Life Or Death

Plea's For Mercy Within The Whole Person

June 14, 2024 Jes
Plea's For Mercy Within The Whole Person
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Plea's For Mercy Within The Whole Person
Jun 14, 2024

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Can acknowledging our failures bring us closer to God? This week, we navigate the profound themes of faith, suffering, and redemption, sharing candid reflections on our pleas for mercy and the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice. We explore how embracing forgiveness and practicing gratitude can light our path even in the most challenging times, fostering a true unity with the Holy Trinity. Through heartfelt conversations, we underscore the importance of acceptance and righteousness, urging ourselves and our listeners to avoid causing harm to others, thereby nurturing a compassionate and loving community.

Join us as we delve into the omnipresence of God's grace amidst our shortcomings and celebrate the unwavering support He offers, even when we falter. We discuss the significance of embodying this grace in our daily lives, shunning negative emotions like jealousy and greed. By walking with the Spirit and continually seeking personal repentance, we uncover the genuine worth of our spiritual journey. Together, we strive to build a faith-grounded, loving congregation, drawing strength and wisdom from prayer, and supporting one another in our shared aspiration to grow in faith and love. Listen in for a heartfelt exploration of mercy, forgiveness, and the eternal journey of the soul.

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Can acknowledging our failures bring us closer to God? This week, we navigate the profound themes of faith, suffering, and redemption, sharing candid reflections on our pleas for mercy and the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice. We explore how embracing forgiveness and practicing gratitude can light our path even in the most challenging times, fostering a true unity with the Holy Trinity. Through heartfelt conversations, we underscore the importance of acceptance and righteousness, urging ourselves and our listeners to avoid causing harm to others, thereby nurturing a compassionate and loving community.

Join us as we delve into the omnipresence of God's grace amidst our shortcomings and celebrate the unwavering support He offers, even when we falter. We discuss the significance of embodying this grace in our daily lives, shunning negative emotions like jealousy and greed. By walking with the Spirit and continually seeking personal repentance, we uncover the genuine worth of our spiritual journey. Together, we strive to build a faith-grounded, loving congregation, drawing strength and wisdom from prayer, and supporting one another in our shared aspiration to grow in faith and love. Listen in for a heartfelt exploration of mercy, forgiveness, and the eternal journey of the soul.

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Speaker 1:

I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Psalms 116.1. I'm in love with the Lord. Yes, christ, my Savior and Redeemer. Good morning, come. You're very, very welcome. Come join, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy, for the mercy of thank you.

Speaker 1:

And why the pleas for mercy? Because we realize through our sufferings that we are revived, we are saved, we are redeemed, and that it was only part of the plan. I referenced it this morning and I thought logically about the apprehension and the investment of life. We did a little bit of notes last night visiting, staying, walking, exercising, put it to rest, some of the different enactments on how we're visiting certain genres, topics, assertions of life and I couldn't help but think about it. Please, for mercy's, hurt my voice. I love the Lord, but we suffer. We're capable of failing, we're capable of discovering there is no right and there is no wrong. You see, when you can find God within every entity.

Speaker 1:

And yes, my purest form of confession, life shall not come at the cost and expense of anybody in any way, shape or form. That's the ultimate. Immediately, the heart stops. It is the dagger to the heart, it's the thorns, if you would. Jesus is bleeding out. Well, the cost and expense was his only begotten son. There's only one person that suffers that type of loss. We ourselves cannot be, we can't be Christ, we can't be the Lord, no, the Savior himself. So there's no reason for anybody else to have to suffer along those lines.

Speaker 1:

But, rhetorically, the advancement or the lack of thorough acceptiveness within this world, the visiting, the staying, the walking, exercising, put it to rest within every topic, you'll see that often a lot of individuals don't have a choice. They're dealing with things that they don't want to. They're not allowed to have a life, they're not allowed to discover, they're limited, restricted in every way, shape or form. My purest form of confession this morning is intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, economically, substance-wise, intimately, in every aspect, genre possible, personally and professionally, I don't have God within my life and I'd like to know as to why. I want to know what's going on. Why don't I have God, why don't I have Christ? What is actually happening here? Is there individuals that are making these decisions that are preventing God and Christ from being in my life? Well, ultimately, life is no more than the mercy, the thank you, the gratitude for allowing me to fail, and that's what we need to learn how to accept the mercy isn't thank you that I'm righteously saved, I only walk within the gospel. It's praise, it's light every day. Oh, no, no, no, no, I often face darkness and I find light within the darkness. So we have to learn how to appreciate what he's given us and how we can actually accept it.

