Life Or Death

Fatherly Love and Divine Acceptance

June 16, 2024 Jes
Fatherly Love and Divine Acceptance
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Fatherly Love and Divine Acceptance
Jun 16, 2024

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What if everything you thought you knew about life and divine acceptance was turned on its head? Join us as we explore the profound and often paradoxical relationship between human existence, personal attachments, and spiritual faith. In this episode, we challenge the notion that our preferences and emotional connections define our worth, emphasizing instead the ultimate acceptance we find in the hands of the Creator. As we celebrate Father's Day, we reflect on the divine paternal relationship, encouraging listeners to find comfort and purpose in their spiritual journey, even amidst life's stumbles and falls.

Next, we tackle the high-stakes world of self-sustainment and decision-making. Ever wondered about the true costs and pressures of determining others' fates in the workplace? We peel back the layers on this topic, discussing the balance between autonomy, outdated practices, and the spiritual guidance found in John 15:5. Through our conversation, we highlight how gentleness and self-control transcend legal bounds and how our decisions, rooted in a higher power, shape our individual paths. This episode is a deep dive into the interconnectedness of life, faith, and the powerful consequences of our choices.

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What if everything you thought you knew about life and divine acceptance was turned on its head? Join us as we explore the profound and often paradoxical relationship between human existence, personal attachments, and spiritual faith. In this episode, we challenge the notion that our preferences and emotional connections define our worth, emphasizing instead the ultimate acceptance we find in the hands of the Creator. As we celebrate Father's Day, we reflect on the divine paternal relationship, encouraging listeners to find comfort and purpose in their spiritual journey, even amidst life's stumbles and falls.

Next, we tackle the high-stakes world of self-sustainment and decision-making. Ever wondered about the true costs and pressures of determining others' fates in the workplace? We peel back the layers on this topic, discussing the balance between autonomy, outdated practices, and the spiritual guidance found in John 15:5. Through our conversation, we highlight how gentleness and self-control transcend legal bounds and how our decisions, rooted in a higher power, shape our individual paths. This episode is a deep dive into the interconnectedness of life, faith, and the powerful consequences of our choices.

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Speaker 1:

Praise the Lord. Praise, o servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord, palms 113.1. Good morning Yesterday, the conversation we were having last night.

Speaker 1:

The form of life alive to die, die to be alive, but unknown, I'm yet to be discovered. I don't understand, though. Every form of life is accepted by God, denied by creature. Don't you understand? Like it's his life, it's not mine, it's his, it belongs within his hands. I give it back to him in every way, in every shape, in every form, the breath that I lead. But these interests that I have, whether they're special, whether they're minority, whether they're in favor, whether it's consensual, no majority said that they won. No majority said that they won.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. Every form of life is accepted by God and denied by creature, every form of life. So we have the only form of life that's available. It's a trick question Is there multiple forms of life available?

Speaker 1:

You could say there's multiple personal preferences. I have special interests. I like this shade, this tone, this color. I work in this industry. No, my family believes in drinking red wine right at dinner. No, no, we like milk. We don't like tea. Very good, think about what I'm saying. Right, the personal preferences are not a form of life. So why is it, if I might ask, forgive me why is it that we have to fight? Why do we have to argue? Why do we have to try so hard for our personal preferences, what we find to be relevant, excuse me why do we have to try so hard for them to be relevant? Why do we have to beg? Why are we begging for what we find to be feasible? Isn't God providing an abundance of everything within competence and means and what we've been delivered, what we've seen as well, within the realm of what he's capable of providing? Oh, my goodness no I know.

Speaker 1:

So how come in some way, shape or form? Shall we or should we suffer? Because the form of life that you walk is still the life that belongs to God. You'll notice, we're secondary in the equation, but to us it's first. You see what I'm saying. The form of life, it's possessive. It already goes back to substance, the whole body, the whole person. It goes back to God. You can't take it no further. That's where it exists, that's where it's going to stay. He is the creator, he's the giver and taker of life. These are the facts that we face in this world. But all of a sudden it's about us Now.

Speaker 1:

It's the form of life that I, it's personal preferences, emotional attachments to different topics of interest that we find to be relevant. But if it don't work, it don't work. And why should we be alive to die and die to be alive? I would prefer to be known, I would prefer to be discovered. By who? By self, yes, of course, and thought, word and deed, but also by him, by my Lord, my Savior, my Creator, my Redeemer. Very good, Praise the Lord. Praise, o servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. That's what I said, remember. We praise him, we invite him, we indulge in him, within him, we consume with him. You know, we're filling our cups. While we're with him, we're breaking bread. We continue to advance with that, with that advancement. So it's a form of life.

