Life Or Death

Faith and Generosity...A Gift to Share

June 13, 2024 Jes
Faith and Generosity...A Gift to Share
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Faith and Generosity...A Gift to Share
Jun 13, 2024

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Have you ever felt like you've hit rock bottom, only to find yourself being lifted up again by an unseen hand? Join us as we journey through the themes of renewal, redemption, and unwavering grace in our spiritual lives, inspired by Zechariah 1:17. Through poignant personal stories and insightful biblical analysis, we delve into how the notion of "again" signifies not just repeated failures, but perpetual opportunities for divine comfort and prosperity. Together, we reflect on the power of perseverance and the importance of turning to God for strength and guidance amid life's inevitable setbacks.

Discover the profound impact of returning to God, even when trials seem insurmountable. Drawing from scriptures like Matthew 26:44 and Hebrews 2:13, we explore the cyclical nature of mistakes and redemption, emphasizing that God's forgiveness is always within reach. Through heartfelt testimonies, we illustrate how embracing both righteousness and occasional missteps can lead to a deeper, more meaningful spiritual journey. Experience the transformative power of trust and persistence in faith, as we encourage you to recognize the divine purpose in the people and challenges you encounter.

In our exploration of faith and generosity, we underscore the idea that everything we have is a gift from God, meant to be shared generously. By balancing work and spiritual life, prioritizing God's will, and extending a helping hand to others, we can lead more fulfilling lives. We also delve into the incredible potential of AI technology, the importance of competence and education, and the role of divine guidance in achieving success. Through these discussions, we aim to inspire a stronger connection with God, urging you to rise above limitations and live with purpose and gratitude.

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Have you ever felt like you've hit rock bottom, only to find yourself being lifted up again by an unseen hand? Join us as we journey through the themes of renewal, redemption, and unwavering grace in our spiritual lives, inspired by Zechariah 1:17. Through poignant personal stories and insightful biblical analysis, we delve into how the notion of "again" signifies not just repeated failures, but perpetual opportunities for divine comfort and prosperity. Together, we reflect on the power of perseverance and the importance of turning to God for strength and guidance amid life's inevitable setbacks.

Discover the profound impact of returning to God, even when trials seem insurmountable. Drawing from scriptures like Matthew 26:44 and Hebrews 2:13, we explore the cyclical nature of mistakes and redemption, emphasizing that God's forgiveness is always within reach. Through heartfelt testimonies, we illustrate how embracing both righteousness and occasional missteps can lead to a deeper, more meaningful spiritual journey. Experience the transformative power of trust and persistence in faith, as we encourage you to recognize the divine purpose in the people and challenges you encounter.

In our exploration of faith and generosity, we underscore the idea that everything we have is a gift from God, meant to be shared generously. By balancing work and spiritual life, prioritizing God's will, and extending a helping hand to others, we can lead more fulfilling lives. We also delve into the incredible potential of AI technology, the importance of competence and education, and the role of divine guidance in achieving success. Through these discussions, we aim to inspire a stronger connection with God, urging you to rise above limitations and live with purpose and gratitude.

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Speaker 1:

Cry out again. Thus says the Lord of hosts, my city shall again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1.17, good morning. Isn't that the notion, though? Again, we continue to fail, we continue to fall, even the blessings themselves. It's an again notion. You can experience an abundance of it. It goes on and on, and on, and on and on. You notice that there is no limit, there is no boundary to the again. Cry out again. I'm suffering again. How could this happen? I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing. God help me. Thus says the Lord of hosts. Why the Lord of hosts? The shepherd? Maybe it's the Lord of hosts? Because they're hosting lives right. The giver and the taker, the life is forgiven. Because of him, my city shall again overflow with prosperity and the Lord will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem. It seems like it starts completely over, like it's almost like recycling or something you ever seen, the little triangle of recycling here, here, here, and it returns back to the beginning. It just starts all over, like a continuous revolution of improvement. So cry out again this is the Lord of hosts, my cities, again, we're overflowing with prosperity. So we have what type and abundance of everything Prosperity. Prosperity comes again from him. I'm very good, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem to a holy ground. So the process starts all over. I think it's encouraging to us to listen, to see, to witness that scripture and to know that we are falling. We're a fallen race, we're a fallen kind of humanity. We've fallen. We've fallen. We need to get up right and of course, we can't spend the rest of our life seeking forgiveness. No, no, no, no. We'll be walking around in bondage and chains, but yet we need to continue to advance. We need to continue to live. So I look at this in a sense of life, because it's the only way for my mind to definitely firmly accept it. Cry out again and then again choose Jerusalem. So we die in an essence. We fall, but we're born again, we're turning over a new leaf and again we're capable of choosing him.