Speaker 1:

If I shall never fall, then I never succeed, but I look to succeed so I can fall, and vice versa. But where does it go back to? That's only the visiting. I'm visiting these topics. I fall and I succeed within them, staying within them, I explore them, I start to learn more about them and take them to my own discipline and degree, and then we can advance right. So I'm studying, I'm studying, I'm possibly vocationing in them, I'm devoted within this topic, this assertion, this subject, and then I'm starting to walk and exercise. Now, walking and exercise, I'm utilizing what I've learned, so I'm no longer falling, I'm no longer succeeding. I'm utilizing what I've learned and I'm walking and exercising within it, and then, at the end, I put it to rest. Now, you put it to rest, because it's something that God gave you and it goes back to him. Now I can be completed, I can be as one, I can be united within the Father Son. Now I can be completed. I can be as one, I can be united within the Father Son, the Holy Spirit and the Trinity. So, the please for mercy, the thank you, the thank you is no more than the acknowledgement of yes, you're allowed to fail, yes, you're allowed to make mistakes, but, however, they shall not come at the cost and expense of anybody in any way, shape or form. I think that we often forget that if we're not failing, we're not succeeding, and if we're not failing, we're not succeeding, and if we're not succeeding, we're not failing.

Speaker 1:

Forgiveness, if you might ask the Christ, forgiveness, salvation through his blood. Yes, of course. The feeling of the body, the body, the blood of Christ, your Savior and your Redeemer. Very good, it's only relevant when, what? When? You're capable of utilizing that. You're visiting, you're staying, you're walking, exercising and you're putting it to rest. And you're capable of utilizing that. You're visiting, you're staying, you're walking, exercising and you're putting it to rest. The concept of theory and reason, visiting it right.

Speaker 1:

I fail within forgiveness, I succeed within forgiveness. It doesn't work. Staying within it, no, I'm forgiven. Still proclaiming it, it seems like we're not capable of getting over the hump, walking and exercising within it. I walk right away, I turn the other cheek and know I don't have anything to say, I'm forgiven, putting it to rest, being at peace and contentment, not self-absorbed in any way, shape or form, because it's about God.

Speaker 1:

Could you be self-absorbed if it was about God and Christ? Yes, of course. He lies within you. Your body is the temple. Where might you ask, in thought, word and deed, body, soul and spirit. You see, there's always going to be somebody that isn't happy with the way that you're living. But what does that have to do with God? Everything that we do, it's between me and you. Yeah, I think different, I'm not quite sure, but that's where it goes back to.

Speaker 1:

So our pleas, our pleas, are not only for mercy, the thank you. Thank you, my graciously, heavenly Father, for allowing me to learn, to allow me to fail, and I've heard relationships failing to, where the spouse is thanking the husband, thank you for letting me be alive, thank you for letting me make mistakes. Well, your husband's, not your God. Of course you can experience God within intimacy, within commitment, but think about what I'm saying. So we're so deprived of being capable of having a life that the only restitution of acknowledgement of trying to advance within this world is. Guess what? I failed, and I feel good about my failing accomplishment because now I finally have acceptance and now forgiveness might actually be practicality. Well, that's forbidden in this world. You shall not. But that's the point, the knock on the door, the seed of conception, yes, has been planted.

Speaker 1:

The verbal reformation. I hear you. It's okay. Yeah, that's the derogatory that could lead us astray. So, lord, forgive me, our please is the topic.

Speaker 1:

Will he make many pleas to you? Will he speak to you soft words? Job 41.3. Will he make many pleas to you? On many occasions and many attempts, we're receiving the message, we've heard the good news, we've seen the sign and some of us, we've even experienced, witnessed and seen the consequences of when we're not living purposely for him, when our divine divinity is no longer the derogatory of our substance. Remember the whole person, the whole whole person. Well, he speak to you soft words. Why soft words?