Speaker 1:

A form of life is a belief, is it not? I hope, I pray, I believe, I testify it, I confess it, I walk within it, I'm visiting, I'm staying, walking, exercising, putting it to rest, putting it back within his hands. Oh, very, very good. So that's the mindset this morning, and I want you to think about this as you advance throughout your day and I know it's Father's Day have a very, very blessed day. I hope that your day leads you with smiles, love, laughter and endless blessings. I hope that each and every one of you are touched in a way that you could only be touched by God, by Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. I'm directly reflecting my Father, my Savior, my Creator. I said good morning to my biological father and now I'm going back to the creator, the giver and taker of life.

Speaker 1:

It's really hard for us to have blood or the type of maternal relationships, right? I think that commitment works, but when it's well, I came from you or I gave life to you, but you're not God, right? We still don't even have to accept one another. We can actually deny one another, and that might be part of God. I might be capable of saying to my family I don't need to listen to you. Of course not. They're not God. Alive to die, I'll die to be alive.

Speaker 1:

It's not about the approval of somebody else. It's not about making ways right with somebody in any way, shape or form. Listen, every form of life belongs to God and remember what I said every form of life is accepted by God Because even when you stumble, when you fall, your Lord is going to save you, he's going to redeem you. You're continuing to advance. And then, furthermore, guess what Creature denies every form of life? But there's only one form and that's a form of eternity. And within eternity you're going to stumble, you're going to fall.

Speaker 1:

It's very, very acceptable. The word today should be acceptable. Everybody knows I don't do words, throw ducks on the floor and have everybody smack on one another. Yay, we get big rigs today. I apologize, lord, forgive me a little bit distraught in the mindset and mentality of the aggression of what God is in this particular scenario. Passion for purity, I would imagine. So how many CCs in your right away. I think different. So we have to accept that God is the giver of life. We're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody. I want you to think about this and try to narrow it on down. I mean just try to narrow it on down.

Speaker 1:

It's about life or death. So if you're going to fight or choose to argue, steal, rob, cheat any of these mindsets, you might as well choose to be dead. Life's about being alive or being dead, and there is no in between. I feel like that. I completely dealt with somebody yesterday that they would want somebody to be dead, but, God forbid, there's still a want and need this morning and they still need somebody in every way, shape and form. Well, you're not capable or competent. That's so very sad. How come? Very good, so that form of life is not acceptable by the way life continues to go on.

Speaker 1:

It's not up for discussion. You don't have to worry about it, for the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. He judge. The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. He will save us.

Speaker 1:

Isaiah 33, 22. We stumble, we fall. That form of life is a tough one though, isn't it? The Lord is our judge, so I'm not allowing anybody to condemn me or judge me. Boy, sometimes you got to do more than bite your lip and turn around and walk away. Sometimes you got to get in a vehicle and you got to drive away, get on an airplane and fly miles and miles away. Sometimes they just don't get the point picture.

Speaker 1:

Well, yesterday the world was no more made up of the sense of notoriety, of who can make what decisions on who, and that was the most powerful aspect in the whole entire world. It'll take you to eternity who's capable and able of making decisions on others? And boy, I mean it's worth a lot. I'll tell you every corner of the world, every special interest, every facet. If you would. Corner of the world, every special interest, every facet, if you would, every denomination. God help me. Making decisions on others is no more than the confession of your inequity.

Speaker 1:

So this morning I asked somebody good morning, how are you? I said very good. I said is there something that I can do for you? I try to see God within another person. Here comes the want and the need. I'm going to tell you the outright honest truth. I still have a want and need for you. I'm not capable or competent and if you were to do what I wanted you to, I'm going to continue to take you for granted. I thought to myself God bless you. I even raised a hand. God bless you.

Speaker 1:

Very good, at least we're gaining ground with what's important to you and what's important to me. Of course, my answer is no. I'm not willing, nor am I capable or able in any way, shape or form of helping you out of this abyss of enslavement, believing that everybody in the world must be judged or condemned or deal with inequity, the shallowest form of life you've ever perceived. You see, life or death belongs to God, and I seek god in life. I also seek god in death, and you've seen, you've seen individuals this day and age. You've seen women. No, it's my right. I can say if I want to have an abortion. I can say if I want to have children, no, I can say if I want to have a gender change, I'm not god, I'm not here to talk about or discuss it. Remember god. Life or death can't really take it any further. The tree of knowledge has got the best of everybody. Before you know it, they're scratching their heads and here comes the deceit. So it's not my decision, but it is. Think about it. It's my body, it's my life.

