Life Or Death

Discover Fulfillment In God's Word...Embrace His Guidance!

June 12, 2024 Jes
Discover Fulfillment In God's Word...Embrace His Guidance!
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Discover Fulfillment In God's Word...Embrace His Guidance!
Jun 12, 2024

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What if the secret to a fulfilled life is hidden in plain sight, waiting for you in the pages of scripture? This episode takes us on a journey through the incredible power of God's Word, highlighting its crucial role in teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. Join us as we reflect on the unique, individualized nature of each person's spiritual journey, stressing the importance of humility and openness to God's guidance. By immersing fully in His word and living out its principles daily, we uncover ways to invite God's presence into every aspect of our lives, finding true fulfillment and overcoming fear through trust in His eternal provision and salvation.

Navigate the delicate balance between human desires and divine sovereignty as we discuss the importance of seeking God's guidance in our everyday decisions. From health and marriage to dealing with life's uncertainties, we share personal stories and insights that demonstrate how faith can serve as a steadfast anchor. We emphasize the power of prayer and the peace and joy that come from a life centered on spiritual devotion. This episode encourages you to prioritize God's will, honor Christ in all actions, and find comfort in His unwavering presence, ensuring a life of sustained fulfillment and purpose.

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What if the secret to a fulfilled life is hidden in plain sight, waiting for you in the pages of scripture? This episode takes us on a journey through the incredible power of God's Word, highlighting its crucial role in teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. Join us as we reflect on the unique, individualized nature of each person's spiritual journey, stressing the importance of humility and openness to God's guidance. By immersing fully in His word and living out its principles daily, we uncover ways to invite God's presence into every aspect of our lives, finding true fulfillment and overcoming fear through trust in His eternal provision and salvation.

Navigate the delicate balance between human desires and divine sovereignty as we discuss the importance of seeking God's guidance in our everyday decisions. From health and marriage to dealing with life's uncertainties, we share personal stories and insights that demonstrate how faith can serve as a steadfast anchor. We emphasize the power of prayer and the peace and joy that come from a life centered on spiritual devotion. This episode encourages you to prioritize God's will, honor Christ in all actions, and find comfort in His unwavering presence, ensuring a life of sustained fulfillment and purpose.

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Speaker 1:

All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3.16. So there's not a part of scripture, regardless if it's condemning and we often praise the gospel we want to be invited. Good morning, how are you? Welcome? Come in here. Come, come, share the good news, spread the joy, the love, the grace, the happiness. All scripture is breathed out by God.

Speaker 1:

How often we find ourselves controversial, indulged in the scripture and, before you know it, it belongs to somebody else. It's belonging to a creature. We're capable of utilizing it to condemn one another. It belongs to this person or this is derogatory to it. You often hear me reference that in the morning. No, if it's of God, then it's of God. The interpretation doesn't need to be self-explanatory. I'm indulged in him, he's indulged in me and it brings forth the fruits, the deeds of the labor and I'm finding fulfillment within it. So I'm reminded that everything that I have in my life needs to belong to him, because if it doesn't belong to him, well, I have no room for it. I don't want to manifest it, I don't want to grow on it and it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

Profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training of righteousness and a lot of individuals, especially when we're advancing, when we're climbing the ladder, if you would, we're trying to theologically move within this world, go from crawling to walking, to running, to manifesting, to having light within the topic, in some cases preaching, teaching and et cetera. Training in righteousness or the righteous child, of course. But for correction, who's the one that's condemning? Who's the one that's condemning? Who's the one that's for the reproof? Well, no more than our conscience. But our conscience could be the acknowledgement of the Holy Spirit being the enactment within us. So, for correction and for training within righteousness, which means you have to continue, continue. What, if you might ask? You have to continue to be righteous, you have to continue to be the child, to be humble. Come, come into my heart. So am I. Yes, of course you're going to stumble, you're going to fail, you're going to fall, but that's part of what he seeks and deems for us. So we take that to a completely different level. I'm profitable for teaching, but I'm teaching myself, if you would. But it's within line of to be Christ-like. So our own personal interpretation, our own grasp of the walk can be completely different than how somebody else might walk within it, and I gave you this reference the other night. I don't just read the Bible, I'm involved in the Bible and I don't just attend church right, and the church can be the ministry, but I'm involved in church and so I think that there's a difference. I don't just visit with God, I'm actually involved with God, right? So I think you take it to that different level.

