Life Or Death

Finding Pleasure in Loving You

June 17, 2024 Jes
Finding Pleasure in Loving You
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Finding Pleasure in Loving You
Jun 17, 2024

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What does it truly mean to live a life guided by faith and divine presence? Join us as we embark on a profound spiritual journey in our latest episode, "Life's Joyful Path." We reflect on the biblical perspective of judgment, the importance of seeking life over death, and the ultimate reliance on God for guidance. Through personal stories and practical examples, we emphasize the necessity of embodying religious principles in our daily lives, discovering true happiness through a deeper connection with God.

With trust and confidence in God's guidance, we explore the theme of embracing the unknown in "Trusting in God for Redemption." This chapter highlights the significance of letting go of worries, focusing on eternal treasures, and experiencing the transformation that comes from being born again. We discuss how living within scripture and interpreting life's challenges with love can advance us spiritually, leading to theological growth and maturity. This chapter provides insights into how to walk in faith and fulfill our God-given prophecies amidst life's uncertainties.

Finally, "Embracing Spiritual Transformation" and "Eternal Redemption Through Divine Love" delve into overcoming spiritual alienation and the transformative power of receiving Jesus Christ. We touch upon the importance of spiritual symbols and their role in deepening our connection to God. The episode closes with a heartfelt reflection on forgiveness, redemption, and unconditional love, emphasizing the eternal promise and the ultimate goal of eternal life. By highlighting love as the cornerstone of our spiritual existence, we remind ourselves and our listeners that true faith is manifested through continuous growth and compassionate actions.

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What does it truly mean to live a life guided by faith and divine presence? Join us as we embark on a profound spiritual journey in our latest episode, "Life's Joyful Path." We reflect on the biblical perspective of judgment, the importance of seeking life over death, and the ultimate reliance on God for guidance. Through personal stories and practical examples, we emphasize the necessity of embodying religious principles in our daily lives, discovering true happiness through a deeper connection with God.

With trust and confidence in God's guidance, we explore the theme of embracing the unknown in "Trusting in God for Redemption." This chapter highlights the significance of letting go of worries, focusing on eternal treasures, and experiencing the transformation that comes from being born again. We discuss how living within scripture and interpreting life's challenges with love can advance us spiritually, leading to theological growth and maturity. This chapter provides insights into how to walk in faith and fulfill our God-given prophecies amidst life's uncertainties.

Finally, "Embracing Spiritual Transformation" and "Eternal Redemption Through Divine Love" delve into overcoming spiritual alienation and the transformative power of receiving Jesus Christ. We touch upon the importance of spiritual symbols and their role in deepening our connection to God. The episode closes with a heartfelt reflection on forgiveness, redemption, and unconditional love, emphasizing the eternal promise and the ultimate goal of eternal life. By highlighting love as the cornerstone of our spiritual existence, we remind ourselves and our listeners that true faith is manifested through continuous growth and compassionate actions.

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Speaker 1:

You make known to me the path of life.

Speaker 1:

In your presence there is fullness of joy. At your right hands are pleasures forevermore. Palm 1611. Good morning.

Speaker 1:

We were referencing being stoned to death, jezebel of the story. And you shall be stoned to death, I told individuals. I said, in certain legislations and of course my mindset of governing body goes back to God there are individuals that have been elected to lead God within every sector and in most cases in today's society we don't have that. So, god, help us, forgive us, redeem us, save us, accept us in every way, shape or form. But in certain legislations, in certain locations, being stoned to death is still written into legislation that we try to embody and encompass some of the different blessings or some of the religious laws and aspects.

Speaker 1:

My confession to you and to other individuals that were listening to the body, to the church, to the state, was being stoned to death. That was the problem back in the biblical times that we as creatures, we as humble servants, should not have possessed the ability to kill. Thou shall not kill. We shall not possess the ability to condemn, to judge one another to stone, to death, but we continue to advance. That You'll notice. It might be an act of God in some way shape or form. Ignorance might be truly blessed. But we should live in a world where everybody's got sustainment and they're capable, they're competent. When you live in a world to where fulfillment God, christ, the Trinity, the substance, the body, the blood is found in every daily enactment, as you walk, you don't find inequity in other individuals. The perception of your view is not condemned. I often see individuals. Everything that they see, interpret, read, experience, absorb, has an equity. It's full of inequity. They can't get anywhere. They're not getting anywhere and they want to advance, but their advancement is no more than the lack of satisfaction because it's not about God and Christ. So it's our own thorn in our side, it's the nail that we've put in our own hand but that can be detrimental to a longevity seeking eternal peace within contentment. So we might not have it.

