am not her husband that she put away her warring from her face and her adultery. Put away her warring from her face and her adultery from between her breasts. Plead, and this was Isaiah 2, 2. Plead with your mother. Plead, and what does this mean? Is there somebody that we're trying to change here? Plead, remember the plead, for she is not my wife and we remember the value of a good woman and a wife. Very, very good. The restitution of how they build you up gets you closer, closer, closer to the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, and I am not her husband. Very good that she put away her whoring from her face and from her adultery from between her breasts. It is no more than the confession that it doesn't belong to us. How could it but plead with her that she stop? Why would you want to?

Speaker 1:

Every enactment in this world, every facet, every derogative walk, if you would, transgression in the sense of light or dark, belongs to God. So if I tell you and I'm not trying to like shell shock you and like, kick you out of your chair and boom, you're like laying down on the ground instantly. You're like quit calling EMT, somebody needs to be revived, not that mindset. I'm thinking more along the lines of every walk of discipline, degree, growing pains, laboring of deeds, is already approved by God. He already knew every decision you were going to make prior to making it. So you don't have to argue, bite the tongue or be bitter or resent somebody else's obligation of occurrence. Why do I call it obligation of occurrence? Because you're waiting for the next occurrence so that you can point the finger.

Speaker 1:

The condemned mindset and view of perception in this world does not allow you to see things clearly. If he is within you, in heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed, body, soul and spirit, think about what I'm saying. In no way, shape or form should the perception of the external works or the internal works be diluted, nor shall it be clouded or polluted. Sinness and death have been what forgiven, it's in remission, it's been washed away and cleansed. I'm washing the soul, I'm washing the feet. I speak in tongues. In what way the language of my derogatory action because of the cause effect moves within me. Yes, I shall stumble and I shall fall, but quickly, directly. I'm there to receive him, to welcome him on in and to forgive, to repent and confess. Some of us just rebuke, yes, of course Rebuke, just walk away, get as far away as you possibly can.

Speaker 1:

When your atmosphere, physical, address, social, intellectual, spiritual, the whole person mindset is so diluted, clouded and polluted, and every work in shape is that you can't even dare breathe, that you have to deny the presence that's around you, either you're doing something wrong or the invitation that you've received was the wrong invitation, for the invitation can also go the right way or the wrong way. You've received an invitation. You are a child of the Most High, you are guaranteed to be. What An inheritance? Yes, the promise of eternity. But what else is that invitation? Who and what are you inviting into your life and some of us? We need to learn how to not be polite, because being polite at the cost and expense of our personal eternity it shouldn't be.

Speaker 1:

What is consent? By the way, if you won't mind me asking I'm not trying to excuse me, I'm trying to interrupt here. I'm smacking a ruler up against the chalkboard. What is consent? Consent is one of the purest forms of love that we have. Think about what I'm saying. Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

You give somebody consent. Yes, I do. You're allowing them into your life. Of course, there's boundaries, limitations, personal, professional. I can't take you all the way to the top. I'm not God, I'm not Christ. But if you say no to them, you're not denying them of anything. You're just saying no because your personal, intimate life, your whole body, your person, your spirit belongs to God, belongs to Christ possibly spouse, wives, children, whatever you have for involvement within that dynamic, and that's what moves within you. So when we utilize consent in this world, we're utilizing love.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to make you mad. I'm not trying to make you sad. You don't have to plead for me or beg for me to accept me. No, not along those lines in any way, shape or form. I'm not reforming the logic, the theory, the reason or the way that you walk. Oh no, no, it doesn't work. In fact, I'm only stating to you I know what's right for me. How possibly could it be right for you? If he shall be for you? Who possibly could be against you? And we need to know what's right for us. We need to know what's working. We need to know how it works and how it doesn't work, how we're advancing, how we're moving in every way, shape and form.

Speaker 1:

I don't think me personally. I don't think that we should have to worry about anything and I should be capable of telling individuals no, look, if I'm laying in bed in the morning and I see you coming at me at a different angle and you're representing God himself, I apologize, I'm now part of a very well. Every very well that we have would be very. Apologize, I'm now part of a very well. Every very well that we have would be very, very happy to help you.

