Life Or Death

Embodying Unconditional Love Every Day

June 15, 2024 Jes
Embodying Unconditional Love Every Day
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Embodying Unconditional Love Every Day
Jun 15, 2024

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How can fasting transform your heart, soul, and mind beyond just the physical? Join us as we promise an enlightening journey into the deep spiritual and practical aspects of living a united, anointed life. Drawing inspiration from Matthew 6:17 and other biblical scriptures, we uncover the powerful significance of fasting, anointing, and consecration. Discover how these ancient practices are still profoundly relevant today, guiding us to shift our focus from worldly desires to divine guidance, leading to boundless potential and blessings.

In this episode, we explore the profound connection between faith, blessings, and everyday living. Experience the wisdom of embracing a life filled with gratitude, kindness, and daily testimony of Christ's grace. Learn how overcoming negative emotions like hate and jealousy can unlock the abundant gifts provided by the divine, and envision a world where love and mutual provision reign supreme. We highlight the importance of integrating faith into both personal and professional realms, fostering unity, empathy, and deeper relationships rooted in God's love.

Finally, we delve into practical ways to live a faith-centered life every day, emphasizing virtues like generosity, humility, and unconditional love as taught in the Bible. Learn to see your setbacks as divine guidance and embrace the blessings around you. We discuss the importance of unselfish love within relationships, recognizing God's presence in your spouse, and cherishing privacy as a sacred gift. Join us as we conclude with a heartfelt prayer for anointment and gratitude, sealing our conversation with thankfulness for the divine gifts we receive daily. May you be blessed and inspired to walk in faith every day.

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How can fasting transform your heart, soul, and mind beyond just the physical? Join us as we promise an enlightening journey into the deep spiritual and practical aspects of living a united, anointed life. Drawing inspiration from Matthew 6:17 and other biblical scriptures, we uncover the powerful significance of fasting, anointing, and consecration. Discover how these ancient practices are still profoundly relevant today, guiding us to shift our focus from worldly desires to divine guidance, leading to boundless potential and blessings.

In this episode, we explore the profound connection between faith, blessings, and everyday living. Experience the wisdom of embracing a life filled with gratitude, kindness, and daily testimony of Christ's grace. Learn how overcoming negative emotions like hate and jealousy can unlock the abundant gifts provided by the divine, and envision a world where love and mutual provision reign supreme. We highlight the importance of integrating faith into both personal and professional realms, fostering unity, empathy, and deeper relationships rooted in God's love.

Finally, we delve into practical ways to live a faith-centered life every day, emphasizing virtues like generosity, humility, and unconditional love as taught in the Bible. Learn to see your setbacks as divine guidance and embrace the blessings around you. We discuss the importance of unselfish love within relationships, recognizing God's presence in your spouse, and cherishing privacy as a sacred gift. Join us as we conclude with a heartfelt prayer for anointment and gratitude, sealing our conversation with thankfulness for the divine gifts we receive daily. May you be blessed and inspired to walk in faith every day.

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Speaker 1:

But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face Matthew 6, 17,. Probably the reference to oil, right, and the washing of the face. We're utilizing water. For what have I done for you? It was Matthew 6, 17. I mentioned it. For what have I done for you?

Speaker 1:

We stumble and we find one another. At that paradox, right? I'm looking to my fellow brothers and sisters what have you did to me and what are you doing for me? And we reference it. But we should be referencing it to him, to him, so we're united, we're joined together. It's still a sense of heart, soul, mind, thought, word. Indeed, the focal point of being, yes, christ himself, or being Christ-like, continues to move us.

Speaker 1:

But when you fast, and when you fast, you're living without. I'm fasting right now. I started a different diet routine at night here. I stopped eating at like 11 or noon throughout the day, and then I'll have something light throughout the day, if needed, just something real light, some cashews or something, just a small amount, just to keep it going, and I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight. And then I don't eat again until in the morning. But I'm fasting, I'm doing something without I've even took my own personal devotion and vocation.