Speaker 1:

You make me known or you make known to me the path of life. Have it, you make me known or you make known to me the path of life and that's it. So there's life and death and biblical notion and we give that directly to God. So you make known to me the path of life. I seek life. Some cases I told you here I referenced it just a little ago.

Speaker 1:

Some people are seeking death and when you seek life or death and there is no in between, there's nothing to talk about, there's no reference, then immediately things start getting solved Immediately. You're seeing advancements Immediately. There's nothing to worry about in any way, shape or form, and it works by the way. Now you're seeking life, you're seeking life Cool, and if you're not seeking life, you're seeking death. But it's a direct reliance on you and not somebody else. In your presence there is fullness of joy, right, so we accompany it. Come, come into my heart, soul, mind, receive me, right, and I receive you Presence. There is fullness of joy, happiness. Where does the happiness stem from? It comes from him. It comes from him because we're capable, we're able, we're advancing in every mindset. I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and to lead me.

Speaker 1:

I just recently got done applying for a bunch of positions. It's not working out for me at my current physical location. It hasn't worked out for years on end. And there's God on earth and I don't stand a chance or an opportunity on advancing in any way, shape or form. And don't take it literal upside down. I apologize. So I recently applied for a lot of different positions and a lot of different locations within the United States, and the only thing that I could reference, and the only thing that I could in my reference, is the Lord's going to guide me. You know, I don't really care what location it ends up being, I'll be following the Lord. He's going to guide me, he's going to lead me.

Speaker 1:

There is certain scenarios in this world, in this life, in the seasons of life that we're living in to, where you let go of the concern, the worries, the troubles, the fear, the resentment of the unknown and you start bracing. I of the unknown and you start bracing I'm known to God, I'm known to my Savior, to my Creator, to the Lord Himself, and I can continue to advance within that mindset and I think it's powerful, I think it moves us, it advances us and takes us to a completely different level. So the Lord will be leading me, he'll be guiding me and I trust and confide with Him. Most of us, we don't have that capability. We have an inability of putting it within his hands. We can visit it, we can stay within a topic, the subject, but we're incapable of indulging in it, making it practical or walking within the scripture or within that mindset and it becomes an inequity. So, trust and confiding in him, I put it in the Lord's hands. He'll be guiding me, he'll be leading me. It's 100% restitution, what I'm invested in, what I'm reaping, I'm sowing, what I'm sowing, I'm reaping, and it's the score and the measure I'm giving and doing for him. I shall be receiving from him. He's the giver and the taker, the creator. Yes, of course. So it works.

Speaker 1:

At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. And I'm invested in heaven, I'm invested in eternity. I'm building the stairway each and every day. I store my treasures there and I know it's something that can't be taken from me. Often, in this day and world that we live in, everybody's trying to get at everybody, and one of the personal businesses I have is offer sustainment options for everybody, a to Z, anything you can think of. Competence means disciplines, degrees, life's loves. Every day I take it to a completely different level, but I make it happen and I make it happen for individuals. So at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Our pleasures can be the living God on this earth.

Speaker 1:

Someone's telling you you're not allowed to be happy, you're not allowed to experience that feeling, that emotion, that substance, that maternal possession, putting light with on the subject and watching it grow. It's the exact opposite. Within the living God that you serve, maternalizing it. Father, son, holy Spirit, the Trinity, you can advance, you can be thankful and you can be redeemed. So don't let anybody make you an innocent bystander, don't let them sideline you, don't let creatures deprive you of the blessings that God has given you in every way, shape or form, for truly what he is advancing within your life is something in the form of restitution.

Speaker 1:

How did you receive what you're receiving? How is it that you have privacy, you have intimacy, that you're given everything that you want to be given, and it goes back to God, no more than a sense of reality. I'm invested in him and he's invested in me, and it works in every way, shape or form. So pleasure is forevermore. And don't forget the reference of now and forever, because we often forget.