Speaker 1:

In some cases, if you seek God, the only alternative to life could be death. We have a hard time accepting that. You know what. You know. I'm shunning you. You know what I'm cutting you off. We're going to incarcerate you. We're going to put you in shackles and chains. We're going to whip you. We're going to beat you. We're going to make you bleed. That cup that you drink of. That's promising you salvation yes, the body and the blood. It's not going to offer you what you want and what you need. Notice, your wants and needs are in correlation with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the substance. There's nothing wrong with that. You are being delivered. Yes, of course, the creator, the one who put breath within your lungs. But you can't change that, can you? So there's facts within this world, but when we feel that we need to be the ones to make decisions? Me sitting in the preschool you see the little hand come up me. Does anybody got to go to the bathroom? Me, do you know how to tie your shoes? We do the rabbit ears, the loop, loop and then the hook, and then you pull.

Speaker 1:

Excellent, good reference, by the way, do we need to assert our personal perspectives, personal preferences, into other individuals? I asked. I was dealing with graduate students a couple of days ago, I'm not sure exactly what location and I told him I says does every creature, human being, need to be converted? Almost as if creatures themselves have given an inequity. We've put possessive form within inequity. You need to fail, you need to be reformed, you need to be born again. You need to be converted. But I said I don't understand. I'm born into this world not of sin. I'm born into this world of a living God and of Christ. I'm already forgiven. I'm redeemed.

Speaker 1:

The souls of purgatory gets brought up. Have you accepted it? The testament, have you acknowledged it? The presence, and I thought, the moment that breath hit my lungs, they smack you on the bottom, they make sure you're breathing. Out comes the crying Lord, have mercy, you're alive, whoa. Because of him, because of God, you are alive and you are breathing, not because of somebody else, not because of their derogatory. Do we need to be upheaved? Do we need to be offset? Should we be worried about things that we can't change? Also willingly, god help me.

Speaker 1:

My plea is no more than the confession, the confession that I am in need of you and you are in need of me. You see, without him I can't quite complete that, and if it relies on creature in a sediment of I'm putting it back to them, then I've lost everything. Plead my cause and redeem me. Give me life according to your promise. Palms 119, 154. Plead my cause, redeem me, save me. Yes, of course personal preferences are irrelevant. Give me life according to your promise, your promised life, or some of us were actively seeking death. The only rule that I'm actually aware of and the one that works the law of the land. Treat others the way that you want to be treated. You know, I really don't think that you're allowed to make any decisions on anybody.

Speaker 1:

This morning I faced a very interesting scenario. Somebody had a tongue out there and immediately that mouth opened. And here you go off to the races. Here I see multiple countries and nations, but there's one individual me. They need to be heard and I'm telling you when you need to be heard, regardless of how derogative, ugly, sad, sorrowful it might be, that possessive form of personal preference is no more than God working within you while Christ is waiting to give you a hallelujah, because, regardless of how bad it gets and how many decisions you've made.

Speaker 1:

You should be capable of receiving that invitation. You should be capable of being converted. You should be capable of forgiveness. Well, should be capable of forgiveness. Well, a lot of us I'm not even sure what it takes to be forgiven. I think it's only thought, theory and reason. Yeah, I'm forgiven, I can make a statement, I can pronounce it and then it's completely over. All right, I said I'm forgiven, now I'm good to go like like I'm leaving. Think about what I'm saying, not that derogatory. How do you walk within forgiveness? And if you shall need to be conversion, I'm not talking yen to dollars, pounds to rubies. Think about what I'm saying. The conversion is only relevant when you walk within it.

Speaker 1:

If the book's only placed in your hand and you never open it, it doesn't do you any good If you've been having breath put in your lungs. But every word that exits your mouth is an assault, is a catalyst, is upheaving somebody else in some way. Shape or form, you gotta go At some point. Shape and form. Our rhetoricalness is no more than the confession that we need him, our plead for mercy. Mercy because, thank you, now I can go back to my Savior. Now I can go back to my good counsel, my creator, my shepherd, the one who's guiding me and leading me and weathering the storm. Yes, of course. Oh, lord, help me. I invited on in because I know because of you I don't have anything to worry about. Lord, help me. Will you show partiality toward him? Lord, help me. Will you show partiality toward him? Will you plead the case for God? Job 13.8.