Speaker 1:

It's okay, if you don't want to be saved and forgiven, you don't have to be saved and forgiven, but it's truly up to you If you would like the cup of forgiveness, if you would. And of course, you have to finish it all the way. You can't just sip on it. You have to finish the whole cup and you have to digest it. You have to manifest it. It metabolizes within you, it grows on you and, before you know it, it even exits you. You put it to rest? Yes, of course you have to drink the whole cup. Will he speak to you in soft words? You've been given the opportunity, just as everybody else. You know you are saved, you are forgiven, you are redeemed, you have an abundance of everything. For the curtain must fall. Of course they call it the curtain call. It's the last call for alcohol.

Speaker 1:

Think about it and I'm not serving up a notion of shots or of salvation and redempting or condemning faith, a lot of the faiths that we believe in this day and age. They're condemning faith. You will be crucified. You will be morally, spiritually, intellectually crucified for your enactment, and ethics and culture and morale might come into play. Why am I being crucified or condemned? You think along the lines of persecution. Yes, of course I'm a believer, so I might want to be persecuted, but I'm not.

Speaker 1:

So back to the thank you, my plea for mercy. Thank you for allowing me to fail. Who your Father, yes, your Creator, the Savior, your Redeemer, christ Himself, including the Holy Spirit, because I can continue to fail in life and I know you're still going to be there for me. Everything that we think this world is, and what limitations we've placed on it, is not worth anything. It's not even worth the acknowledgement. When we even start to acknowledge that that has some form of bearing presence within life itself, we've lost hope and we've lost God. So thank you for allowing us to feel life itself Very, very good. Blessed be the Lord, for he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy, psalms 28.6. That's what I told you. Blessed be the Lord Christ. Oh, they listen Very, very good. I have some friends in Indiana and they'll tell you no, we listen Very good. That's what we do. We listen and it's good because of the mercy, the thank you.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we can learn a lot by listening, by manifesting. But here's the part, and you're going to be disappointed when I tell you this, but it's so very true. You know a lot of us. We're not even capable of listening when we start hearing something about somebody and it's not right, or we're jealous, we have envy or greed, or they got something we don't have. We're not capable, we're not competent, we're not mature enough to start listening. Oh no, there's a derogatory that if you hear something you might not like here, you got this little spirit inside of you and it's a sense of wickedness and somebody started to put the edge of the dagger right in the heart. And guess what? Now we're going to send you off to the races.

Speaker 1:

Here's something that you might want to know. It's what God did for somebody else. And instead of you trying to fail and have mercy yes, hear my pleas so that I can continue to advance. Well, it's easier to try to upheave their life. I think it's easier for me to get what I want if I just go get what they've got. I'm going to get what I want from them, I'm going to steal it from them, I'm going to take it. Yes, of course. Very good. So that's the manifesting of it.

Speaker 1:

And has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. I plead for mercy. I plead for it. Often I weep, if you would. I weep in sorrow, but I also rejoice in grace. So that is the testament.

Speaker 1:

But notice, it's not about creature. Notice, it's not about being institutionalized or having statues and codes that don't work, that have no meaning to God and Christ. Remember what I told you, and God forgive me. Just remember what I told you I walk with the Spirit, so I'm no longer under the law. The life that I lead, god help me. The life that I lead, it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody else in any way, shape or form, for I am capable, competent and I still pray for mercy.

Speaker 1:

I wonder in my confession this morning and I told you my own personal devoted confession, not that I'm bleeding out here but why is it that I can't seek and find God in Christ spiritually, emotionally, intimately, economically, substance-wise, personally, professionally, in every aspect possible? It's like there's somebody that's in this world that they need to tell me what's right and what's wrong in life, and God himself doesn't do that. And they're going to tell me I am capable or not capable, limit me, restrict me and prevent me. Not once have they given me a foot up in the world. Of course you're not allowed to say no, please for mercy. You're not allowed to say no, thank you, I'm not interested in what you're offering. You're not allowed to have competence because we're injured and we're not going to have competence. I feel so very bad for you.