Speaker 1:

If I'm saved, if I'm redeemed, if I'm forgiven yes, of course, not condemned by creature right, the score, the measure, then it's now and forever, and a lot of times it's so superficial. I only love you temporarily, you're only forgiven temporarily. Well, I can have visitation with God and with Christ, probably like an hour on Sunday, make it maternal, live within that life, bring the presence to where it's relevant. I'm thankful, I'm capable, I'm able. He is the creator. What I've received, what I've been given, is an opportunity for me to advance within his works. Well, each and every one of us have been delivered a prophecy that we need to fulfill.

Speaker 1:

So idolizing creature or the lack of, or the sustainment, arguing, bickering or battering or discussing personal preferences that don't lead to life or death doesn't get us anywhere. So life works, and so does death. So if it works, it works, and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. It gives us the opportunity to advance in every way, in every shape and every form, through the middle of the street of the city, also on either side of the river, the tree of life with its 12 kinds of fruit yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations, revelations 22 2, and we're talking about the advancement of growth here, and I've referenced the growth, the theological maturity. We move within the scripture. We're no longer, we're no longer staying in it. We walk within scripture. It's become reality. We're converted, we're born again. We've been washed, we've been cleansed, we've been cleaned.

Speaker 1:

I had an interesting discussion the other night. We were doing a. I teach at night. Every night, I do a live talk. I don't post it online, but I do a live talk with a different group and I teach. I teach the way to help interpret. And the discussion was does everybody in the world need to be converted? Do they need to fail? Do they need to fall? Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Where does the inequity come from? Well, arguably, you would say it belongs to God, though, doesn't it? We've read scripture. We realize that there's murder, there's inequity, there's slavery, sorrow, sadness, jealousy, envy, greed, right?

Speaker 1:

Where does the inequity come from? What belongs to God, though? It's something that he created. He gave it to us. Are we capable of interpreting it with a sense of love, by not foreshadowing ourselves but advancing within our souls, our minds, our spirits? And the answer is yes, we are capable.

Speaker 1:

But the moment it becomes about creatures, then it's a complete loss. So, creature believes that you shall stumble, you shall fall and then, after you stumble, you shall fall. Then we can guide you and try to build you up so that you can find your Father, your eternal kingdom, your heaven right, your Lord, your Savior. But that doesn't work. You see, to be maternalized within the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Receive me, not condemn me. Don't let my fellow brothers and sisters condemn me and use it as an excuse as to how or why you should build me back up to you.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. My direct reference is you shall have the Father and Son, the Holy Spirit, the enactment, yes, leading you, guiding you to a point and to a milestone, to where, even when you're failing, even when you've made mistakes, as long as they're not at the cost and expense of somebody else, you're still capable of finding self-worth. Within that discovery, I find God in Christ, within this enactment. You know I've made mistakes, but it led me closer to him. So do you need to be converted? Do you need to fail in life? And some creatures would argue yes, because we're capable of no more than condemnation.

Speaker 1:

Our purest form of testament is I'm not saved, I'm not redeemed, I'm not capable, I'm not able, but it's the exact opposite. Through him, I am capable of everything, and an abundance of everything. I'm saved, I'm redeemed, now and forever, but through creature I'm not. I'm limited, I'm scorned, I'm distracted, I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy of the salvation of the blood of the cup of Christ, yes, himself. So the advancement takes us.

Speaker 1:

But when it becomes about creature, when we're invested in inequity in one another, we lose. It's miserable, it's sadness, it's sorrow. So think about being invested in one another, in love, in forgiveness, in compassion. I'm not here to judge you, to condemn you. I have no clue what prophecy, what mission you've been delivered from your Savior, from your Redeemer, how he's touched you, how he isn't touching you. I realize, when I see individuals experiencing inequity, jealousy, envy, greed, sloth, wrath, some of the examples, I can raise my hand in hallelujah, knowing that he still works in mysterious ways upon you right. So ignorance truly is bliss because still, at the end of the day, if you're forgiven, you're forgiven now and forever.