Speaker 1:

Profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, is no more than not being like critical over analytical, I'm condemning myself, I'm not going to make it anywhere, I'm never good enough, I can't live up to the hype, to the score, to the measure. Not within that mindset, but more along the lines of he's providing for me for my stream never runs dry, for my table never is empty and I'm continuously capable of providing for those that I am providing for. I'm capable of providing for my own because he provides for me Within wealth, within knowledge, wisdom, passion, devotion. You'll notice, when it belongs to God, all of a sudden, the burden, the risk, the derogatory of being questioned, of being riddled, doesn't exist. So if God exists within me, within heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed, you could say substance, you could say health, education, all these different aspects. Right, then I shall not be restricted or limited in any way, shape or form. And when you look at each specific genre or application of life, discipline and degree, you're capable of exploring them, exploring them, knowing that if you discover where God is within that particular topic, then you find fulfillment.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, we have no clue, and you can take it to that point we're strangers to ourselves, we're strangers to our creator. I'm not even really sure who you are anymore. Like I guess I'm trying to do what I think is right. Some of us were looking for acknowledgement from others. Acceptance and denial only becomes a sense of weakness. No, I don't trust within him, but you trust within him because the fear is a liar. You don't have nothing to worry about. Salvation was true. Incarnation through the blood? Yes, of course. So we are redeemed, we are saved now and forever. But that becomes more relevant when we advance and we advance within the mindset. So I don't worry about the forecorrection, the training, the reproof and the teaching. I don't look at it as a secondary source of God and a lot of us we adapt secondary sources of God.

Speaker 1:

You can experience it with your spouses, your wives, etc. You can experience God in intimacy and pleasure. You can experience with your spouses, your wives, et cetera. You can experience God in intimacy and pleasure. You can experience God and success, god-given talent in a lot of different aspects, but in this particular genre, in this particular discipline and degree, teaching, reproof, correction for training doesn't come from us. It's not creature condemning one another. Rather, it's the exact opposite.

Speaker 1:

He's given you what you need. You're capable of being your own check and balance. You know what you should be doing and what you should be doing and the best part about it, you're condoned. You're asked to fail. We know you're going to stumble. We know you're going to fall. We know that could be the Holy Trinity. If you want the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, right, they're looking down on you or they're with you. So if they're with you and if God shall be for you, then who could possibly be against you? Very good, but it's easy.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I said. Not only do I read the Bible, but I'm involved with scripture. The scripture is involved within me. I don't live in the world, the world lives within me. Who created the world? God, of course. Yeah, it's so trivial, it's like a trick question. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. John 14, 2. So many many rooms, many different genres, facets, disciplines, degrees, and some would say it's tolerable. It's not tolerable, but that doesn't belong to God. You'll notice that even failure within biblical structure, within biblical structure structure, is normal. So there is nothing wrong with you. It's normal to fall, it's normal to fail and it's normal to advance. What's the advancement? I'm going to get over the hump here this morning.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes God comes at you at that angle I referenced, where we can have miracles on earth. God chooses certain individuals to work at us within miracles. Excellent. And how does that work? So God might bring your neighbor up into your life, good example, and not in some aspect where remember, god is private, right, you don't have to worry about anybody else. What's going on belongs to God. But they might bring somebody, your fellow brothers and sisters, into your life to condemn you. They might be led astray, they might be pushing, they might be shoving, they might be filled with sin, wickedness and death, and the only aspect that they have to embrace is hate. And bringing them into your life to condemn you is not for you to be bickered, battered, bitten, upheaved, steamrolling out of the ears or completely upset, change the direction of your thought, theory, logic and reason, but rather it's for you to adapt. Remember, if it's the room that you enter and it's not what you like, because of God and Christ you're capable of turning around. You can shut the door and you can open a new door. So if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you and we're promised that promise of eternity, the heaven, the safekeeping. I know that my heart, soul and mind are kept safe with God. I don't wake up in the morning and I'm like asking creature, can I get my heart, soul and mind back from you? And they're looking around, they're like I guess we can give you yourself back.

Speaker 1:

I woke up the other day. I went for a walk. I was walking around the block. I used to walk way down and go up past the church behind a local business here, down and around. I'd go way out on North Road. I'd come back. It'd take me a little over an hour. It was a good walk. I'd do it twice a day. I was doing it for a charitable reason, by the way, somebody started making decisions while I was on that walk and I couldn't go for that walk anymore.

