Life Or Death

Relationships Belong to Christ, They Work...Love

June 11, 2024 Jes
Relationships Belong to Christ, They Work...Love
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Relationships Belong to Christ, They Work...Love
Jun 11, 2024

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Is it possible to maintain personal boundaries and individuality while nurturing a committed relationship rooted in Christian values? Join us as we explore this profound question and provide actionable insights into balancing social and personal commitments. In this episode, we delve into the significance of upholding personal beliefs and boundaries, all while fostering friendships outside a marriage. Learn how to support each other's journey of self-discovery and personal growth, using engaging metaphors and real-life scenarios that highlight these complex dynamics.

Experience a heartfelt discussion on the essence of unconditional love and the pillars of mutual respect and continuous discovery. We discuss how personal preferences can serve as opportunities for growth, rather than sources of division, by keeping God and Christ as the relationship's focal point. From avoiding infidelity to maintaining a strong spiritual connection, we explore how to build fulfilling partnerships rooted in divine love and eternal values. Tune in to understand the importance of prioritizing faith and genuine understanding for lasting fulfillment and blessings in your relationships.

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Is it possible to maintain personal boundaries and individuality while nurturing a committed relationship rooted in Christian values? Join us as we explore this profound question and provide actionable insights into balancing social and personal commitments. In this episode, we delve into the significance of upholding personal beliefs and boundaries, all while fostering friendships outside a marriage. Learn how to support each other's journey of self-discovery and personal growth, using engaging metaphors and real-life scenarios that highlight these complex dynamics.

Experience a heartfelt discussion on the essence of unconditional love and the pillars of mutual respect and continuous discovery. We discuss how personal preferences can serve as opportunities for growth, rather than sources of division, by keeping God and Christ as the relationship's focal point. From avoiding infidelity to maintaining a strong spiritual connection, we explore how to build fulfilling partnerships rooted in divine love and eternal values. Tune in to understand the importance of prioritizing faith and genuine understanding for lasting fulfillment and blessings in your relationships.

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Speaker 1:

I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like I'm leaving you for her anyways, we're just friends. The relationships, the animosity, the trouble that we end up facing within one another, of our own relationships and you've heard me, I closed the door to that subject. No, I'm not going out for a drink with you, I get it. It's harmless, it's careless. Of course I want to be social, but I'm not inviting that into my house. But I'm not inviting that into my house.

Speaker 1:

I think we being stern in our belief and our belief system, especially within Christianity, validates our relationship status. I want you to think a little bit different. Remember the person standing at the door. It's like you're walking into a door, you're walking into a store. It's your social hats. You're walking into your house. You're going to your job, you're going into your career. Every time you face a door, you see your significant other, you see God, you see job, you're going into your career. Every time you face a door, you see your significant other, you see God, you see Christ, you see your spouses, you see your wives, you see your children, you see the individuals that you have in your life, the ones that you've made commitment to. And as you open the door, you see them and they're looking at you and they're like what'd you bring home today? Who'd you bring home today? And we, consecutively, are rewinding or intertwining, indulging or neglecting the persuasives, the emotions, the personalities and the behaviors of other individuals, because they've brought them in to their heart, soul and mind and made them near and dear to their heart.

Speaker 1:

But that's tough though, isn't it? Isn't it a conflict of interest? No, I said I married you. I didn't marry who you like or what you wanted to explore or discover At some point. When we say goodbye and we close the door and we like walk away, it's like I'm done, I'm out of this relationship. Peace. Do you think that there's still resentment? I still wanted to see you occasionally, but, like our relationships, 100% devoted. Do I need to give you me 100% of the time? Is it still okay that I'm like the person you want me to be and then I can still have me? But didn't you marry me for being who you were Like? I fell in love with you, didn't I? Or did I fall in love with the scripted individual? I didn't see it. Where were you reading the script at? Who told you that you needed to respond and act this way so that I could actually engage with you, so that I could wed you.

Speaker 1:

But we get mixed, we get intertwined, we get self-deceiving yes, of course, abusive in the sense of acknowledgement. I've got a headache. I'm going to sleep, but you said we'd make it work, regardless of what it takes. You'll notice that we're quick to reject one another in relationships because we're actually rejecting ourselves.