Speaker 1:

Just a reference to fasting without religion, living without what I love, it's extreme. It's more around like Good Friday and Lent and fasting. And, yeah, live without what you love. Well, I love God. Right, naturally, god is love. How could you not live without God? And I've attempted that too. It can be very, very extreme, very extreme. So ignite your head. Ignite your head with thoughts and words and deed being directed, being guided right, and then wash your face and the reference of oil on the head. They also do the cross on Palm Sundays, a sense of resurrection. You're brought back together. You know we're not alienation from Christ or from God in any way, shape or form, but rather we are joined together within the shared same view, the same shared message of continuing that biblical prophecy that we embrace here on this earth. It's relevant that we find our own calling and that we lead and guide within that. If we lead and guide to one another, then we can be upheaved.

Speaker 1:

So the reference I use for what have I done to you? And that's a question what have I done to you? Often, we can reference it. So, what were you doing for me? Well, if you were doing something good for me, that's what you shall be receiving. But if you scored me, if you measured me, if you lashed me, if there was a laceration, if there was an injury, if I was damaged in some way, shape or form, then it might be something that references back to you and and I don't like, I like blameless, no fault, and walk away and give it back to him. Lord, forgive me.

Speaker 1:

And Jehu, the son of Nishmi, you shall anoint to be king over Israel. And Elisha, the son of Shaphat, of Abel Mahala, you shall anoint to be a prophet in your place. A little bit extreme with the terminology and the reference of pronunciation, but you shall anoint to be a prophet in your place. In 1 Kings that's where we were originally 1 Kings 19.16, you should be anointed.

Speaker 1:

There's different individuals in this world that are appointed and they're God-appointed. Within that discipline, within that scripture, we encounter them. We know they're carrying out the mission of God. They can't make any decisions on you to make anything worse, but if you're lucky, they might be somebody that's capable of a miracle, capable of blessing your life, bringing you to a different level and offering it. I'm invested in a different form of technology currently to where almost everybody in the world would have the opportunity of having unlimited earnings potential and unlimited life potential. And, of course, with unlimited life potential comes unlimited earnings potential, and one of the greatest venues that we have is you're not allowed to make any decisions on anybody, but you can take it just as far as you want within your own gains. Your own means competence, but you can take it just as far as you want within your own gains. Your own means competence, disciplines and a degree. So it's instead of living a life condemned, what can I accomplish? I can't get anywhere. I'm not anointed within him. Now, your personal, your professional, your interests, your wants, your needs can be anointed within your Savior, your Creator. Yes, of course, the Advocate Christ, our Savior and Redeemer our Lord, and you can find that advancement within it Very exciting. By the way, very, very exciting, and I'll try to keep you updated.

Speaker 1:

You shall also anoint the basin and it stand and consecrate in it. Exodus 40, 11. It becomes holy, everything that we possess, everything that he's given us. We once walked in the world that was scorned. Our vision was scorned. I was blind, I was couldn't see. I was stepping on top of God's creation. I was walking all over it and I didn't care to look back or to take regard of the gifts that he was giving me. I wasn't capable of receiving them. Now, when I see it anoint the basin and it stand and consecrate in it, I am capable of seeing the gifts that have come in from God. I'm reminded of the bountiful harvest, of the fruits of the labor, of what he's capable of giving and what he's provided for me an abundance of everything. So what have you done for me? What you've given to me is an abundance of everything.

Speaker 1:

How, so very often we find ourselves taken for granted even the simplest notions in the world. I'm not happy nor thankful that what I have and what I've been provided, I'm not happy nor thankful that what I have and what I've been provided, I'm not happy or thankful that I can plant my own seeds, that I can grow my own garden, that I can manifest, that I can experience pro-life, I can have creation, I can have gifts from God, I can receive love and intimacy within that commitment, within that unity, within the focal point being united within him. So I call it united or anointed and we're coming together. I referenced yesterday you shall wear your cloth and you shall wear it proud. And what I told individuals even if you have rags and you don't have cloth we were referencing wolf and sheep clothing even if all you have is rags, you shall still wear your cloth proud and it's a representation of being united and being one within, regardless of the deficit that you could possibly face. What have you done? Right? Creature themselves. You can't be accountable for the decisions or mistakes that they've made or that they're attempting to make. You wear what he's given you proud. You utilize what he's given you.