Speaker 1:

So I started walking around the block here recently just to try to be safe, make sure I wasn't going to get annihilated or disfigured in any way, shape or form. And as I'm walking, I'm listening to what's being said and this person goes I guess I can give you this and I can give you this, I can give you anything that you want. And immediately my only confession was God, help me. God helped me in the sense of anything that can be taken from me. It must not belong to God, it must belong to creature. So I don't want creature's form of love, I don't want creature's form of children, I don't want creature's form of anything in this way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

Because why and how should I involve aspects in my life that don't belong to God? To be pure, right, to be pure in thought and word and deed, and we usually take it there and that's good enough, right, we're like, oh, that's a little bit extreme. And in the reference, what you see, what you hear, what you think, now make it practical. Not only do I read the Bible, but I'm involved in Scripture Now to be pure in the way that I walk, the way that I talk, the way that I present myself and the aspects that I possess. Now, what I possess belongs to Him. So now I don't have anything to worry about.

Speaker 1:

I shall not stumble, I shall not fall, and in any way, shape or form it's redundant, because you can lose everything in the world only to gain God and to gain Christ. And the scripture that reminds us of that exact aspect. So when we hold on to it, we value it and it becomes only of ours no, it's mine Then we might lose everything, because if it's God, we have an abundance of everything, and if it's exclusively ours, we have absolutely nothing. And I think it's trivial, but we have to get over the hump. We shall advance, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself that, where I am, you may be also. John 14, 3. So what he's doing, he's doing it for us, right, and preparing a place. Place, come again and I will take you to myself, that, where I am, you may be also. And we feel that way though, don't we? I've been blessed, I've been redeemed, I hit the jackpot. I won the lottery. I've got a very rewarding career. What he's did for me, I'm capable of doing for others, and that is our vocation, that is our essence of belonging in the world.

Speaker 1:

What if you existed in a world and think about this as some of the note-takers what if you existed in a world to where everybody you encountered was blessed, they were forgiven, they were redeemed, they were blessed, they had an abundance of everything and the only thing that they had to offer was God? Think about it At every venue, at every turn, at every corner, anybody that you encounter is blessed. All they have to offer is God, the unconditional love, forgiveness, yes, of course, blameless consent, and there's no restrictions or limitations. So, regardless of the facet, the genre, the discipline, the degree where you're actually going within this, it's all about God. But you would never fail, you would never be upheaved, you would never have emotional retention to not being satisfied, because your satisfaction comes from him, your pleasure, your substance, your intimate, your economical. You know, I got a lot of money in the billfold right now, the checkbook, the purse is completely full. I praise God for that.

Speaker 1:

I opened up the medicine cabinet. I've got what I need and what I want. Notice the need and the want. For years upon years, we only focused on needs. Let's be sovereign in this omissive form. But it's God.

Speaker 1:

Why would you limit what God's capable of? It came from him. It's not about us. Notice the moment, it's about us. We're completely suffering, we don't have what we want or what we need, and everybody's crying out for help. So keep it about God, so that it can be about him. If you shall seek God in life, you shall also seek them in death. Of course ignorance truly is bliss, yes, of course. So don't doubt him, excuse me, don't doubt him, but also don't be derogative in that mindset.

Speaker 1:

The moment your confession of possessive thought or in actual action gets turned into, I'm giving this to creature. And what are you giving to creature? I'm going to give them the ability to tell me that I can be married and I can't be married. I mean, I've heard there's a lot of individuals that have walked down that road. And I'll tell you what. When you take it out of his hands, where it belongs, and you put it back within creature's hands, you're outright suffering. You're guaranteed to fail. You're guaranteed to lose.

Speaker 1:

How about health, for example? And don't get me wrong. There's some very, very well physicians within this world. They have God in Christ. Look at the mission, the purpose of some of these different practitioners and providers. They're very capable, they're very competent. They're not like imprisonment, they're not like demons standing there with pitchforks. I know that these are the symptoms and conditions and I know you're going to be suffering. No, I offer sustainment, the best of my ability, within God in mind.

Speaker 1:

I get into more of a sense of patient education here. I want you to document the results. I want you to talk to me. Talk to me the next day I'm going to call you up. We're going to video chat. Tell me what happened, what you didn't like, what you did like. Did you want to continue?