Speaker 1:

How many times has your personal testament of devotion is I failed in life? I mean, I went way out there this time. I left her, I ruined our lives. I sold the house, I sold the vehicles, I did everything. Good examples, by the way. Material possessions really don't have a belonging within his kingdom. It still belongs to him. But if we make mistakes and that affects other individuals, how often do we find ourselves humbly going back to him? And why do we go back to him? We go back to him because that's where it belongs, and that's where it belongs in every way, shape and form.

Speaker 1:

So I think that we need to continue to advance. We need to advance within our own personal mission and testimony. Let us not be upheaved in any way, shape or form, but rather let us be defined, in a sense of defiance, by the gift that we've been received. Because we wanted to come to you, I Paul, again and again. But Satan hinders us. 1 Thessalonians 2.18,.

Speaker 1:

Because we wanted to come to you. And not only did we want to come to you, you wanted to come to us. I think it was mutual right. Come, come into my heart, soul and mind, receive me, god, give me the strength, the knowledge, the acceptance, so I can receive my creator, so I can come to you. Yes, of course, I Paul, again and again. So the again and again is also the now and forever. It's tried and true, it's very active, it's competence and means, it's discipline and it's degrees. Again and again, I am the way, the truth, the life, those who seek me again and again. When, though? The past, the present, the future. So it doesn't matter how many occurrences, it doesn't matter how many successions or how many failures. The again and again is the confession, it is the testament that you are going to continue to be what? But Satan hindered us. You're going to continue to be hindered. You're going to continue to be persecuted because you're a Christian, because you believe. But if you hold on to those inequities, those possessions, the theory, the thought, the reason that drives you down to the ground, the inequity, lord, help me. Yes, of course, then you'll be hindered the rest of your life. How do you know that you're hindered? You proclaim it, you walk it, you testify. It's something that's practical.

Speaker 1:

Think about reading the Bible. What we've been talking in, and we've been getting real deep with it too, in every aspect of life. I don't just read the Bible, it too, in every aspect of life. I don't just read the Bible, I actively walk within scripture. Think about relationships, think about intimacy, and that's a good one, isn't it? I don't actively just have intimacy with my individual, I consume her, I indulge in her, intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually. That belongs to God when it's at that level. Did you notice that we go from being at the superficial creature phase to where we can put a check or a yes or a no by it, and then we go to the point where it's eternity. It's at a completely different level. We're just straight up to the top and our personal, professional lives can be fulfilled within that mindset.

Speaker 1:

I am saved, I am redeemed. I am down on my knees. Yes, of course. Holy water, the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, confession, forgiveness and repentance. I'm allowing him to come into my life. See, the limitation and the restriction hinders us, it prevents us. It's not of God. I'm no longer capable of fulfillment. I can't take it to that level. I'm not sure that I'm even capable.

Speaker 1:

They used to say old folks wisdom's in tales and I appreciate all those individuals it was right away. I mean you couldn't beat it back in the day. But they used to say it's all knowledge. What's the old folk saying? What's the old folk saying you don't know what you got unless you try. You don't even know what you got until you try to use it yourself. I ain't got the right word choice this morning, but it's along those lines you don't even know what you're capable of until you try it. There you go and it takes me a little bit. And what does that mean? Who lies within you? Who gives you the power, the ability, the concern Not a concern in a bad way who gives you the gears, the driven, the determination to be capable of being compelled? Nobody other than Christ himself, and then God, yes, of course, the creator. So you are geared, you're driven. You don't even know what you're capable of until you try it. Well, that's the point.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, we're not trying to take our blessings to that level. It's superficial, we're only scratching the surface, we're not really worried about. No, I feel safe here. But at the same time we're opening the door to inequity and we're wondering why we're scarred, why we're bitter, why we're battering consecutively, looking over our shoulders, walking up into church all hunched over with our shoulders leaned forward, like the ceilings getting ready to fall down on us. God help me.