Speaker 1:

We're so quick to look into our inventory, our battalion of what we actually have. Well, if you're a child of God, if you're united, anointed within Christ, you have an abundance of everything. Your artillery, your inventory, is way beyond anything that we can imagine. I mean a multitude of nations, and the type of coverage that you have is for eternity, above and beyond. Well, it goes and goes and goes and you don't have anything to worry about. So we need to think about that.

Speaker 1:

When something happens, when there's an occurrence, when there's a thorn, when there's a splinter, unupheaving, when we make mistakes and mistakes are part of growing and learning we can give thanks and rejoice. We're so quick to jump outside of God. We're so quick to jump to creature, we're so quick to point the finger, to find fault in our own occurrences. Don't look, don't be the type of person that's looking to find fault in others or in yourself. Be the type of person that's looking to be saved, looking to be redeemed and looking to help others. When you start viewing the world with love, with compassion, with interest, generosity and favor, that's what you'll be receiving. So don't look to score the world, don't look to condemn the world or to look for the occurrence, because that's not being united within.

Speaker 1:

When I reference being united, your whole person and I'll be on this whole person topic for quite a while here because a lot of us need to be invested, we need to manifest, we need to throw light on the subject, on different areas, on different sections within our heart, soul, minds, our thought, words and deeds intellectual, personal, physical, emotional and every well-being that we have can be united within Christ and within God. So when you reference any enactment and it goes to Christ and it goes to God, you have an abundance, you have fulfillment. There is no restriction, there is no limitation. You can rejoice, you can give thanks and you can give grace. But when you accuse, when you point the finger. When you're not united, when you're disconnected, when you've made yourself alienation from him, the saving grace and the redeeming gospel, then you're stumbling, then you're falling and you don't quite have it.

Speaker 1:

The thoroughness of being redundant is I am capable and I am able. Wouldn't you like to wake up every morning blessed? Think about it. Good morning. Good morning, how are you? Did you want to say a prayer together before you got out of bed? Invest in your children, invest in the youth of the nation. I'm trying to tell individuals if you teach them the right way and I say teach, and I don't even believe in teaching, I believe in a sense of guiding, but that's a child of god to let them make mistakes so that they can learn. But wake them up the right way, put them to bed the right way. Good morning, did you want to say a prayer before you got out of bed? Here, let's get your hairbrush, let's put you to bed. Now I lay me down to sleep.

Speaker 1:

I pray the Lord, my soul, to keep. Invest in God, invest in Christ, bring it personal, maternalize it, bring it near and dear to your heart and soul and mind. Be anointed. Anointed within that spirit, within that captivity, not being shackled in chains in prison, but being capable of releasing the blessings so many of us we have abundance to give. God has given us everything that we need, not only for ourselves but for others. But it's locked up on the inside of us the hate, the jealousy, the envy, the greed. We're distraught, we're torn, we're not sure what we should be saying or what we should be doing. Unlock the blessings, channel the emotions. Make sure that you're capable of being delivered, anointed and blessing other individuals.

Speaker 1:

I like to be happy, I like to feel good, I like to have an abundance of everything. I like to see the world blessed. I'm not looking for the score, the measure, the inequity of when there's an occurrence or a fraction in some way, shape or form. I'm looking for the blessing. When I see an equity, I know that's God working within me. I know he's attempting to come to me. I know he's going to be delivering. I know he's going to be shining down on me. When I see a blessing, even if I don't have it and it's something that might provoke emotional attachment of how did that family get that? Or I heard this church has got this going on. Or well, I heard this church has got this going on or well, life for Death Ministries. We're still here, we're doing it every day, but I don't have what they have. I thank God each and every day because I know they're still capable, they're able, and he's given me what I've got and everybody's going to get their turn in some way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

But listen to what I said Now. It's a confession of inequity. You mean I've got to wait to receive my blessing. You don't Keep making the right decisions every day, even when you think it ain't going to happen. Somebody says you're going to get your turn. Sounds like it's creature-created bondage.