Speaker 1:

And who are we arguing with? Who are we fighting with? What do they want from us? I got to a point yesterday I'm not sure if it was a plateau or a milestone, or if it was on top of the world and I was ready to jump off the side and I said what could it possibly be at this point? I'm here for your mercy. I'm here for your plea, for your use. What would you want from me? What could I possibly do for you at this point?

Speaker 1:

The derogative of wants and needs, when it becomes about creature, is no more than the confession that you're suffering. Submissiveness in the form of bondage can't be restitution of your fellow brothers and sisters and how they have been denied within his kingdom. You see, I can't lead you to the gate and I'm not sure if it opens or not, but I promise you, within that mindset, the progressive of life, as my testament of visiting, walking, staying, exercising and putting it back within his hands is the completion of the whole body. What good is life if I never discover it? And I told individuals, you have to have your own devotion, your own steadfastness, each and every day, to be capable of discovering the form that you find to be relevant. If we only textbook approach life in every sector, we'll never have God. And if you don't have privacy, intimacy within your personal communication, prayer channels if you would the power of prayer and I know it works then you are depriving yourself from something that we know is going to work for you individually. We know it's going to work for you individually.

Speaker 1:

Sure, I like statistics, I like crunching numbers, population percentages, but I believe that each and every one of us, we have our own devoted purpose. You have your own mission. What he's put it in, printed in your DNA, on your heart, is for you. That doesn't mean that you can't share, rejoice, proclaim charitable notions. Submissiveness cannot be bondage. It's no more than being true, true to him. Think about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm throwing up the white flag, I surrender. That's what we like. Remember I surrender. I'm throwing up the white flag. Who are you surrendering to? You're surrendering to him, but you haven't lost hope. You haven't lost faith. It's not being down and out. You're not walking around with your shoulders heaved up down forward like the whole roof of the world's getting ready to fall on you. No, you walk out right, stand up right. Yes, very good, you can proclaim it when your heels hit the floor. You've got God and Christ within your presence and the determination is no more than the steadfastness of seeking eternity. I'm going to seek and I'm going to find, and that's where I shall be delivered. We advance. We advance because we seek him, because we want to.

Speaker 1:

When you don't advance, you're being put on the ground, you're being upheaved, and there's other individuals making decisions on you and for you. So I don't care who you are, what facet, what fashion, what denomination, what form of life, what agency you believe that you are working for. In no way, shape or form should you ever be capable, able of making decisions on others, and if you must know the very, very truth, you will have to deal with the consequences of the decisions you've made. Wait, I'm telling you facts. I'm not making decisions on you. You're allowed to make unlimited decisions on self right. We hope and pray to God that there is a self. I mean, in some cases there isn't.

Speaker 1:

Lord. Help me. To you, o Lord, I cry and to the Lord I plead for mercy. Psalms 38. Help me, remember God, help me. And you wake up in the morning, things start going quite the way. I'm filing within my mind where I need to go, where I need to progress.

Speaker 1:

To you, o Lord, I cry and to the Lord I plead for mercy. Help me. In what way? In what shape and form? Acknowledgement of what he can do for you is part of the solution. Part of the burden would be looking to other individuals. I'm going to lie, cheat, rob, steal from you so I can have what I want and what I seek and what I choose to find? I don't think so. Lord Forgive me.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like it's your problem and it might continue to be your problem, for the Lord will plead their cause and rob of life those who rob them. Oh, proverbs 22, 23,. They say vengeance belongs to God. I'm not sure that it's rhetorical, but the mindset of possessiveness that I need to strike to occur to afflict another creature, god's love in some way, shape or form cannot be relevant, for the Lord will plead their cause and rob of life those who rob them. You see, there's no good deed or bad deed that goes unanswered here on earth. Something happens and it's not in correlation for what you want it to be. You don't even have to worry about it. He's got you and you've got him, and the world will continue to advance. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Correct oppression. Bring justice to the fatherless. Correct oppression. Bring justice to the fatherless. Plead the widow's cause. Isaiah 117.