Speaker 1:

When you come down to a point, well, I need you to go back to a factory work so we can continue to make decisions on you. You've tried for seven to eight years and you know it don't work, because we're going to continue to make decisions on you and it ain't going to work. But that's what my need is for you for you to continue to suffer. Hallelujah. I mean literally hallelujah. It's like somebody's literally getting the whip ready and they're getting ready to put the lacerations across the back so that you can start bleeding open. So the Lord is our lawgiver, we're saved, we're redeemed. Remember, we're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

If our want or need goes to an aspect of attempting to make it to somebody else's life, then it's a complete loss. Somebody's selling stems I guess they're over in Ethiopia right now trying to feed some of the poor and the hungry. They're having a very bad day. The lawgiver is the Lord Christ, our Savior and Redeemer Through the hungry. They're having a very bad day. The lawgiver is the Lord Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. Through him, we are saved, we are redeemed, and the Lord is our King. He will save us. So now, at the very, very worst guess what? Even physician-assisted suicide, you will still find God in Christ. Because if you can't find God in Christ and God didn't deliver you while you were alive. Then you will find God in Christ while you are dead, and that's the point.

Speaker 1:

When you trust in him and stop denying him, you'll have it. And stop trusting in creature. By the way, it's a complete failure and I understand you know you've got problems and concern. You're the God of the world and Lord, help me, for the Lord is our judge. The and concern. You're the God of the world and Lord, help me, for the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. He will save us Very, very good. You take that further than you would and it's a self-reliance of the restitution.

Speaker 1:

The form of life that you believe in involves eternity. If there shall be life, there shall be death, and if there shall be death, there shall be life. Lord, forgive me, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5, 22, 23. Got caught up real quick, though. We were referencing how the Lord is our law, how he's our Savior, our Redeemer through him. Yes, of course, this form of life that we've accepted, which is what? Salvation, which is eternity, which is glorification on seeking that mindset, but the fruit of the spirit. Remember, I walk within the spirit. I'm no longer under the law. It's love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. So there's forms of life and forms of life that you can actively live wholeheartedly, 100%, complete cup filled, right Plumb to the top and, guess what, there's no laws against it. So I told somebody, and I told them recently. I said I don't think you understand. I said the form of life that I lead.

Speaker 2:

I said it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody else in any way, shape or form. There's nothing up for discussion.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't need to make decisions on anybody else. No, I'm not worried what anybody else, what they have or what they don't have, what they've achieved or what they didn't achieve. You see, I can live a life that is lawless, that I don't have anything to worry about, but then again, there's always going to be somebody that needs to make decisions. No, no, no, no, effective immediately. I can only maintain sustainment for self. Highest paying job that I have is figuring out who's going to get the job 24-7. I mean, it's a good paying job, best job that I have. I mean, boy, it's a very good paying job. And there is no law.

Speaker 1:

Gentleness, self-control against That'd be like saying there's no consequences. Did you know that? And I reminded somebody that this morning I said you know what? There is no consequences. You go ahead and make any decision that you want. Of course, that's what they've wanted, that's what we've been experiencing, but is it true? The only fact that I know of is you're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody. That practice, that form of life, that doesn't work, it's obsoleted, it's done Hell.

Speaker 1:

They even turned hands off. Every world door was shut, it was locked up. I mean, everything got shut right down. It was extreme. Uh-uh, we're closing the door to permanently. Today. Here's somebody still worried about.

Speaker 1:

I rapture every vein. I've only got stems of flowers and I'm the ultimatum, because I'm capable of making decisions on everybody else. I mean, I know you're Beep, it was censored. We almost got there. God help me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing.

Speaker 1:

John 15, 5. The vine, the life, the growth. You are the branches. You continue to stem into different personal preferences. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. What are the fruits we remember? What are the fruits? For, apart from me, you can do nothing. But when you're included within him, you have a sense of prosperity. You have everything, and the fruits is spirit of love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. My goodness, it doesn't seem like it's that hard for us. But remember the forbidden fruit. There is fruit that's forbidden and it's the tree of knowledge, because knowledge deceptively doesn't lead us closer to God. It denies his presence and we're pushed and moved further away.

Speaker 1:

Abide in me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you. John 15, 4. Abide in me, and it's not a sense of enslavement. You'll notice. There's prosperity, there's a sense of fulfillment, and I in you. So it goes that way I'm in you and you are in me, as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself. How come? Because it needs to have watering, it needs to have acts, laboring of the deeds yes, of course, the growing pains unless it abides in the vine. And the vine of life is the stream, it's the stream of water, it's the stream of life, it's the fulfillment that we're receiving. And neither can you so not only you but me, or I in him, and vice versa, unless you abide in me.