Speaker 1:

Uh-uh, I'm giving it back to God. I'm giving it back to Christ, where it belongs. I'm going to be manifested in something that works. I'm going to be saved. I know I'm redeemed and I know I don't have anything to worry about. So proclaim it, testify it, walk within it.

Speaker 1:

Remember what I said I'm visiting within a topic and subject. I'm already anointed with God, christ, my Savior, redeemer the substance, the Holy Spirit, the whole person. Now I'm staying with it for a little bit. I've accepted it, I'm staying in it. I'm beyond visiting, I'm staying within it. Now I'm going to advance a little bit further Now. We're going to walk within it. We're going to exercise within the discipline to green. It's going to become practical. I'm going to be looking for unconditional acts of kindness daily. I'm going to be looking to proclaim and testify the good, saving, healing grace of Christ and I'm going to manifest within it and finally, I'm going to put it to rest. Well, I don't have a point to prove. It's not mine in the first place. It outright belongs to him and I'm back to him. There's different levels of that love. There's stages.

Speaker 1:

If you would the advancement and you can tell when you're with Christ and you can tell when you're not with him. I tell you what you shun him. You turn a cold shoulder to him in every way, shape or form. You're not going to be happy. He is the ultimate provider for our wealth, for our happiness, for what we're seeing, for what we're going to be invited on in. You want sustainment, you want to feel happy, you want to be received and redeemed. You're going to get it from him Each and every day. You can be thankful.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine and Lord help me, lord help me, I apologize Can you imagine if, every day, the youth of the nation, not only the adults, but the youth of the nation. Every day, they were doing no more than trying to find a way that they could have God and Christ, the Savior, the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit in their lives. Trying to find a way that they could have God in Christ, the Savior, the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit in their lives. I tell you, I'm begging to see the day when one of my own children walks up to me and, well, I mean, what do you think we should do for them? What do you think God and Christ would want to do for them? Maybe we should see if we could provide for them.

Speaker 1:

When you start having the mindset, the focal point, the temple yes, the synagogue within being anointed with God in Christ, your Savior and Redeemer, and the only thoughts that you could ever possess that embrace the enactment of being capable of walking out on it, is that we are capable, we are able and I'm going to be provided and they're going to provide for me. I tell you what a world that's got love for one another is a world of fulfillment, it's a world of sustainment and there ain't no worries, troubles or concerns. The inequity, the blame, the fault, looking for the fault Some of us, every day, we're looking for the fault just so that we can light our own fuse. I tell you what when we're going to see if we can find some fault, then we're going to light our own fuse and off to the races, you go. I'm the exact opposite. You tell you what I believe in blameless, there ain't nothing to worry about. We live in a world to where you don't owe anybody anything and they don't owe you anything. That's not right. God talking, that's his work, that's his words. We're within his works of being united within him. So then I find it, I seek it. I'm looking for the blessing, I'm looking for the inequity so that I can bless, so that I can redeem. I'm not looking for the fault.

Speaker 1:

Remember the view that you have, the few that you have, whether it's scorn. I was once blind, but now I see, and some of us, we get to a point where our eyes wide open. Now, all of a sudden, it belongs to God. There is no right, there is no wrong. Well, that you're putting it to rest. You've graduated, you're seated at the right hand, you're taking it to that. We worship and honor a living God and we forget about that, the God that we've been given the entities that we're receiving. We're capable of taking it to a different level and I'm just thankful. I'm thankful that each and every day I can wake up and I can receive those blessings and I can be anointed within the cross the mission of carrying my own sustainment. The prophecy that I've been delivered might be a different prophecy than what you've been delivered. And remember, when you opened that door, did you find Christ today? Because if you did, you're saved, you're redeemed, you're forgiven.