Speaker 1:

These are individuals that have not only got led astray, possibly by their own intentions, but they've lost hope. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Very good, and when you think about justice will be served. It'll be no more than God and Christ. You don't have to make any decisions on anybody. There's no good deed or bad deed that goes unanswered. Correct oppression. Here comes the oppression. It's the sadness, the sorrow. You're accountable for what you've been doing, the decisions you've been making. Bring justice to the fatherless Boy.

Speaker 1:

So many of us were strangers. We're lost, we're stuck in the lost and found, we've been put in the friend zone. Many of us were strangers, were lost, were stuck in the lost and found. We've been put in the friend zone. We're not sure who our creator is, we're not sure who our savior is. To seek the good counsel of him, to be led to be derogative within that, I need guidance, help me, I need that institutionalization. Some of us, we need the church. We need the church walls, the commandments to remind us what life is like. But it needs to be right for you, the fatherless.

Speaker 1:

Excellent, excellent. Plead the widow's cause. Plead the widow's cause. We all make mistakes. It's very, very good. But regardless, if it's about God, if it's about Christ, there's no blame, there's no fault, there is no excuses, and love knows no boundaries, limitations in any way, shape or form. Plead the cause of those so that you can receive love.

Speaker 1:

How often do you see us pleading the cause of inequity so we can condemn somebody else? Condemnation will never be the plead for mercy, nor can it be the testament of how you walk. The exact opposite. Learn to do good. Nobody's going to teach you. They can't hand it to you. Learn from your own mistakes. If your tongue gets cut right out of your mouth, for goodness sakes, learn from it. We have to start being accountable for self. We have to be capable of putting it within his hands. Are there individuals in the world that have no competence? Yes, of course, but how does it define them? How does it define you? It doesn't and it shouldn't.

Speaker 1:

Hear what the Lord says Arise, plead your case before the mountains and let the hills hear your voice. Micah 6.1. Hear what the Lord says, receive it, be receptive to it, ears and eyes wide open. Arise, stand tall and proud. Your crooked ways will be made straight. Plead your case before the mountains. The creation of God, Father, son, holy Spirit, thought, word and deed, body and heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. Let the heroes hear your voice, proclaim it, testify it, spread the good news. See, your plead is not restitution, it's not condemnation, it's not being institutionalized or being put in shackles and chains. Your plead is the plead for mercy, being submissive, forfeiting, yes, the white flag. I am submitting everything that I have to you and I plead, with love, with mercy, with happiness, with joy, that you continue to bless me, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have what I have. Let me continue to wrap this up in prayer and Lord be with me, as he is with you, our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, reach out to me with strength, with guidance, with love, with compassion, with grace. Let my plead, my confession, my prayers, be a testament of how you are working within my life and the lives of others. Let me not look to restitute somebody, to define them, to make decisions on them or to upheed them, knowing you can provide for me in every way, shape and form and the relevance of what you believe in is more relevant than anything else. Let our continued journey, success, be the restitution of heaven, eternity and the salvation of your cup, for I am saved and redeemed now and forever and I shall not worry about anything. With love, with grace, with growth. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the Buzzsprout feed. You'll find some interesting facts. Did you knows education and I put little arts on there each and every day, pictures with some different scriptures to try to keep you invited and enlightened.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening, thank you for your contribution to Life for Death Ministries and thank you for your donations. Each and every one of you play a very crucial part and have an important role in the ministry and continuing to advance it. I'm hoping that each and every one of you has received a cup, a cup of testament that you've received from your Lord, to where you can continue to advance within your own personal journey and proclaim the good news and share the word that's been given to you. Thank you for listening. God bless you. Have a very good day. If you shall have any questions in any way, shape or form, don't be afraid to plead. Plead your case with your Savior, your Redeemer, and you don't have anything to worry about. God bless you. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very good day. Let happiness, joy, bless you throughout your day in your ways. Amen.

Seeking God's Mercy and Redemption
Understanding Consent and Embracing Forgiveness
Seeking Divine Mercy and Redemption
Empowering Supporters to Spread the Gospel