Speaker 1:

I need a little bit of support here. See the support that we receive in thought, in theory, in reason, our level of competence. It's no more than the direct, the direct consensual involvement with him. No, I need you and you need me again and again, daily, regardless of the crossroad, regardless of the trials, the tribulations, the setbacks, the turns, the failures, and it is tried and it is true. The only thing that I can promise you and Lord forgive me, I'm no more than a humble servant myself that the more you go back to him, the more you return to him again. It's going to be saved, you're going to be redeemed, you're not going to have anything to worry about and it'll take you to that point. So leaving them again.

Speaker 1:

He went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words again Matthew 26, 44. And like the numbers too, I think different. Leaving them again. Sometimes we have to leave him, sometimes we have to walk right away and the sense of discovery, truth is, you know, he's embedded within your DNA, he's right within your blood, the way that you breathe, and the absolute truth. Leaving them again. You try to walk away from Christ. You can walk away from the Trinity. He's still with you. You can start making mistakes, you can be upheaved, you can be turned around. They're going to be smiling down on you Through the forgiveness. Hallelujah, you're still saved, you're redeemed. He went away and prayed for the third time.

Speaker 1:

They referenced that the three scores, the measures got to stay at it. And then last night you should have heard me I was watching the NBA finals. God given talent. God bless them, their families and everything that they got going on. Amazing, some of the gifts that they've received from God. They're capable and competent of being capable of blessing others. But again, for the third time.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you see individuals make mistakes. They don't get it the first time. They know what they should be doing. The second time they make the same mistake. They don't quite get it the third time. Finally, they're punching out. They're like I'm going to sit down on the sideline for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Again, I get it and saying the same words again. It returns back to him. You know the testament of scripture, the word of God. It is tried and it's true. It'll be the same yesterday, today and every day afterwards. We don't need to question it, we don't even need to try to deny it. Rather, indulge in it and take it to that level Interesting topic, by the way, and you've heard what I've been saying this morning in a sense of every aspect possible, and use this mindset and mentality throughout today.

Speaker 1:

It's the again mindset. I don't just read the Bible, I'm indulged in the Bible. I don't just live a life, I'm leading a life. Take it to the next level of the blessing and make it to where it's thorough, it's redundant of you're capable and you're competent. Remove the mindset of limitation, because limitations and restrictions don't belong to God, they belong to creature. So, again, if you would like to be saved and redeemed, you could. But next time that you go further off, make sure that you're advancing, that you're taking it to eternity, to prosperity, and you shall start to see those blessings.

Speaker 1:

And again I will put my trust in him. And again, behold I and the children God has given me. Hebrews 2.13. So everything that we receive, everything that we have in our lives, whether it is a plus or a minus, a righteous or an evil and I prefer both right, I really can't live without either one of them. I need to have some righteousness within me. I need to be capable of being the child, stumbling, falling again, occasionally you'll see me. I get to be where. I'm a little bit old, I got knowledge. I'll start scratching the head and I become the evil adult. God help me. I mean, sometimes I think different. And again I will put my trust in him. We fall, we put our trust in ourselves. We start thinking that we know better. We can be the cause, we can be the effect, we can be the individuals that can turn life around the turmoil of our aggression as we advance within the world. Yes, of course.

Speaker 1:

And again, behold I and the children God has given me. You notice, god puts other individuals in your life. Not only should love multiply, should you procreate, but you're also given other individuals. They've been put in your life. They were put in your life for a reason and if it's of God, it's of God because it works. And again, if it don't work, it don't work, and that's as far as you can take it. That's as far as you can take it.