Speaker 1:

My plea for mercy is, of course, I think we get what we want in this world. I could be wrong. Oh Lord, hear my voice, let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy. Psalms 132. And they say that he works miracles within us, that we are spoken to directly, like trumpets sounding from heaven. We hear the requests and the prayers of others, and some of us are put in wealthy positions of spiritual wealth, emotional, physical and intimate prosperity, to where we're capable of blessing and serving others. Some of us, we have economics here, we go off to the races. We've been blessed generously and we're capable of blessing others generously, and he does that for us.

Speaker 1:

Never once can you give credit to God for being tortured, for being enslaved or for being thrown down on the ground in every way, shape or form, for it is the exact opposite. Every day, you can advance, you can seek, you can find, and you can find his mercy and his grace. So, please for mercy. Why? Because, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be alive. What good would this world be if we weren't capable of discovering life. You know, there's not a one-size-guide that fits all. There's not like a pathway or a stairway to heaven that everybody's going to, that there's going that way. No, no, no. Your prophecy might be fulfilled when you are capable of discovering your own walk, your own repentance and your own forgiveness. Because in some cases it's not relevant.

Speaker 1:

I'm only visiting the topic. I don't plan on staying here forever. No, no, no. I shall be moving. Lord forgive me, he moves you. You ever heard that? No, no, no. You're a savior, you're a redeemer. He moves you. I'm going to stay here for a little while.

Speaker 1:

I like it, I'm safe, it's okay. I'm being one within Now. I'm going to start utilizing what I have. The vacation, yes, of course. The advancement I'm walking and exercising within what he's given me. I'm very capable, I'm competent. I live within the faith. The faith lives within me. It's not abroad, I'm not studying abroad, I'm not reading it. I'm like maybe someday I'll figure it out. No, no, I'm actually utilizing what I've been given. It's very, very practical.

Speaker 1:

And then the advancement I put it to rest. It doesn't need to have any presence because it's about God. It goes back to him when nothing else matters. Why? Because it's about God, it's about Christ. I think it's maturity. I'm not sure, but very interesting, and they've tested it before. I think it's cruel what we've did to one another, but they've tested it before.

Speaker 1:

If you were to hear things that had nothing to do with you, but they had emotional attachment and were highly likely to have individuals respond, would you be mature enough? And that's in the religion, religion, life that we live today's day and age. Are you capable and competent of being a messenger of God? Because sometimes the messages that you hear from God aren't the most pleasant? But you shall not in any way, shape or form, assume, put on the shoes or wear the cloth to where, all of a sudden, you are God himself. In some cases, you're Christ. No, no, no, you're no longer forgiven. I'm condemning you when today, uh-huh, I'm going to hang you out to dry. Think about what I'm saying, my goodness. So I think that that's it For religion.

Speaker 1:

I would say how do you know that you're capable of being a messenger of God? I shall not condemn. I'm not going to condemn anybody. I'm not going to tell them what's right, what's wrong. In fact, I'm going to be capable of unconditional love because that's what he's given me. It'll be blameless, there'll be no fault, I'll never point the finger, and consent will be valued. It'll not be of my interest, but it would be of God's interest.

Speaker 1:

And if someone were to ask me, how do you know that that creature, your fellow brother and sister yes, mercy, they're pleading for help, help me find this life is making the right decisions. Oh, I trust and confide in him. I don't worry about it. I know for a fact, I know that he's capable and he's able. So, regardless of the methods of discovery, the path, the failures, the ups, the downs, the successions, I know that God's still working within them and it's about them and it isn't about us. So we have to get over it.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, our confession is no more, I'm not capable, I'm not able and I'm not willing to. And in fact, if you take this any further, I'm going to literally end your life and make it worse and we're going to incarcerate you and we're going to throw you in a holding cell and then you can have your God. I understand it's a confession of who. Your God is Very good, but your God is not eternal. It's only short-term. And those short-term gains, sometimes they come at a very high expense, for there is nothing for free Eye for eye, life for life, blood for blood, I mean they used to say nothing lasts forever. I mean, have you met my God Overtime? Eternity, when Now, god, help me Very good.

Speaker 1:

Hear my prayer, o Lord. Give ear to my pleas for mercy In your faithfulness. Answer me In your righteousness. Psalms 143.1.