Speaker 1:

But when we make the excuse to maternalize the inequity, to maternalize the sloth, the wrath, the condemnation against one another, it only gets worse and we're continuing to being upheaved in every way, shape or form. So when I tell you I'm moving, I'm physically relocating, I'm expecting a call this week and I'm going to be advancing within what God's given me, I've put all my trust within him. I trust that I'm going to be moving within the Lord. He's going to guide me, me and the ones that I make commitment to. I seek to have a family God help me and I seek to create pro-life, and I believe that he's going to continue to be my deliverance.

Speaker 1:

Never let your inequity be the sorrow of the possession as to why you can't be happy. Exactly the exact opposite. I'm invested in him, I'm confined in him. I'm advancing, I'm moving forward, I don't have anything to worry about and life goes on. It can't be right for somebody else. It needs to be right for him, which means it needs to be right for you If he exists with you and you exist within him. Right for him, which means it needs to be right for you If he exists with you and you exist within him, then there is no denial. Denial is a form of creature and we don't exist within that form in any way, shape or form. It goes back to him in every way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches, to the one who conquers, I will give you some hidden manna and I will give him a white stone with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except one who receives it. So it's almost a secret, though we hear it. We're receiving it. It's transcending and you notice, it's a secret in this one, and that's what I give him. I will give him the white stone, the hidden manna, the bread of life here, the body, the blood. We're being fulfilled, we're being fixed daily with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it. Who are you known by and I reference it, I did a talk on it Strangers.

Speaker 1:

We're strangers to ourselves. We're strangers to our spouses. We're strangers to our children. We're strangers to our creator, our savior, our redeemer, to the Holy Spirit. Yes, of course, lord of Christ himself. We have no clue who he actually is. He has no clue who we are. But it's the exact opposite. Here, you'll notice, when we start to receive him, we are known and he's known to us, the one who receives it, and I will give it to him, a white stone with a new name written on that stone. So you can be born again, you can be turned over a new leaf here. This is the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. It's the rock, it's the Savior, and some of us we have that.

Speaker 1:

They build little shrines and urns and little possessions, and they reference it of being of God and Christ. It's a spiritual enactment. Some of the countries and nations that Life or Death Ministries reach, they're really into that. They like to receive the postcards, the prayer cards, little enactments that remind them of God and Christ. And it really moves within you. Think about the oil, the palms on the forehead, the ashes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, advancing it becomes maternal. We're growing within it. To the one who conquers, I will give some of the hidden manna. And what are we conquering? Sin, inequity and death, the entities that have led you astray. You aren't defined by condemnation anymore. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. So you're capable of embracing them, embracing them with love, with compassion, and moving within that scripture, within that testament.

Speaker 1:

So the Spirit says to the churches remind yourself, the church is the body, state. I walk within the Spirit. I'm no longer under the law. So church is body and state, it's building. It's building within you, it's building within the congregation, within your location, and the state it is the municipal, it is the act of law. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. I no longer walk under the law, right, so I walk within the Spirit. I'm no longer under the law.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm referencing here. Law needs to be. It's a direct reference of treating others the way you want to be treated, is it not God on earth, the creator, the savior, the redeemer? Otherwise, the point and purpose would be for nothing. Excuse me, so that's what we go back to. It can't be laws made up of no more than the lower limits, the upper limits of statues and codes that aren't relevant to God and Christ and they actively don't work in society. That possession of maternal purpose isn't going to get us anywhere. Society, that possession of maternal purpose, isn't going to get us anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not but lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you. That's a tough one. Revelations 3.9. It's almost as if we're advancing the second coming right If we spend the rest of our life seeking forgiveness. No, I need to pray on my inequity. I need to confess. I need to be forgiven, saved and redeemed. Come, come into my heart, soul and mind. Save me, wash me and cleanse me of my sins and inequities, give me strength, knowledge, passion, wisdom, devotion to be capable of embracing the gifts that you've been given me. Notice, your inequities lie within. They're not an outside force of somebody handing you a piece of paper, something that was wrote down, that's going to continue to deprive you or upheave you in any way, shape or form. Rather, it's the exact opposite. So behold and be stern. Within that steadfastness of a solid foundation of God and Christ, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie. Behold. I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you. So it's through the love, it's through the compassion, through the blood we once would say salvation, yes, of course, incarnation, born again. They will learn that I have loved you. Love is what we have for one another. And what form is it? It's unconditional. Love knows no restrictions or limitations or boundaries, and I can tell you it's private, because it's something that God and Christ have given us. My love is of God, of Christ. They are my witnesses, they are the ones who are capable of moving within me. I will make them come and bow down before your feet. Very good, a feet of reference.