Speaker 1:

You, who have made me see many troubles and calamities, will revive me again From the depths of the earth. You will bring me up again. Psalm 71 20. There you go. You'll see many troubles. I remember trouble, worries and concerns. They're possessive Boy. They take root, they plant seed and before you know it, your whole garden's looking like it's changing colors. I mean, I'm not sure what happened. I used the wrong type of fertilizer, the water I was putting down wasn't the right kind. But you'll see many troubles and calamities. Remember troubles and calamities. They don't belong to God, they belong to a creature. It's something that's happening to us, but we're making mistakes right. But we can be saved, we can be redeemed. Troubles and calamities again will revive me again. Notice that you find love within them, you find compassion, you find what To be courageous. Courageous within your troubles and calamities, because you who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again. Many troubles and calamities will revive me again. So we find love within the troubles and the calamities.

Speaker 1:

We find growth within that sense of sustainment. We're capable of letting a deficit get turned into a bonus for us. I mean, it's outright a gain. I guarantee you I'm going to be advanced. So don't let the inequity, don't let the inequity set you sideways. I mean, listen, I was dealing with somebody the other day. I said you guys have had this wrote down on paper for hundreds of years and I said it don't work. I'm not mad at you. If it works, it works. But the moment it don't work, you got to go. Think about what I'm saying. You walk up into mom and pop shops that they've been family-owned businesses for multiple generations and the first thing that they'll tell you when you walk up in there. They don't want you judging them. This is the way that it is, this is the way that it's been. They don't care if it's right or if it's wrong, but it outright works.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we need to eliminate the variables of where the deceit's coming into us the troubles, the worries, the concerns, the calamities. You know what? I know they used to talk like that back in the day. I know I can make it work. What are we talking about here? We're talking about forgiveness. We're talking about life. We're talking about love. We're talking about living a life of gospel, of praise, of holiness. I know I can make it work. I tell you what there's a whole bunch of evil in this world, amen. You know what? Again, I ain't worried about it. I can make it.

Speaker 1:

Regardless of what you've been given, what you've been served, what you're receiving, come, come into my heart, soul and mind what he's given me, the earth. You will bring me up again, the depths of the earth. What type of depths do we have on this earth? A living God Boy. It goes further, and further than you could ever imagine. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again, palm 7121. You will increase my greatness, and the greatness is a glory, it's a restitution. Every time you succeed, you climb up another notch. Boom, boom, boom. Seated at the right hand, comfort me again. Peace and contentment. You know, I don't really got anything to say. I'm not bickering, I'm not battering, I'm not mad at anybody. I got to write out what he's given me and what I've been receiving.

Speaker 1:

So our life, our life, our spiritual life, emotional, physical, intimate life they're not only referenced through speech, but I actually live this way. I'm emotionally embracing my life. I took my spiritualism to a different level, my intimacy, the substance, every aspect that God has given me. I'm actually walking within it. What good would a life be if you didn't use it? Very relevant, what entities include a full life? And what aspects? And what shades, what tones, what colors Utilize the mindset? There's nothing wrong with you. Everything is acceptable until it becomes a cost and expense to anybody else. Now we've got something to work with.

Speaker 1:

We might be capable of not defining, denying or accepting who we are, but continuing to discover and finding the love. Love can be found in the darkest of places. Lord forgive me, but again he denied it and after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter certainly you are one of them, for you are a Galilean. Mark 14, 70. Here we go, we go off to condemning I see the way that you're walking, I see the way that you talk Some of us, I see what, the vehicle you're driving, the way you dress, but again he denied it. We deny his presence often and after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter certainly they're servant, you are one of them. But I am a child of the most high God, let's not forget about. You are a Galilean Boy.

Speaker 1:

I tell you we don't really get anywhere with the ethical social culture slurs. They don't really define who we are. Even denominational preferences don't make up for a church, a body and a state. I say that everybody loves God. I like to think that way. At least, right, we got the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity. Yes, of course, some of them they're doing the ghost, getting a little spooky. I'm scared, and fear is a liar right.