Speaker 1:

Think about that, and that's very, very relevant, very good, matthew 7, 18. The fruit, and think about it. It manifests from within you, so accepting his presence in that form of life. There is no other alternative. What if, every day, every decision you were making, the only ultimatum was there's life, there's death? I'm not capable of having anything in between. I'm not going to go outside of those guidelines. I'm not going to take it to an extreme level in any way, shape or form. Uh-uh, that there's only life and there's only death. Think about what I'm saying. It doesn't go any further. So now there's nothing to talk about. And, by the way, if you fight the whole day, or if you fight for years on end and you never accomplish nothing, the only accomplishment would be either you're alive and it's been buried the hatch has been buried or somebody ended up dead. Then you didn't accomplish anything. It's the same notion of feeding. Why would you feed somebody every day if, at the end of the day, they're still hungry? Why would you continue?

Speaker 2:

to open your mouth if, at the end of the day, they're still hungry? Why would you continue to open your mouth if, at the end of the day, you didn't accomplish anything?

Speaker 1:

Well, you need to have a reason and purpose to be alive. That bad fruit, geez. Nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. That's very, very sad. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. All right, burnt alive. Matthew 7, 19. I'll remind you, I don't make decisions on anybody I never did but the ones that feel the need to. It needs to be about life or death.

Speaker 1:

And that's it. I'm either alive or I'm dead. There's no moral attachment, there's no emotional well-being, there's no personal preferences. It's God, it's life, it's being alive or it's dead. I remind you alive to die or die to be alive. It happens like that, very, very, very extreme, but that's what we've decided was right for us. We proclaim what we find to be relevant. Thus, you will recognize them by their fruits Matthew 7, 20. How do I know that I'm saved? How do I know that I'm forgiven? If I encounter my fellow brothers and sisters, god's creation, out in society, how do I know that they're one of me, brothers?

Speaker 2:

and sisters, god's creation all within society.

Speaker 1:

How do I know that they're one of me? And what does that mean? I am within one, I'm anointed, right, the oil on the head, even to the ashes, of course. How do I know that we're united? The Father, son, the Holy Spirit. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

Speaker 1:

You'll notice some of the fruits might be bad and the ones that have good fruits, well, you'll see it. You'll see it within their works. There's only life and there's only death. Flirting with disaster. Within that mindset, that mentality of taking the derogative of social, moral, physical, intimate the whole person. Oppression thou shall not kill. That doesn't belong to God.

Speaker 1:

Sum it up real quick alive or dead, you decided you wanted to be dead because you're not capable and you're not competent. So if he's given you everything that you need to be successful in every way, shape or form, then I can only think. I can only think and I apologize. How could your personal preference be God? How could it be life? Or how could it be death? But if it is, that's the decision you've made on yourself. So thus you will recognize them by their fruits. You'll also recognize yourself by your fruits, by your consumption, by what you're eating, very, very good. You will recognize them by their fruits.

Speaker 1:

Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Matthew 7, 16. Is it the inequity? Where it comes from? Grapes are gathered from thorn bushes, boy, where it came from. Therapes are gathered from thorn bushes, boy, where it came from?

Speaker 1:

The derogatory. I need to be saved and I need to be redeemed. Or figs from thistles, and you can't take it any further. How come? Because it's not possible, it's not capable and it's not competent. Yes, of course. So you proclaim what's relevant to you, but eliminate the aspect. Here you have two choices today. You have live or dead, and that's it. You can't complain about it. You can't make any mistakes. You're not allowed to tell somebody yes. You're not allowed to tell them no. It's about you, it's truly about you. Now you don't need to decide if you want to be alive or if you want to be dead. Oh, that's a tough one. Some of us, we know more than want to be dead each and every day, and that is our purest form of testament. So every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the deceased tree bears bad fruit Matthew 7, 17.

Speaker 2:

And we said that We've seen it, they bear it, they witness it, they walk it, they proclaim it. It's all that they have to offer. But what good is forcing somebody to deal with being dead or death every day if, at the end of the day, nobody died? What in good lord's name is wrong with you? Why would you feed somebody every day that if, at the end of the day, they're still hungry? You poor child, what's?

Speaker 1:

wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Every branch in me, every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away. And every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes that it may bear more fruit. John 15, 2. So he's consecutively working on us, but when we think we're going to work on others or not work on ourselves and not allow him to work on us, we completely lose hope, we lose faith, we lose everything. I've even heard stories of they're holding you out right down at gunpoint. Uh-uh, it gets worse than you could ever imagine. He prunes it. I'm going to snip you right off.

