Life Or Death

Morning? Resent To Fail

June 19, 2024 Jes
Morning? Resent To Fail
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Morning? Resent To Fail
Jun 19, 2024

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Have you ever wondered if the objects we hold dear might distract us from experiencing the divine? In this episode, we embark on a profound exploration of spiritual connections within our physical world. We start by dissecting "The Possessive Being of God," discussing how our attachments can cloud our spiritual vision. We probe the idea of God’s presence within us and how our choices, right or wrong, chart our spiritual journey. By recognizing our inner talents and experiences as divine gifts, we see how our decisions ripple out to benefit humanity. This conversation emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our errors, learning, and using divine guidance to find our true purpose.

Next, we traverse "The Path to Salvation," contrasting the simplicity of pastoral life with the complexity of material existence. Drawing inspiration from the Franciscan way, we emphasize humility, charity, and generous giving as routes to spiritual fulfillment. Lastly, in "Embracing Salvation and Redemption," we delve into the chaos of life and the importance of recognizing the spiritual presence within us. We wrap up our journey with reflections on humility, moral integrity, and the continuous revival of our spiritual selves. Join us as we affirm our commitment to rise above life’s challenges, embracing a life of purpose, gratitude, and divine service.

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Have you ever wondered if the objects we hold dear might distract us from experiencing the divine? In this episode, we embark on a profound exploration of spiritual connections within our physical world. We start by dissecting "The Possessive Being of God," discussing how our attachments can cloud our spiritual vision. We probe the idea of God’s presence within us and how our choices, right or wrong, chart our spiritual journey. By recognizing our inner talents and experiences as divine gifts, we see how our decisions ripple out to benefit humanity. This conversation emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our errors, learning, and using divine guidance to find our true purpose.

Next, we traverse "The Path to Salvation," contrasting the simplicity of pastoral life with the complexity of material existence. Drawing inspiration from the Franciscan way, we emphasize humility, charity, and generous giving as routes to spiritual fulfillment. Lastly, in "Embracing Salvation and Redemption," we delve into the chaos of life and the importance of recognizing the spiritual presence within us. We wrap up our journey with reflections on humility, moral integrity, and the continuous revival of our spiritual selves. Join us as we affirm our commitment to rise above life’s challenges, embracing a life of purpose, gratitude, and divine service.

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Speaker 1:

possessive being of God. And why possessive? Because we maternalize it. It can take shape, it can take object, it can take form in every way. Shape and form, and let's not get carried away with it. It is relevant, I see it. It's physics, I see it, I can touch it, I move it. It's a spiritual, physical being that I relate directly to being of God, but we often deny that presence. Right, I walk right by it each and every day. No, I've seen it. It's been sitting up on the shelf for years upon years. It was my grandfather's. I don't touch it anymore.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. Our possessive of sentimental and of course it goes back to him, we treasure it, we value it, we hold it near and dear to our heart is no more than the relevance of how it apparently moves within us. See, we don't move within that world. We've tried, we still try to create the world of. This is the world of creature. Yay. Everybody gets to fail, and I don't think that that's relevant, though. This is still the world that God created. You are still offering abundance of everything. It might be glass half full or glass half empty, I'm not sure, but it twists and turns each and every day, I'm sure, regardless of the path that I've chosen or taken and you'll see the difference versus a present or past. Maybe it's doing the future, I'm not quite sure, but the past that I've taken, past, present and future, whether the directive is right or wrong, righteous or evil, I'm sure that I'm still going to be capable or competent of finding him. We've itemized our minds, in a sense of shallowness, of being absorbed, that we can only find spiritualism, yes, of course, the existence of eternity right along the side of him. The father I seek thou. If we only choose one path, but that one size fits all guideline doesn't work. We've chopped it up, we've talked about it, we've hashed it, we've scratched the heads, we've even grabbed the elbow, we've hold webinars and seminars all over the world. This is the right directive, this is the turn to take.