Speaker 1:

But the personal preferences of our form of beliefs, the walks that we possess, they don't define us, nor do they define our creator. Rather, it's relevant of what we've been given and how we're capable of utilizing it. You know I'll tell you what I've been given, something completely different than what you've been given. But I'm capable of utilizing what I've been given and I'm capable of utilizing it for his good. Notice, it might be good for me and it might be good for everybody else that I'm touching and blessing in every way, shape and form, but what you've received is probably real good for you and good for everybody else at least I hope it, and we need to think along that line. That needs to be our devoted confession of testament.

Speaker 1:

What I'm receiving there is no right or wrong. What I'm receiving, what I've been given, the gifts, right, the fruits of the labor, everything that I have, the laboring of these hands, these deeds, these feats is something that God has given me. Well, if he's given it to you, it's something that you might be capable of blessing other individuals with. Everything is a blessing because everything belongs to him. But I tell you what, when I open up the checkbook, I see God. I like to think that way. They've probably got an endless amount of money. I could really use some real quick. I think different, but think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Generously, if you choose to generously give generously, you'll be receiving. If you choose to be real scant, I'm just going to give a little bit. Here's a little bit. You're probably only going to receive a little bit. So every aspect of life that you've got, that you've been receiving, remember it's a gift from God, it's something that he's did for you. So again, if you would, you can deny it. You can deny him as often as you want, but it ain't going to get you nowhere. And those that believe in generosity I don't just talk about generosity, I ain't just experienced it once in my life I live generously, very good.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Same testament of reading the Bible. I don't just experienced it once in my life. I live generously, very good. There you go, same testament of reading the Bible. I don't just read the Bible, I actively walk within scripture.

Speaker 1:

So some of us we need to get tuned right on in. We know what we want, we know what we need. I don't just talk about putting a ring on her finger. I don't just talk about marrying her and providing her with a life, the house, the white picket fence. I mean she can have everything that she wants. God willingly helped me so I can provide for my family.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. And it's good to spoil those that you love, not only with the rod, but also with gifts. Yes, of course God wants you to. He wants you to have an abundance of everything. So we're capable of providing for those who we love, those that we've seeked and those that we've made commitment to, and it outright works. It's astonishing the levels that we're capable of advancing within.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean, I'll tell you the truth. I ain't got no inequity to give you this morning. Every bit of the inequity that I got, I possess within, I walk within it and I find love out the other side. I see it on through. I tell individuals they'll be swinging their bats, they'll be swinging their bats, they'll be swinging their golf clubs. You've got to follow it through. Don't stop swinging until you follow it all the way through. It's the follow through that takes you a long time. Good sports references this morning. But that's the point. You follow it through, you start planting that seed. Whether it's deceit, whether it's confession, whether it's holiness, whether it's an advancement in life pro-life, you plant that seed. You, advancement in life, pro-life. You plant that seed, you follow it on through. Listen to the messages that God is delivering to you, what he's put on your heart what he wants for you.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, I mean and I live a busy life I'm often trying to holler at the phone, hey, siri, and I'm trying to get them to listen to me real quick so that I can advance, so that they know what I've got going on. I need to take notes, remind me of this is what I've got going on. This is what God's serving me. See, I've got so much going on in life. I'm quick to put myself on the sideline, I'm quick to put him on the sideline and continue just to go through the notions. No, I've got to go to work. No, I'm busy, I ain't worried about it. Don't that enactment? I'll tell you, it only takes a second.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to train my brain. I'm trying to train the way that I think. I'm trying to get a different mentality and mindset, a different approach to the world, not that I'm abrasively salting the earth like that, but more receptive to God's love. I'm capable of receiving it and I'm also capable of delivering it. I see somebody that's stumbling and falling. I'm thinking about it. I know they don't want me making decisions on them. I've stumbled, I've fallen, hallelujah, yes, of course, possibly say a praise If I can't help them. I can't help them Offer a lending hand. Well, somebody's got to tell them that they want help first. Any moment that I got, and God help me. I'm trying every day. Any moment that I've got, I'm trying to put God right where he needs to be right in first place. I want my logic, my theory, my process and the mechanism of my intellectual capability.