Speaker 1:

Did you want to try something else? I view things different. By the way it works, if it comes down to medicine, you trust in somebody giving you expert advice. I'm educated. Of course, that piece of paper that's got ink on it is not really God and it doesn't qualify them to be competent. How many actual physicians have taken personal substances to the limits, whether it's the lower limits or the upper limits? Wait, it's about God. There is no limits, right? So it's only what works for you. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and I think that's what we need to advance in life.

Speaker 1:

I'm no longer giving this to you. You know God gave me the gift of children. Somebody decided you know what I'm going to give those children and put them in the hands of creature. Now you're not allowed to have them children. I don't want children that belong to creature. I want children that belong to God. I want children that are redeemed, that are safe. I want children that are redeemed, that are saved. I want children that are going to make mistakes. God help me. By the way, I'm still looking and trying to be encouraged for marriage, for pro-life and procreation. I'm definitely old enough to know better, but young enough to still apply. Yes, I want a life Very, very good.

Speaker 1:

So let's not be distraught in job responsibility, social hat or rankings, what we consider to be rankings in society. How much power, how much clout do you actually have in the possessive form of it? The truest form of power is no more than being submissive to God. I don't have anything bad to say for you, but if you would like me to help you, yes, of course I can give you my opinion, if that's what you seek, or I can give you professional advice, that would be of God. But in no way and shape or form shall I ever be capable of making a decision on you or for you that alters you, alters your life or alters somebody else's, whether that's physically, emotionally, spiritually or in any aspect. You know, I don't want you to suffer because I'm alive and I think that's what it comes down to Life for life, love for love, breath for breath. No, what did you want? What did you need?

Speaker 1:

And we're getting to that point and it's actually happening in a lot of different communities around the world, especially in the US. We have paperwork available to make it happen immediately, to where they're completely independent and they're capable of offering sustainment. If it's of God, it's a win. The moment it becomes about creature or condemnation, somebody said I can't because of insurance companies and I have a contract with a big farm. That I can't because of insurance companies, I don't have a contract with Big Farm. That's not of God. So it needs to go back to where it started. He is the creator. He's the one that gave us this stuff. It's not meant to be used against us, but it's meant to encourage us to have a sense of sustainment, and we find that to be upheaving, not defying.

Speaker 1:

But in your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason, for the hope that is in you. Yet do it with gentleness and respect. So here's the acknowledgement 1 Peter 3.15. Here's the acknowledgement of being defined Some of those social statuses and classes and rankings within the world, but in your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy. Yeah, he's holy. Yes, of course, mistakes Right, we've still got it. We're forgiven, now and forever, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason, for the hope that is in you. I hope of God and hope of Christ.

Speaker 1:

I heard of the substance. It makes me feel good. I wanted my personal life, my intimate life, to be improved at night. Well, we've got substances that can help you, and I'm talking substances that actually work too. You don't have to can help you, and I'm talking substances that actually work too. You don't have to. You don't have to.

Speaker 1:

The moment it gets put in their hands, you've lost hope. You've lost everything the moment it belongs to God and Christ and you no longer have to suffer, you no longer have to have witnessing. And think about what I'm saying. Witnessing is no more than the acceptance of denial of God and Christ, is it not? But you'll never be. You'll never be denied Christ, you'll never be. You'll never be denied christ, you'll never be denied god, and you're always going to be accepted. You'll be forgiven, you'll be redeemed. So we can't play that role on earth.

Speaker 1:

You hear often elders within churches and I'm not pointing the finger. God forgive me or god help me. If you would come into my heart, soul, mind, give me the strength, knowledge, the passion, the devotion to be capable of deliverance. But you'll hear elders of the church. They're telling you what's right for you. They're telling you what's right for you. They're telling you what's wrong for you, what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing. Well, I didn't know that. God gave you the possessive form to be capable of judging, condemning, because it's a loss of hope. At this point, you're playing God on earth. So we need to be careful of what we're asking for, what we see, what we hear, to be pure and thought in word and deed, what we hear, what we speak and what we see and follow it right.

Speaker 1:

I don't just read the Bible, I'm actually involved within Scripture. Yet do it with gentleness and respect. Be slow to anger Somebody's up. He's just raised a hand, hallelujah. Well, I'm very busy at the moment. Lord forgive me, I apologize, I must get going. It's way.

Speaker 1:

There's individuals. The Bible's reference to law is no more than individuals that have been appointed by God to make sure that God is within this world. Can you imagine a world to where you find God? You're blessed in every venue, in every aspect, just in every genre, but no more than sustainment. A world full of fulfillment is a world that is sustained, and that's what God provided for us.