Speaker 1:

You ain't bringing anything into this household that I don't want to deal with. Be careful what you're bringing into your relationships. And we forget to think like that. I put boundaries within my personal and my professional. You want to be professional with me? I'm going to keep you outside of the house. You don't need to know. I mean, you want to ask about the wife and children, things like that? Sure, I'll give you a surface level. But my relationships, they're united within God and Christ. I don't mix the two. I don't blend professional and personal, because they don't work. So what I've got going on in my personal life, that's for God and Christ. That's where it belongs to. I've made a commitment to him and that's as far as it goes and you can ask just out of generosity or trying to be favored.

Speaker 1:

But they say curiosity kills the cat. If it's not God's interest that you're providing to me and it's your own interest, I might shun you, I might turn away. I might walk away, turn the other cheek if you would turn a cold shoulder. And the reason being is because don't bring things into your life that don't belong at that life. There's different levels and I referenced it.

Speaker 1:

If your personal intimate relationships belong to God and belong to Christ, they're blameless. They don't belong to anybody else and you're not bringing anybody else into that life, then you ain't going to have anything to worry about. Be invested in one another. Live in the type of world to where you can invest in your spouse, your spouses, your girlfriends, your wives, whatever you've got going on right Husbands, children, whatever you value. Live in a world to where you can invest in them on the type of level to where you're completely indulged in them. I mean outright consumed.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm referencing. It's the type of relationship God can provide. It's intellectual, it's the whole person. It's spiritual, it's emotional, it's physical, it's intimate, it's economical, it's in every aspect, way, shape and form. Most of us, we're only scratching the surface. We're only looking to see what you look like. How are you doing? You look nice, thank you, and those are the type of compliments we have for one another. I'm talking alive on fire for one another.

Speaker 1:

One of the aspects that I provided within some of the communities that they have me at for being a community leader is religion, and I'm a religion, I'm an independent. So when marriages are making the right decisions, I've got it to where you're on fire for one another. You can't think about anything else. You want one another in every way, shape or form. You're consumed by one another. You are drawn to one another and you have love, compassion and interest and also sympathy and empathy. There's not anything that that person's going through that I'm not going through, and vice versa. So we're a team, we're united together in God and, excuse me, excuse me on what mindset. We have a shared love for God, and that's the reason that we're in this relationship. Am I doing something wrong? How come you're not inviting God and Christ in our relationship anymore and inviting might be the wrong word how come we don't have God in Christ in our relationship anymore?

Speaker 1:

I was listening to a sermon the other night and somebody said it very good. They said, you know, we decided to be religious. This relationship is going to be religious. I thought, lord, help me. We're going back to visiting. We're going to have certain set amount of hours. I mean here, probably at Sunday, from nine to 10, you come, you come visit us. It's all right, I understand you come visit us, you can see us. I mean, you can probably even take a little drink of the cup. We'll give you a little bit of bread. If you want, you can put some offering up in the plate. I'm not mad at you, but we need to be capable of advancing within our personal and our professional relationships.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes the visitation just ain't cutting it, it ain't. We got to be capable of investing, taking our own prophecy, our own missions, what we've been delivered and taking it to a different belonging, a different sense of beginning. For I know that I am a child of the Most High and what I've been given shall not be held back from me. For what I am receiving, I'm giving to him and he's giving to me the generosity and favor of this life that we've been received. It's no more than the acknowledgement of what he's capable of and the blessing. So I don't turn my shoulder to him, I don't deny his presence and I'm not visiting him. It's outright a life. I mean I'm with god 24 7. I'm outright carrying my mission with me and I'm advancing within it. I'm thankful, I'm redeemed, I'm saved, I'm forgiven, and I'm hoping everybody else that I encounter has got the same blessings, for they're capable, they're capable, they're able. What they've been delivered, what they've received, it only leads to sustainment. So think about that.