Speaker 1:

Hear my prayer, the confessions, the prayers yes, they're very relevant to what we seek, to what we find, to what's true and near and dear on our heart. Who's put it there? God in Christ. Oh Lord, give ear to my pleas for mercy, hear me out, please. Thank you, recognize what I find to be valuable, what you've given to me, what gifts I've received and how I can be that enactment.

Speaker 1:

My pleas are not me attempting to be defiled. My pleas are not me being laid down on the ground, being turned around, being upheaved. No, no, no, no. My pleas are for a form, calm comment to my heart, soul and mind. Good morning, who are you reaching out to? Who are you talking to? My Lord, my Savior, my Creator, my Redeemer? Yes, the whole person. I need substance within that. So, within that whole person I need to be visiting, staying, walking, exercising and putting it to rest. I need the whole body, spiritually, emotionally, physically, intimately, socially, substance-wise, including economically, maternal-wise, and, yes, I'm growing on it.

Speaker 1:

It's conception, it's manifesting. Please, for your mercy, in your faithfulness, answer me so very, very faithful to me. I can fall, fall, fall and you will continue to be there in every way, shape and form. You can answer me and you'll receive the answers. You'll see the signs and, most of the time, those answers you're receiving, they have absolutely nothing to do with your fellow brothers and sisters. They have nothing to do with humanity or with humankind in any way, shape or form. It's truly a possessive form of possibly the angel, the Holy Spirit of Christ himself, the enactment within this world in your righteousness why in your righteousness? That sounds like preschool.

Speaker 1:

Am I scratching the head here? I can't figure it out. God, help me, because righteousness is being the child. It's being capable of stumbling, of being falling, of finding the mercy and continuing to advance. I can be so very thankful, so very thankful, that I'm capable of failing because in your eyes, I'm succeeding. See, when life gets turned around and it's no more that creatures are telling you you failed, that's not of God. If your life is being restricted, limited in any way, shape or form, that does not belong to God, how can we as individuals and I think we're accountable for self when it comes to eternity? I could be wrong. I'm thinking a little bit different. God help me. I'm manifesting, growing within it. Yes, of course, walking, exercising.

Speaker 1:

How is it capable or competent that we, if we possess God and Christ within the whole body, that we shall prevent in any way, shape or form? You know, I've never met anybody that was one of God and that they were capable of preventing God and Christ from being in another person's life. Now you shall wait. You shall not have love. God's what you intended to have, love. You're not doing that right. Maybe you should take a class. Maybe you two should spend some time apart. Now you need to wed one another. Now you might be capable of actually having a life. Oh, my goodness, no, I know.

Speaker 1:

When did you become God? And my pleas for mercy as my conviction was real, as I'm down on my knees testifying his grace, his glory, as I'm looking to be saved and redeemed. When did you decide to be God? And, by the way, who do you work for? How much are they paying you? I know there was a very high price that was paid for my salvation, so please remember. And how far do we take it? Oh, we take it to the level that I just told you about. They're out there, I mean literally. They're bitter, they're bickering, they're putting you away. I'm putting you in jail today, right? They're putting you in prison. Yada, yada yada. You have no life, you're not going to have a life because the pleas for mercy are no longer being heard, because it's gone silent.

Speaker 1:

I used to tell individuals and I had quite the experience of life here it was not about God or Christ, trust me, it wasn't, not even for a second. None of it was. It was very unfortunate, god help me. But I had quite the life here, and I used to tell individuals what are you going to do when nobody's listening anymore? What are you going to do when they can't hear you anymore? And they used to think about it. Here we go Off to the races, we're going to fight you more, we're going to make sure that we're being heard.

Speaker 1:

But you missed the point. You forgot about mercy. You forgot about the please, the please of mercy, of forgiveness, of thankfulness, of being redeemed. You forgot about Christ. You forgot about God. See, it's not about creature here in you at all in any way, shape or form, and the all belongs to God. It's the Father, son, the Holy Spirit. You don't have to deal with everybody else. No, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

So what are you going to do when nobody's listening anymore? Because what are you going to do when your Savior, your Redeemer, the one that was capable of putting breath within your lungs, the only reason that you're capable of being forgiven in that eternal conquest yes, I'm seeking it in eternity. I'm putting it to rest. What are you going to do when it can't hear you anymore, when your voice isn't being heard, when the enactment of your actions, your laboring, your deeds doesn't account for nothing, that the whole toll of your life is no more than a debt, a deficit to humanity and a deficit to your creator, your savior and your redeemer? Because you couldn't take a drink from the cup, you couldn't finish it and you weren't capable of processing it or manifesting it. And not only was it your problem, but everybody else that encountered you. Well, it was their problem too. They were scorned, they were bitten, they were condemned, they're going to be crucified, put in handcuffs and shackles and chains, and they shall not see the light of the day for all the days of my life Very good.