Speaker 1:

It starts with God. Immediately, boom, it goes to God and then it starts dropping on down and brainstorming to these different branches. It just opens up all the possibilities, because you know what comes after God, and I mean abundance of everything. And it's forgiven, it's redeemed. Again, I said you don't have anything to worry about. So we better follow that lead that we've been given, because if we do, boy, I'm telling you, I might be standing outright, my crooked ways might be made straight and my life might start having fulfillment.

Speaker 1:

She might wake up in the morning. I might already have breakfast made for her. I might have got fresh cut flowers for her, coffee's already made. You have a very good day. I haven't even left you a note. I'll see you this evening. I'm going to be busy.

Speaker 1:

I'm still invested in God. See, one of the ways that you can let God shine within your own personal life is giving back to the ones that you've got in your life. I've got to write love for you. I love you in a way that I can't afford to lose you. And I get it. I mean we made that commitment to God. We, I'm going to take it to that being. I'm going to take it to that maternal, physical, intellectual, spiritual possession that we have, god and Christ at that level.

Speaker 1:

I just don't talk about marriage. I outright practice within it. I mean I got God where he needs to be. Amen, hallelujah. Again, I'm telling you you keep him where he needs to be. You ain't going to have anything to worry about. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say rejoice, philippians 4.4. Rejoice, be happy about it, proclaim it. You have all kinds of trials and tribulations, but don't let them define you. Rejoice, be happy for what you've been given. Somebody comes along. I'm not happy. Seems like you're too happy. Sounds like their problem. You ain't got nothing to worry about. Continue to rejoice, proclaim the gifts that he's been giving you.

Speaker 1:

How do you know that you're forgiven? How do you know that you're redeemed? Think about forgiveness. I don't just say that you are forgiven. I actively show it within my acts, my laboring, my deeds, excuse me, the way that I walk, so it becomes relevant in the life that I lead. And there's nobody telling you you better not start leading your life that way. You know, I'd hate to see you start embracing forgiveness today. I'd hate to see you start embracing unconditional love, blameless, no excuses. I mean, I'm telling you what if it don't work? God help me. If it don't work, there's no blame, there's no pointing of the finger, there ain't even no fault. You all right, walk away.

Speaker 1:

My purest form of confession. This morning, and I apologize, I think different. I said you know, I said if the relationships don't work out, I said the relationships work when they're about God. You got God in your life. You got God in your life. Can we love God together? Excuse me right? And I mean it works, trust me, it works, god help me. So when you keep God within that place, within that sector, you don't have anything to worry about. You can be advanced, you can be taken to a completely different level. But I tell you, when God ain't in that relationship, when somebody breaks that bond of God, because your commitment, god and Christ were the witness. I decided I didn't want God and Christ in our relationship anymore. That's all right. Again, if it works, it works.

Speaker 1:

If it don't, it don't you walk right, walk away. Walk away, turn the other cheek, forgive, repent, right and embrace it. Don't just talk about it, embrace it, because the moment that God is not being offered in that relationship anymore, you don't have to worry about it. You're in the free and clear. You can walk away. There's no blame, there's no fault. You don't have anything to worry about. I'll tell you some of the things that happen. We need that happen. We need to learn how to accept it again.

Speaker 1:

I don't just talk about forgiveness and acceptance. It's maternal, it grows on me. There's mistakes that happen. I don't even let it affect me. If it happened, god wanted it to happen. That doesn't mean that I'm going to continue to put myself in a scenario that doesn't work and that's going to be set up for failure. I'm going to walk away. I'm going to find a new existence. I'm going to find a new life. That's what he wants for you. Sometimes we think we get what we want, but it's only the trying times that actually provide the sustainment.

Speaker 1:

Will the Lord spurn forever and never again be favorable Psalm 77, 7. Will the Lord spurn forever, now and forever we reference it as we breathe and take a drink of the cup this morning good morning and never again be favorable. The favorable of generosity and favor is no more than the testament of capability, of how you're walking within this world, when you can walk within that testament, when you can exercise within that degree. We spend our whole lives reading the Bible, talking about what's right, what's wrong, how this is practical application, how this deed, how this laboring works, how this definition of this scripture I mean, this is my interpretation of it. Again, I'm not sure if it's right or wrong, but this is what he's delivered to me.