Speaker 1:

You need to be comfortable in making the right decisions or it affects you, including your loved ones and the ones that are surrounding you. I mean, I had no clue that my existence forgive me, yes, that my humble, little existence, also very, very humble had such an impact on everybody else. But the observation, observing, I seen you and I learned from you. Yes, of course, I heard you, I witnessed you and I thought it was the right decision. And some of us I love the direct acknowledgement of maturity. You know I made the wrong decision. What happened?

Speaker 1:

God gave me an opportunity to grow, to advance. Would you mind explaining to me, if you don't mind? Sure, yeah, he gave me an opportunity. He stated that I'm going to let you see, witness, experience, something that doesn't belong to you and think about what I'm saying. God, help me. And you are going to be capable of being defined, purposeful. You'll have entity. You'll have emotion, you'll have experience. You'll have emotion, you'll have experience. You will find your calling within that and remember possessively within God and I say possessively because it's within us. Yes, of course, it's within our talent, our ability, our skills, our traits, what we've been given and what we're capable of offering. You'll be capable of making a very stern decision that'll help not only you but help advance other individuals in humanity.

Speaker 1:

But all of a sudden, I'm gone. I'm off to the races, gone with the wind. I'm going back to horseback and buggy. I'm trying to get some oxen. We need to salt the meat. Think about what I'm saying. So we maternalize in it. Now I'm growing within this.

Speaker 1:

He gave me this opportunity to experience, to see, to hear about a form of life that he created and all of a sudden, I'm going to make. Don't forget about me. Yeah, right Me, I forgot, yes, the very humble servant, the one that's actually carrying the scroll, if you would, the one that opens the book. I walk within the transgression of the valley of death. Remember me, excuse me. What about him? Yeah, very good, and we'll get there. So our notoriety of experiencing something that doesn't belong to us.

Speaker 1:

By the way, where do we start this conversation off at? I don't want to get sidetracked here. Of course, earth. Heaven on earth. Is that what it is? Because we honor a living God? Very relevant Before you know it, before you know it, god help me. This world is no longer God's. Every possessive form, shape, inequity, storm hour, if you shall, and mind the season, watch it, pass by or actively involve, indulge yourself in it, and I'm not talking just dipping your toes in the water either, completely submerging yourself above and beyond. I'm trying to get all the way in Salvation. My cup is full, think about it. And here you go. Now it's his, remember, it's not mine, it wasn't mine that I lost, it was his and it was meant to be his, and I'm going to continue to advance within that. But the moment that I make it about me, you know what? I found out something that it makes me bitter. I'm not very happy about it.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, we have a different mindset. Well, what can God do for you? What can you do for God? But then how does creature, your fellow brothers and sisters, come into that perspective? And I'm not greedy, I like charity. I mean obsessively. Think about what I'm saying, I'm obsessed with it. I like giving generously, because I'm waiting to see how I'm generously going to be blessed. It's the Franciscan way, in some way, shape or form. And they reference that the same score and measure you use for others will be the same score measure that gets used for you. Very good, and you might even see a flower and some got blood. I mean it's astonishing. I really get into it. It's different. I like it. But that's me, remember.

Speaker 1:

I found out there's other individuals. They have way more than I could ever imagine. There's so many zeros behind it. The amount of entity, yes, the liquid assets. It keeps pouring out and it seems like there's an abundance of affinity. Well, they call that heaven. There's a point, there's a purpose, there's a ream. You must have to get there right. It is a sense of accomplishment, sustainment and driven within.

Speaker 1:

The derogatory doesn't put me to sleep. I don't need to be spiritually awoken. No, no, no. As I stumble and as I fall, he lies within me. So possessive of being of God, I'm stumbling here, but God help me. Is there anything else?