Speaker 1:

You know I stay and stand, stand In what way? Uh-uh? On the solid foundation of Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. In no way, shape or form, am I dealing with anything that doesn't belong to God. You decided your mouth wanted to be heard.

Speaker 1:

There might be a consequence for that. Make sure that your channel and that channel to the right, to the right sector. Make sure God hears you and that creature, even in your inequities. Put it back where it belongs, put it within his hands. Let your mercies, your pleas, be no more than what you have and what you have to give and what you have to offer. God, help me.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer, our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, with strength, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, passion, integrity, devotion. Let our pleas for mercy not be the begging notion that I'm in seeking the cloth, the food, the fellowship, the brethren yes, of course, the cup, the body, the blood feeding me to fix me. But let it be a reminder that I am not on this adventure alone, I am not progressing within this act of life alone, that it is within you, your capability, that you are with me and I am with you, that we may visit one another for a while. We might rejoice, we might choose to stay with one another. That was very enjoyable.

Speaker 1:

We might have that vocation, that fellowship we might choose to walk and exercise within our faith. Do you think that we shall explore this, not at the cost and expense of others, but at the cost and expense of our own knowledge, so that we can continue to advance within our eternal image and conquest and eventually we can put it to rest? I seek no more than to be seated at the right hand. Yes, of course, where you are seated, and that's where I shall belong.

Speaker 1:

Continue to notice what our wants and needs are, what are near and dear to our hearts, souls and minds, and that, if any possessive form of life that does not include God or Christ, we're capable of walking away from it, we're capable of turning the other cheek, we're capable of biting our lip if necessary, and knowing that you still are going to be the one to save us, for these trying times in this world intellectually, emotionally, physically, personally and professionally can be very heartening and concerning. Remind us that worries, troubles and concerns do not belong to you, but they're manifested from inequity for sin seeping on in and the darkness invading. Remind us to find love within the darkness and let our light shine and truly progress as we advance within every assertion. In the name of the father, son, holy spirit and christ, our savior's name, we pray. Very good, thank you for listening, thank you for your continued donations and thank you for your support.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking to continuously advance life for death ministries at multiple locations. I've received some very good news, but it seems as if I'm just not getting anywhere and it's not going to happen and it might not happen. But thank you for listening, thank you for your continued support and thank you for your donations. I would also like to say, on a personal note, each and every one of us and some of my devoted listeners and followers I know it's working on you. I see your lives being turned around. You've turned that frown upside down. You're finding grace, glory, you are receiving the satisfaction, you are saved, you are redeemed, you are capable of making it happen, and making it happen not only for yourself but others. And it touches my heart, souls and minds to see that we're a congregation, the church, the body that the grassroots that I've laid. The investment, yes, of course, is actually paying off and before you know it we might have the opportunity to be our own world power, to have our own city, to have our own county, to have our own state, if you would, to have our own businesses and to have our own life, without shackles, without limitations, without condemnations and chains. For this world that we live in still belongs to him and we are no more than thankful, with pleas of mercy, to be capable of living within it.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to check out the Facebook, instagram, twitter, the Buzzsprout feed. Look for some interesting updates. I usually put artwork on there. You'll see some of the poems and some of the different verses in the Bible studies that I release, and I think that's all I got for today. Have a very, very good, blessed day. Thank you for listening. Remember the mercy of pleas. My plea is only of mercy when I'm visiting, staying, walking, exercising and capable of putting it to rest, because I seek the whole person to be unified, to be fulfilled, to be invited, to be accepted by you, to be accepted by him. Thank you for listening. God bless you. Have a very, very good day.

Reflection on Faith and Redemption
Plea for Mercy and Thankfulness
Message of Mercy and Redemption