Speaker 1:

Washing of the heart, soul and mind. Wash my feet, remember what I of the heart, soul and mind. Wash my feet, remember what I said. Wash me and cleanse me of my sins and my inequities. Of satan who say that they are jews and are not false prophecies. If you would idolatry, claiming to be somebody that they're not. Of course it requires acceptance or denial, but we're not going to take it to that.

Speaker 1:

You spend your whole life anticipating for the second coming of christ. You never get to be with god. You spend your whole life anticipating for the second coming of Christ. You never get to be with God. You spend your whole life searching for forgiveness, wanting to be redeemed, wanting to be cleansed. You never receive Christ. It becomes maternal. Remember the only fact unconditional love. He cannot deny you because he would be denying himself, nor shall you deny him. And if God shall be for you, who could possibly be against you in any way, shape or form? So we take it to that point and we move beyond what we're capable of condemning or limiting one another, but an advancement of heaven, of eternity, and truly grown within prosperity.

Speaker 1:

Because you have kept my word about patient endurance. I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to try those who dwell on earth, and Revelations 3.10, because you have kept my word about my patient endurance. Be slow to anger and kept my word. I walk within the scripture. Remember it's become relevant. Now I walk within the scripture, I don't have anything to worry about. It advances with me. I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world. So I will keep you from the hour of trial In my hour of darkness. Hail Mary.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course I like the rosaries. They remind us because most of us in my hour of death, when do you need God? Not just in your hour of death, the visitation, but your whole life. It's maternal, it's a marathon. You're in the garden of life, you're continuing to advance within it. I will keep you from that because the eternal life you're moving forward to, the afterlife glorification that is coming on the whole world, the whole world.

Speaker 1:

Does the world exist within you or do you exist within the world? Think about the whole person intellectually, emotionally, physically, intimately, spiritually, substance-wise, economically, the whole world. And where does the possession of belonging go to. What am I referencing? Something that we can deprive from one another? I'm referencing the maternal purpose of the garden of life. I'm referencing how the substance, the heart, soul, mind, the thought, word and deed lie within you and how they advance within you. It's the whole world right, it's the Father, son, the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

It grows within you to try those who dwell on earth we dwell on earth not to be sovereignly bleeding out, not to receive lacerations or to be afflicted, to be bruised, to be torn, to be put in shackles and chains. No, I am forgiven, I am saved, I am redeemed. The sins of sin and wickedness and death have been lifted off of me so that I can proclaim the truth, not outright. Lay, I don't crawl on the ground. No, sometimes I even run. See, I'm embraced within the light. The light finds darkness and the darkness finds light. Think about what I'm saying. What he has given for me, what he has provided for me, moves me, advances me and it keeps me safe. So, those who dwell on earth, they honor a living God. I'm continuously working within my garden, I'm advancing within it and I don't have anything to worry about.

Speaker 1:

But make it relevant. Make it relevant to where you're capable, you're able and put works behind the laboring of your deeds. Think about it. Your acts have way more value than talking about it. Theory and reason doesn't quite get us there. We can talk about it. You know what, we can discuss it, you know what. We can even sit down and we can ponder on it for a little bit, grab the chins and scratch the head if you'd like. But real maternal purpose of having the Spirit move within you, it comes when you are capable of lacing up the boots, grabbing the lunch peel and walking out the door.

Speaker 1:

Some of us we got the Bible in our hands. We're walking around with it, we know it works, we walk within the Scripture and it's saving and it's redeeming. Does that mean that you've got to force it on other individuals? They're going to come to God on their own terms. They're going to be capable of saving baptism, being born again and being revived. They'll come to God when the timing's right and if they don't, you don't have nothing to worry about. That goes back down on them, not to you in any way, shape or form. So don't worry about it, because I can only change self and worrying about things that you can't change, and I think that goes back down to the creator, the savior, the redeemer. God, help me, it might be something that's worth purpose.