Speaker 1:

I have a friend of mine. She'd walk up to me and she'd pluck it right off of the branch, decided she didn't want to be involved anymore because she wasn't happy with the decisions they were making. Better, if you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it'll be done for you. Oh, my Lord, hold on one second. John 15, seven. If you abide in me we're talking about the completeness, the whole body and my words abide in you. I walk within the scripture. I'm putting it to rest, I'm putting it back with his hands. Ask whatever you wish. Wait, isn't this proclaiming it Ask whatever you wish, whatever you deemed for yourself is right for you. But you're not just some scientific crystal ball for a mind walking around with a backside and a mouth to where you can be pruned on every aspect and you get to listen and hear what everybody's got going on and oh you're so very valuable.

Speaker 2:

God help us. I don't have no clue what the world would do without you. My God, that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

How long did it take you to get turned into God in Christ? Take it a little bit further, if you should wish. I hope and pray by this, my Father is glorified that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples John 15, 8. Anybody that has fruits of labor, that seek in fulfillment, that has sustainment in every way, shape and form, is bearing the fruit of your creator, your savior, your redeemer, and it proves to be my disciples. Yes, of course, prophets converts. I've been converted. I walk within the scripture.

Speaker 1:

So within that mindset, if you're not walking within it, you're judging, you're condemning, you're bleeding out. You've got a thorn in the side. I mean, I heard about it. I'm not mad at you. That needs to be your problem, not somebody else's. It needs to be what your problem is is your problem. Do you need to invade privacy of somebody else? No. Do you want to deal with somebody else when you don't have to? No. Do they make their own decisions? Everybody in the world makes their own decisions. God help me. You did not choose me. Oh shoot, you did not choose me. Hold on one second here.

Speaker 1:

Got a little carried away, lost the verse completely. It went sideways. These things, I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full John 15, 11. And this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends John 15, 13. You are my friends if you do what I command. You Think about the reference here, what we're referencing.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to suffer, you don't have to be told, you don't have to make decisions on one another. And I know it's bitter this morning. It's outright bitter, it's bickering. It was a terrible night, the storms were passing and nobody's safe. There is no solid foundation of Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, and everybody's upheaved. But I can promise you and I can guarantee you that within him this is my commandment that we love one another. It's about life or death.

Speaker 1:

Listen, there's nothing to talk about. There's nothing to argue about. You're allowed to discover. You're allowed to fail. You're allowed to make decisions on self. You're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody else. You're not allowed to have your personal preferences being turned into God. You are not, or cannot be a cost and expense to anybody in any way, shape or form, because if you choose to be, that shall be the end, permanently, in every way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

Well, let me wrap this up in prayer Our graciously heavenly Father and Christ, our Savior, your demon, with strength, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, passion, integrity, devotion. I ask that this word, this scripture, the fulfillment, yes, the inequity of my own selfish wants and needs be no more than the enlightenment or the lack of sustainment that I'm receiving from you. Let my Lord, my Savior, redeemer, come, come into my heart, soul and mind, Save me and redeem me. That the fruits of my laboring, my deeds, the growing pains, the inequity, even the forbidden fruit itself, is no more than the confession of what I've found to be relevant. I don't want to be an inequity, a sore to anybody else in any way, shape or form, that I truly want to be capable of finding sustainment, that not only does everybody else in the world look for individuals that have sustainment, but we're also looking, as our creator, our savior, our redeemer, our judge yes, of course, the Lord to be the one that's capable of accepting us with love, with patience, with grace, grant us privacy, blind and deaf, so we're not experiencing inequity from creature, but experiencing the fulfillment, the sustainment that is given from God, from our Savior and Redeemer. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit, christ, our Savior's name, we pray. Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the Buzzsprout feed I still got fan mail and there's a lot of different art that's being posted daily.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for your contributions, thank you for the money that you're giving Support your continued listening. It goes a very long ways in continuing some of the major impacts that we're having within this world of Life for Death Ministries. Very, very proud of some of the notions that we're having. As I've stated before and as I'm reminding you daily, I'm going to keep you updated on some of the locations. It sounds like it's going south and it's going south fast. I could be wrong, but it seems like there's an extreme amount of sustainment with a good amount of land, and it's going to lead to prosperity in every way, shape and form. Thank you for listening and thank you for your continued support. Remember the fruits of your labor and your Lord. If it's only about life or death and there is no point to prove, your personal preference is completely irrelevant, and I know a little baby with a pacifier crawling on the ground.

Speaker 2:

Please me me me.

Speaker 1:

We all want to be heard and I get that, but every now and then we need to be condemned, we need to be shown and some of us, we need to put it to rest. There is only life or death. God bless you.

Life, God, and Personal Preferences
Making Decisions and Consequences