Speaker 1:

So the moment we fail and we count on God oh, I'm going to give this to creature that's a failure. It belongs within God's hands. We confine within creature. It's an extreme loss. So don't in any way shape or form and don't resent it. But don't, don't put that aspect of resentment and loss of hope within creatures' hands. I don't like to be defiled. I don't like to be upheaved. I don't like to say yeah, that's right for me. I don't say no, that's wrong for me, in any way, shape or form. In fact, I like to continue to advance. So my advancement within this world is no more than the acknowledgement that God is the law.

Speaker 1:

So could you imagine, and only for a second grasp it, could you imagine within your personal, professional, within your daily aspects of life, every encounter you had was of God. If there was a check or law and balance in any way, shape or form, medically, judicially, health-wise, education, each and every one of them belonged to God. So there is no right or wrong answer. And then you're no longer capable of being condemned because you're forgiven. Amazing. So God appoints individuals in this world to be capable of carrying out the works of God and the works of Christ. So I'm going to tell you and I know you find this hard to believe, and I was talking to my grandmother yesterday.

Speaker 1:

She said it's been like that since the beginning If you work for God and God works for you, you're not applicable to these laws or to these statutes or to these codes, because they're not of God. She said it's been that way since the beginning. And I said exactly. I said so redundant. I said there's individuals that are scorned, they're bitten, they're upheaved, they're countering the world and you've got to deal with creature You're not allowed to have God, you're not allowed to have Christ. So we need to be careful.

Speaker 1:

There are other beliefs in this world. There are individuals that have been led astray, right, and it's not for me to point the finger or to judge nor condemn, but I'm capable of turning the other cheek, I'm capable of walking away. So when I hear, oh, somebody's put your life, whether you get to be alive, whether it's health education, whether you get to be alive, whether it's health education, whether it's the time you spend on earth, and there's individuals that can make decisions on you and they can play God on earth to where you're experiencing sentimental loss, my answer is no. Not only is my answer no, but eye for eye, life for life, breath for breath, asking you shall receive anything that you assume that you're going to do to anybody else shall be done to you, and that is the act of God, that's the favor and generosity that we receive within God's vengeance. You know, it's not a good card to play, making decisions on others or putting the possessive form of it into other individuals' hands. It's a very wrong mindset. Think about it. You're not God. You can't make those decisions on anybody.

Speaker 1:

I was watching the news yesterday and I was extremely disappointed. I seen an individual was being sentenced and I'm listening and I'm watching and I stopped for a second and I said, if you don't mind me asking, I said who was the offense on what happened? Who was injured? What type of loss did they experience? How do you make it right? How are they forgiven? How are they redeemed? How can this person replace the loss that was lost? Because it's a loss when you don't have God right. So that's the mindset, the mentality, but anytime you have God in Christ, it's a sense of fulfillment. So who experienced the loss? There was no loss. What do you mean? There just was no loss.

Speaker 1:

But this is no more than us confessing our obsession with inequity and God and Christ don't exist within this world. I'm not subject to that. Your form of belief upsets you and you're upset that it doesn't work. You better outright have proof that it came at a cost and expense of somebody else in some way, shape or form. Because I believe in God and I know God is the giver and taker. He's like oh, we wrote this down and we got the Declaration of Independence. I'm like I'm honoring a God that's from like BC and AD. I'm like sleep, I'm like rebuked. I'm taking the Bible, I'm smacking them on top of the head. Whap, god be with you. I'm trying to transfer that knowledge real quick. Whap, right on top of the head, god be with you.

Speaker 1:

So, no, no pleasure. Pro-life you're having children, intimacy, relationships, just of course. Spouses, wives, anything that you can think of. It does not belong to us. No, no, no, you forgot. It belongs to him. And if it belongs to him, we don't have no say within it. But if we're capable of being humble, of being receptive, of knowing that God reigns and that his supremacy is in a multitude of nations in every way, shape or form, then we don't have anything to worry about. Oh, how, so quickly we are to turn it into something that's not about us. And when I say us, I exist within him, I'm over the hump, I'm converted, I walk within the scripture. The Father, son and the Holy Spirit is the enactment that lie within me.