Speaker 1:

The one who conquers I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God, out of heaven, and my own new name. The one who conquers yes, of course. Talk about the second coming, though I do believe I will make him a pillar in the temple of God. I talked about the solid foundation. I'm not going anywhere. I'm standing firm on the faith, on the devoted path that's been delivered and given to me. Never shall he go out of it. Look, you don't have to live life without God. You don't have to live life without the Holy Spirit or the enactment of Christ. You're forgiven, now and forever. You are redeemed. You can take this to a completely different mindset. Never shall he go out of it and I will make right on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God. He moves within you. That name, it's like a tattoo of my heart. It's scorned, it's within your DNA, it's within your blood. The salvation, the redemption is within the cup you're drinking. You know you're saved, you know you're redeemed. You don't have anything to worry about the city. I might seek heaven, I might seek eternity. He goes within you, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God, out of heaven and out of my new name. Very, very good.

Speaker 1:

So pleasure was the topic this morning. How so we can seek the pleasures, the joys, the happiness, the blessings, the redeems, the pro-life yes, of course, creation, the gifts of our Savior and our Redeemer, within pleasure. Everything that we've been given on this earth, and it's abundance of it, and more than we could ever imagine, can come back to us with pleasure, with gratitude, with joy, with grace. To be saved, to be redeemed. Well, to be saved, to be redeemed, is to no more than walk within that scripture, walk within that faith and be capable of carrying it. The greatest pleasures in the world don't have any eternal value when you're not capable of exercising within them. So be sure that you exercise within them, including fast within them.

Speaker 1:

I need to know my tolerable notions. I need to know that I can and that I can't, and that goes to God. Remember discovery I'm capable of seeking and finding you within every enactment and I don't have anything to worry about the reference to being stoned to death. I'm outright being blessed to eternity. The exact opposition. Anytime you find yourself faltering, questioning, you're not quite sure, the solid foundation is starting to crack and you might be given away, you might be getting ready to fall. What's opposition? Where is God within that enactment? It better be about God. It better be about Christ. So if I'm stoned to death, I'm also blessed for eternity. Think about it as its aspects that have been delivered and given to us and I'm maternalized and grow within it.

Speaker 1:

Let me close this up in prayer. Our graciously heavenly Father, in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, each and every day, our pleasures are no more than the confession of the joy, the happiness, the equity that we can find within you. I know that I'm invested in an eternal, my treasures are being stored, that what you've given me, my spouse, is the life, the maternalization and the whole person, the body, the spirit, the being can be found and can advance within you. Let me be enlightened, let me enlighten other individuals when I encounter darkness in this world. Let me illuminate them, let me shine upon them. Let your grace, your glory, your saving, saving, tried and true, healing power shine within me each and every day. Let the value of your eternal image be the only presence that I have to offer. Let me not be resentful or be cursed, but rather let me be blessed, saved, redeemed and continue to advance with what you've given me. I ask that you listen to my thoughts, my wants, what I hold near and dear to my heart, soul and mind, and continue to seek for you, for I continue to give it back to you With growth, with love, with compassion. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Some of us need to take notes. We need to write down where we're advancing, where we're not advancing and how it's moving within us each and every day, and I think that it actually works. Thank you for listening. Be sure to check out Facebook, instagram, twitter, the Buzzsprout feed, ask any questions that you can think of in any way, shape or form. I've got daily Bible studies. We do a talk. I've got some different arts that I put on there, some different quotes and some different verses. I think you'll really get into it If you shall have any questions or seek anything in any way, shape or form. Don't be afraid to reach out. I've also got a phone number listed. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your donations. Your contribution to Life for Death Ministries goes a very long ways in continuing to improve the world that we live in. I'm still looking to keep you updated on some of the different business enactments, different locations, on how Life for Death Ministries is moving in health and education, in lives and hearts and souls and minds, and in different charitable notions without the world. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

Have a very, very blessed day. Don't forget to find your pleasure within Christ. Too many of us are finding inequity within him. Find your pleasures, your joys and happiness within Christ and the ones that you love. Find love within one another, for his pleasure is your pleasure. God bless you. Make sure your intimate relationships are private and secured within God and within Christ. God bless you. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very blessed day, thank you.

Life's Joyful Path
Trusting in God for Redemption
Embracing Spiritual Transformation
Eternal Redemption Through Divine Love