Speaker 1:

But the moment that it becomes an equity, the moment that it's sovereign in the sense of submissiveness, to where we can't get off the ground and we can't advance in any way, shape or form, we've lost hope, we've lost insight and we've lost him. Don't ever let us forget that the power that he's given us of forgiveness to be saved, redeemed, yes, through the blood, salvation itself. He is risen. He is risen. Indeed. It's something that can be happening again and again and again, I'm telling you the truth, and I mean I'm not trying to fib at you in any way, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall. What matters is how many times you return back to him, because you are a child of the Most High God and he shall never lead you astray.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer astray. Let me wrap this up in prayer Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior Redeemer, with consent, with acceptance, come into our hearts, souls and minds, guide us, lead us, deliver us, receive us. Let our purest hearts and our souls and our wants and our needs be a direct acknowledgement of the plans that you have for us. Let our own prophecies be fulfilled by the acknowledgement of the walk, of the score, of the measure, of the deliverance that you've given us. Again, let us not be defined by the inequity. Let us not try to lead with inequity, but lead with a sense of compassion to where we can find sustainment, fulfillment, to where we can be built up. And we give that praise, that grace, that glory to you, rem. Remind us to generously give and to generously receive, for if we are generously giving, we'll be receiving generously. If we're only giving a little, then we should only be receiving a little. Remember, the score and measure that we use on others will be the score and measure that we use on ourselves. He can't deny you, you can't deny him. You are still one within God and Christ.

Speaker 1:

I like the testament of devotion. If it don't work, if it don't work, god, remind me that you put occurrences in my life that things happened that it didn't work out. We're found for a divorce, we're walking away, etc. Something bad happened, but it's all part of your plan. Teach me and guide me on how to learn from you, how to trust you, how the knowledge of your eternal image and possession can advance within me when it becomes about creature denying us or creature accepting us. We've lost hope of your eternal image and I seek heaven, I seek eternity. I'm storing my treasures in heaven and I don't want to be lost a lost heart, soul and mind of this world. With love, with passion and grace, in the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray Amen. Continue to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Thank you for your generosity, thank you for your continued support and thank you for listening.

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I'm often reminded that sometimes we get the possessive form that we feel that we can deny somebody. I tell you what we can't even deny Christ. We can't deny one another. We can act like we can, but the tolerable level of denial only becomes one option you can be alive or you can be dead. Because when you deny, what is the consequence of sin, wickedness and death? Any occurrence against God or God's people in any way, shape or form shall be your dead, very good, and someone would say, well, the heart stops. Yes, of course, the breath that you breathe. But don't forget, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, intimately thou shall not kill. There's a lot of different ways that you can start looking at somebody, that they can be upheaved, that they can be denied, that you can end their life. So don't end somebody's life. Look a sense of fulfillment, look for a sense of sustainment.

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Follow the facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the buzzsprout feed. Look for online updates, check out some of the some of the cool arts that we're posting online, with some of the different verses and scriptures, still looking to have additional funding sources so we can have life or death, ministry, bibles, apparel, prayer cards, different locations. I'm still. I'm still advancing in every way possible One of the newest aspects that we have coming up with. I'm not sure when it'll be released.

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It's a form of technology trying to utilize AI is unlimited earnings potential for everybody and unlimited life potentials for everybody. Of course, competence means discipline, degree come into play. You can have an abundance of everything. It's of God but the moment you start making decisions on other or become a cost and expense to anybody else in any way, shape or form, then it's a complete loss because it's no longer of God. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very blessed day and, by the way, as soon as you see your life going wrong again, I'm still one of God. God helped me, come into my life, saved me, redeemed me. God bless you. Thank you for listening.

Continuous Revival and Redemption
Returning to God for Redemption
The Power of Faith and Generosity
Message of Faith and Gratitude
Unlimited Potential Through Technology and AI