Speaker 1:

So, these individuals that think that they have authority and they're capable of guiding you within God, if it's not about God, you're capable of walking away, you're capable of saying no, having respect, sure, but I can promise you, you're not capable of making decisions on me. You got proof that it came at a cost and expense of somebody else in some way, shape or form. Somebody was injured, somebody was annihilated. You talk to that person. That person says, no, that's between me and that person. You don't involve somebody else in your life where it don't belong.

Speaker 1:

You ask for God and Christ and the Holy Spirit to be your witness, to be your enactment. In a lot of cases, you can talk it on out. What would God want from you? Want you to be forgiven, want you to be redeemed. You don't have individuals harassing you being anti-Christ as of God. I'm gonna use vision, I'm gonna use yours. I'm gonna torment you. I'm gonna suffice you. I'm gonna make you weak within your scripture. That's not of God. Your problem that you chose a world that does not exist and it does not work. What do you want? To take it to the extreme? Do you want to prove that it doesn't work? Because of Christ, I am forgiven and I don't have a point to prove. Rest in peace. If you would. You know, sleep very good, sleep. Let me wrap this up. Lord forgive me.

Speaker 1:

Our graciously heavenly Father, in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, how so? Very often we're looking for answers, we're looking for solutions, we're stumbling, we're falling. We're praising, we're succession, we're seeking the grace, the healing power of our Savior, of our Redeemer. Let us be reminded that these institutions that we possess, notice that we possess, they're ours, but they're actually His. Go back to you that, in any way, shape or form, if they're not offering God, if they're not offering sustainment, fulfillment, if they're capable of altering life, losing life, taking a breath from you, they shall not be an institution, an act of life or a discipline or degree that we actually value.

Speaker 1:

Within what you've given us sustainment and abundance of everything we can find peace, contentment, we can find life, we can find joy, we can find happiness. Remind us that the fulfillment that you've provided doesn't lead to questioning, doesn't lead to doubt and doesn't lead to the oppression of creature. Remind us that you are private within our hearts, souls and minds. That we don't have individuals harassing us, pushing their points and their preferences. That within your scripture, within your life, the prophet fulfilling the prophecy of what we've been given, we stumble, we fall, we're upheaved and we are continuing to be delivered with patience, with love, with growth, with grace. Remind us to love compassionately the type of love that you have for us looking to find you as fulfillment and not finding creature as inequity. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray.

Speaker 1:

On a more of a personal note, I pray and I meditate. I pray and I meditate that our personal wants and needs, that what I hold near and dear to my heart and my soul, that you recognize my wants and my needs of this world and you know what I have and you know that you can still be my provider and I ask that you come, come into my heart, soul and mind and provide for me, for you know what I want and what I seek. Continue to follow, to listen Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the Buzzsprout feed. Very, very exciting. Might be moving here or the traveling ministry Putting it back on the road. I'll keep you updated very often, often as possible.

Speaker 1:

I think that as we advance the moment, you know that you're opening the door and God's not on the other side of that door. Christ is not on the other side of that door. Whether it's personal, professional, intellectual, spiritual substance, right, all right substance, you can say medical wants and needs in any aspect, in any genre. Don't be afraid to turn around and walk away. Remember, have somebody standing at every door and I like to use my spouse think different or spouses or children, right? Did you find Christ today very good, if you did, come in here, you're forgiven, you're redeemed, you're not bringing baggage with, you're not carrying creatures, oppression, with you. And if you didn't turn around, don't return back here until you have sustainment. You have fulfillment for me in my house. We will serve the Lord. Be careful what you open the door to when you open the door and it's not of God, it's not of Christ. Turn around, walk away and walk the other direction, for you will find sustainment, fulfillment within God and Christ, and they shall never lead you astray. So do you remember the? Where is Waldo? Where is Waldo? Where is God At that exact moment? Or what would Jesus do?

Speaker 1:

The WWJD, and I promise you, lord forgive me, it truly works Well. God bless you. Thank you for listening, thank you for your contributions, thank you for your support, thank you for your donations and I hope and pray that you have a very, very blessed day and rest assured that if you keep God where he needs to be in your life, there is no other alternative. There is no generic brand or other form of life. You'll have sustainment and fulfillment each and every day through seeking and praise and laboring of deeds, of acts. Have a very, very good day, not only reading but also involved, not only attending but also involved. Indulge if you would have a very good day. God bless you.

Teaching and Embracing God's Word
Sovereignty and Faith in God
Seeking God's Fulfillment Through Prayer