Speaker 1:

In your relationships, do you have love for one another? Are you visiting one another? Well, I mean, when I get done with work, I'll probably spend a couple hours with my spouse and that'll be about it. I'll get cleaned up, I'll go to bed and that'll be about it. Y'all don't need to visit one another anymore the moment you make a commitment to God and to Christ.

Speaker 1:

We chose to be religious. Come on now. It's a form of life. It ain't an accessory. You can't walk up to Saks and say give me the finest purse that you got. Let me look at some of these accessories you got. Throw it in the bag.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. God and Christ, your religious presence within this world, it can't be a necessary. It's got to be something that you hold near and dear. You manifest it, you shine light with on the topic, you grow within it, you are anointed, you're united also within your cares, within your interests. You don't have anything to worry about in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with anointment Luke 7, 46. And that's it too. The reference of the feet, the head, the oil is of course being advanced. So it comes from him, it's anointed within him. But you notice the gift, the blessing, the generosity. We're capable of doing that for one another. I'm not sure about you, but I like to be saved, I like to be redeemed. Doing that for one another. I'm not sure about you, but I like to be saved, I like to be redeemed. So think about that as you present yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you're in a whole person mindset of developing, of advancing, of having discipline and degree, competence and mean, so that you can have fulfillment anytime you experience inequity, you don't quite have it, you're not quite getting there. You believe you're crossing the finish line, but you're still standing at the start line. Think about what I'm saying. There is room for growth and that room for growth that you can find, it's within God, it's within Christ, and you don't have anything to worry about. So be saved and be redeemed and remember. Remember, at very, very best we're still just humble servants. All we can do is serve him. And if we continue to serve him and put it back within his hands, it'll be returned back to us.

Speaker 1:

And I say that because as we advance, as we climb that ladder, as we're climbing the stairway to heaven, as we're finding fulfillment within each and every one of our disciplines and degrees, our shades, our tones, our colors, it's easy for us to start playing the role. It's easy to believe that we're God, it's easy to believe that we're Christ. It's easy to believe that we can tell other individuals what's right or what's wrong for them. I tell you, the acceptance is the key, and key is the acceptance. The moment you can accept unconditional love, you can see the love that God has put within one another.

Speaker 1:

I told everybody I see things different this day and age, and I'm converted. You know, I'm born again. I'm turned over a new leaf. I'm outright alive, and I'm alive for God. I'm beyond the visitation. No, I mean, I guess you can come visit me. You see me for an hour on Sunday, every Sunday. It ain't like that. It's 24-7. I'm involved, I'm invested, I'm committed and my relationships are that way.

Speaker 1:

So I walk within him and every day I carry that presence within me. It's a blessing. I don't walk out the door without him. I don't lace up my boots without him. I don't lay down and go to bed without him. Every aspect that I have is with him in every way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

But when you don't have him within those disciplines and degrees, you see it, you'll see an equity. You'll be upheaved, you'll be mad, you'll be bitten, you'll be bickering. It gets the best of you. So include love, include patience. Patience in the sense of be calm, be slow to anger and be capable of accepting.

Speaker 1:

So I was telling you my perception of deception, or the deception of perception, the way I see the world. I see the world the way God wants me to see it. It took me a long time to receive that blessing. By the way, when I see the world, I'm seeing God's love in every enactment. Even when there's inequity, even when there's failure, twists and setbacks, I still know that God's working there. I see Christ shining down from above. Yes, you are forgiven. You are forgiven, he has risen. He has risen, indeed, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not stumbling and falling out of coincidence, just so that I can be upheaved. I'm stumbling and falling because God wants me to stumble and fall. He wants me to be back invited, and sometimes we need that reminder. We need to be humbled, we need to get to where we're back, right down on the ground, crawling like that servant, like that child. It's so very righteous and it's the presence that we've been given and we've been delivered. So being united, the presence that we've been given and we've been delivered. So being united, being anointed, receiving the blessing. It's within the blood, it's within the salvation, yes, of course.