Speaker 1:

You see, my advancement can be no more than the advancement of his work, and anytime I fall short or I don't meet up to the expectations of God, of course, I woke up this morning and forgive me. I woke up this morning and I said I have a confession for you. I'm not working for you anymore. I'm not happy with the terms of employment. I'm not happy for you. I'm not working for you anymore. I'm not happy with the terms of employment, I'm not happy with the way I'm being treated and, furthermore, I choose God Like I don't choose creature.

Speaker 1:

They're like looking at me and their mouths are open, eyes wide open. You know, big, deep breath. Everybody's holding their breath. They're like waiting to exhale. Oh, my Lord, what happened? He chose God. What are we going to do Now? We can't make decisions on him anymore. But you see, it's the possessiveness we're making them, decisions on ourselves, including others.

Speaker 1:

I'm not good enough for eternity. I'm not making it to heaven, I'm not going to get there. Well, I'm telling you, you got to be accountable for the decisions you've made. If it's what you believe in, it's right for you and rightfully so, righteous, yes, of course, it might be right for him. You see, when I stumble, when I fall, I find that light within the darkness and I'm mourning in the fact that every form of life belongs to God. In my little existence, however long it might be, the Old Testament up to that, 120 years, yes, of course is only just a glimpse. It's only just a fraction of time that this fashion, that this life that I live in, is no more than a small glimpse of eternity, of honoring the living God. So if you ask me if I shall be condemned, my answer is no. No, I'm looking for God in Christ. I'm looking to be saved, redeemed, forgiven daily, if you ask me.

Speaker 1:

Well, it doesn't work for us. What would you like us to do? The emotional attachment cannot be the derogatory that upheaves you or prevents you from going. They put stop signs on corners for a reason, but some of us are extremely advanced. We get the stop lights, they have yellow, they have green, they have red, and some of us we're just waiting to hear go.

Speaker 1:

And the moment we hear go off to the races. We are, and we don't have the e-brake either Start getting out of control and before you know it, there's accidents and traffic and speeding. And, my Lord, have mercy, you forgot to buckle up. So the adventure, the ride that we're going on, is the testament that I belong within him and he belongs within me. And to deny his spiritual presence within physical entity of my liquid assets, don't forget. I have an arsenal, I've been equipped, I have my own armory. I am good to go, if you would, because what he's given me, I don't use it against other individuals.

Speaker 1:

And think about this and I know I like to scratch occasionally. I'm thinking about it. We get to the new smell, to open up the wound, brace it, put a little bit of salt on it, lick it if you would. We have to continue. Very good, when you figure out what you've got going on in life, you might get to a point where you're actually capable and able and providing and doing for others. But until that point.

Speaker 1:

The resentment of mourning because it belongs to him cannot be the catalyst as to why my life isn't going anywhere. Look, they've got Jerry Springer and they've also got beautiful and young lives and restless and this and that, and peace and contentment go right along with it. I think different. Sometimes I watch, but I think that it needs to be relative in my derogatory that I'm giving it to him, that I'm happy that I've been blessed, I'm happy that I've been saved and I'm being revived daily. You see, I don't stumble just so you can fall and I don't rise just so that you can succeed. Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

When my derogative notion of discipline and degree, walking of competence with what I've been provided and given, leads to no more than the confession of acceptance that it goes back to him. He's the owner of it, it's his, and I'm just so very, very humble to get to experience this life, then I have a sense of notoriety. You could call it a PhD, you could call it a degree, you could call it an expert in every field and genre. But what good is a life if you don't exercise within it in the sense of discovery? For wanting from somebody else lacks the composure, moral, ethical purpose of being capable of saying yes, I do and no, I don't.

Speaker 1:

And you learn when you're in preschool yes, I do and no, I don't. So let learn when you're in preschool yes, I do and no, I don't. So let us be reminded of the power, the force yes the mourning, the sorrow, the sadness that embraces the equity that we have found within him, because point rhyme and reason. I am saved, I am redeemed, now and forever, and I choose not to sleep, but I choose to rise. And sometimes you might see me fall, but God bless you.

The Possessive Being of God
The Path to Salvation
Embracing Salvation and Redemption