Speaker 1:

The Holy Spirit, the enactment, the whole person, the substance, the body, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, it's all within you. I tell you what, I don't care if it's surface level or if you've got to dig mighty deep. You might be capable of finding it. Learn how to embrace the blessings that you've been given, what you've been receiving, and it'll take you to a different level of prosperity that you never even thought could exist in this world.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer. Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, with love, with gratitude, with grace, with acceptance. Let us be anointed in the gifts and the blessings that you receive. Let us be reminded that your maternal purpose on this world is for us to receive an abundance of everything and manifest it through a light with on the subject, and continue to give love and grace and blessings to one another, for if it wasn't for you, we won't have anything. Let us be reminded that we should not only visit but we should stay, we should walk within the discipline, the degree, and we should be capable of putting it to rest and giving it back to you that every topic, every interest, it truly belongs to you. It ain't mine, I mean, it's outright yours. And that's one of our own personal testaments that we have.

Speaker 1:

Remind us to have love for one another, to find God within one another. If we're looking to find ourselves within one another, we're going to lose. But if you look at that other person, the one that you love, with compassion, with interest, physical, intimate, social, in every aspect possible, then you're going to find God. You're going to see God's love and God's interest within that person. So the individuals that you love find God within them with knowledge, with growth, with grace. Allow our intimate personal connections to be private, private to you, to shut the door to inequity, to curiosity, to the type of love that's not needed. Remind us to separate the two, to have a personal and professional life so that we can be saved, we can be redeemed and we can find that type of fulfillment with love, grace and patience. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior, in the name we pray.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for your continued support, thank you for listening, thank you for your donations, your contributions. They go a very long ways in continuing some of the works and some of the efforts of Life for Death Ministries. Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter and check out the Buzzsprout feed. You might check and see some of the aspects that you like and some of the different visuals, some of the different arts. We're doing Bible studies. We're looking to have an in-person location here soon. I talked about possibly having a webinar or hosting an online class for doing Bible studies daily, some of the passages that I'm posting. If it's something that intrigues you, something that you guys are interested in, hit me up, let me know. There's also fan mail on Buzzsprout, you can see. You can ask questions, you can send a text. I'll be sure to get back to you just as soon as possible.

Speaker 1:

Intimate Now my relationship with my Savior, my Redeemer, with the children, with what he's given me, with what I possess within my life. It's intimate, it's personal. It's okay. I mean I just don't want to have to share my personal. It belongs to God. I made a commitment to Him. I'm putting it back within His hands. He's going to continue to provide for me, he's going to guide me, he's going to lead me. Don't forget.

Speaker 1:

Start viewing God within that other person. For years upon years, I've seen it and it's happened and God forgive me. I know there's a lot of relationship struggle and I sense it, I feel it, I see it. We're looking to find one another in one another. I'm looking to see myself in my spouse. How come? Because my wants, my interests, my needs are more relevant than what she wants and what she needs. What about God? What about Christ? Learn, teach yourself, practice discipline each and every day.

Speaker 1:

Try to be unselfish within your love. Find God in Christ every day within your spouse. Look to find God's love and God's interest within her and stop looking to find what you want and what you seek and what you find. I'll tell you our selfish love and our love is very selfish. His love is not selfish. His love is not selfish. We want love to be the way that I see it. I just wish you'd love me the way I want you to love me. That ain't of God, that's of creature. Sometimes we need to repent against our own wants and our needs and we need to put it back within his hands. So look to find God within your relationships and you'll find sustainment. Remember privacy. Your life, your physical life, your intimate life, is a gift. It's private, it belongs to God, it don't belong anywhere. God bless you. Thank you for listening, thank you for giving me the fellowship, the ministry, the capability, and thank you for being a valued part of Life for Death Ministries. Have a very blessed day. God bless you.

Living a United Anointed Life
Embracing Anointed Living With God
United Relationship in God and Christ
Walking in Faith Every Day
Finding God in Relationships