Speaker 1:

And I mentioned discovery, didn't I? One of the true, purposeful ways of finding life and love in this world. Your true partner will let you discover life. I'm not saying you should actively go to a ball game every night. When you walk into your bedroom, batter up right or swing away, god knows, I strike out often. It's terrible. I just have a real bad ERA right now. My numbers are terrible. It's sad.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I'm saying that you should be committed to the person that you made that commitment to right. No, I'm faithful to you, I want to be faithful to you. Is it hard to think that in the world that we live in, some individuals believe and grasp that relationship can be what you want it to be? And I did mention the art of discovery. But if I truly love you and I'm invested in you. Why wouldn't I want to discover more about you? Or why wouldn't I want to discover other things with you? Because if your relationship gets boring or we just don't have a lot to talk about, ah, that's something he's into. I'm not really into it. We start going separate ways. One prefers water, the other one prefers wine. We wake up, we're having fruit in the morning. I'm like I'm going to get a banana, you're like, probably like a pear or orange. It's okay, personal preferences don't divide you, you're. Those are the notions, these are the regressions, the steps that advance us. They advance us in a notoriety.

Speaker 1:

I made a commitment once, and it's been quite a few years ago. Somebody keeps reminding me of the clock. It keeps ticking. It's like every hair on my head is numbered. It's a sand globe, for goodness sakes, and I'm waiting for the mustard seed to drop through so I can say hallelujah. I can sing and sing, praise and receive him in every way. Receive him in every way. But somebody made me that commitment and I made that commitment to somebody else. I'm going to find a new way to love you emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically, intimately, socially the way you dress, the way you laugh, the way you talk, an expression, an interest, a hobby, personally, professionally, and I thought about it and you know I never did give up on that. I actually won.

Speaker 1:

Of course, the deal was off when this person decided to go off into la la land and they started having different types of was it real estate, I can't really remember, but anyways, they were having really big movements. So I was no longer obligated to that commitment. I was like peace, famoos, I'm out. And it was like pronto, it was like now it was over. Yeah, I was like cool, good for you. But our commitments was a value of the love that I had for that person, and you'll notice the commitment I made for them. I wanted to indulge more in you.

Speaker 1:

Why don't we just like discover life together? You see, I'm a believer that love is blind, that it doesn't require a certain look, a certain taste, a certain flavor. It doesn't require for you to be pruned right on out. You're a mighty square today. I'm going to go a little bit crazy and I'm going to get dark tonight. Lord forgive me, I might be more like a triangle or a square. By the way, batter away right. We still got the playoffs getting ready to go off.

Speaker 1:

I think different. So we imagine and create the world that we want to be relevant. We're balling it up at night hey, there ain't nothing wrong with that. But why don't we want to share that part with our significant other? And if we separate in emotion, in theory, in reason, in physical and substance, then when we come begging back to that door and we want that individual to be there for us, and they're no longer there, why is it our fault? Or who is it their problem?

Speaker 1:

You see, with God and Christ as being the centerpiece, the focal point of the relationship, I shall never lose you and you shall never lose me, because we keep him at first place. And individuals that are unaware of Christianity, they're like I'm not really sure. The father, son and holy spirit actually exists. I've heard of it. I don't think it works. Isn't it somewhere where you just go and you give money and some sort of offering plate, like on Sundays? Somebody even said it's based off percentages. I'm not quite sure. Oh, that's right, they got little shots of stuff and you get a little piece of bread, as they call it. The body and the blood is, of course, a social gathering spot. I get it, I'm into it. Sure, how often do you want me to go? But that building that institution, yes, god, in Christ himself, if they were the focal point of the life when we actually lived within that milestone, then we would never have anything to worry about.

Speaker 1:

You see, bringing in the inequity of the relationship, the doubts, the surface level, anxiety is no more than the confession of. This is how I see myself, this is what I value in that relationship and this is how my relationship fails. So when I tell you love is blind, I am unconditionally, 100% certain that I can love you wholeheartedly, without resentment, without limitation, without restriction. Now I'm going to tell you I got my boundaries right. I got my boundaries. I don't want you to cheat on me. I don't like infidelity. No, I want our commitment to be true to one another. And in the Bible I referenced the Bible I'm going to love God, you're going to love God, we're going to love God together.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we lose in that scenario. I think it's a win, win and another win, three wins in a row. You got it, you're off to the races, you're good to go. But with that mindset, that mentality, I don't think that we can fail. I think that we can actually learn how to discover and learn how to advance within one another. You see, the moment that we put restrictions on love, the moment that we try to start discussing life and saying that that's right or that's wrong, the moment we're saying that I'm not liking who you are today or can you do anything right Because obviously I'm looking to go wrong, then at some point we need to start being capable of what being receptive to love. And I'm reminded today and I'm reminded every day afterwards. He remains the same past, present and future.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, the way we stay true to one another that we don't have anything to lose, we don't have to be discouraged, we don't have to judge, we don't have to feel like we're the weaker part of the relationship. Rather, we can start discovering how to love one another. So I think it comes down to relationships being no more than the confession of resentment. Wait, I don't resent being in a relationship. Maybe it's being receptive to the different types and forms of love, because everything that that person is giving you must be from God and the Holy Spirit, even when it's bad. I'm not saying like grabbing a frying pan and smacking you upside of the head is going to change the world that you live in. God, help me. I don't know if there's love involved there, but there's probably something right. And so what I'm saying is that everything that that person has to give you, if it was from God and it was a form of love, we need to learn how to be receptive to it.

Speaker 1:

How many of us are turning the shoulder cold? You know? I seen somebody different today and I just like the way they look. I heard my best friend while she's at work. I mean, her husband bought her flowers. She had breakfast in bed. I mean, you're lucky to even get out of bed. I got to take the kids to school. See you, honey, have a good day. I'm just. I'm tired of this relationship.

Speaker 1:

They say communication turns the key. Do you think we should talk about it? But talking doesn't get us anywhere, it only continues to build. And then, before you know it, all this resentment builds up and you're still worried about sweeping the floor and I completely gave up on it. It's like, well, I guess nothing's going to happen. I think that life goes on. So we, within that mindset, within that mentality, and, of course, I think very, very different. God forgive me. I for I, life for life, love for love. I mean, I know there ain't nothing for free. Love itself comes at extreme cost, even acquaintances. In some scenarios, they can be expensive. We should invest in unconditional love.

Speaker 1:

If we tell somebody we're going to love them, let's be honest. Look, I'm going to love you, but I've got restrictions and limitations the moment that this happens. Well, that's not love, though you can't put limitations on love. Love is blind, remember. It's unbiased. It knows no restrictions or limitations. I got a post, I put it on my social media page and it says if the love you know of or the love you want, it's got restrictions or limitations, I'm not interested.

Speaker 1:

Hashtag, what are you asking for? And what I'm saying is that we don't need the checklist of love. You took the trash out. You did the right decisions. Okay, you did everything that I wanted to. Sure, I'm going to give you what you want, but the superficial form of acknowledgement of coexisting doesn't get us anywhere. I'm rather indulged into you. I'm going to make a commitment to love your soul. I'm going to love your heart, soul, mind. I'm going to find a new love, a new interest, a new smile, a new gesture, professionally, personally, in every way, shape and form to continuously love you.

Speaker 1:

Of course I didn't tell her that she had the key to my heart. She's capable of crushing it, destroying it, destroying and breaking it, throwing it up against the wall on three different occasions, to where it's a completely alternative ending, of possibly seeking a kamikaze mission of suicide. My God help me. But no, yes, of course, can't we love one another? Like I don't want to put restrictions and limitations on love, I don't want to say that it needs to be right for anybody other than me and other than you. And then again, when I'm at the door, I'm not bringing my garbage home, I'm not bringing my acquaintances home, and I've made a commitment to you and to God. I don't want other individuals in our relationship See when relationships come to no more than a comparison value of still trying to define who we are and the discovery of within or the discovery without, leads to a sense of unsatisfaction.

Speaker 1:

Anticlimactic, excellent reference. I'm not quite getting there. What the hell happened last night? I'm not really sure. Are you okay? I think so, but we can talk about it later. Let's get going.

Speaker 1:

Stop denying one another for your own wants and needs. Have you ever had social awkwardness within your own relationship. I don't really want to say anything, because I just want to get through tonight, and then I got to go tomorrow, and that's just a shit. It's just hell right now. Stop denying one another of love, because love fails, it endures. It's upheaving. Yes, of course life isn't perfect. You're going to have ups and downs, but if you continue to be there for one another I mean how you want to go through terrible trying times, you want to go through crooked ways, let's go through them together.

Speaker 1:

I used to tell him, just when I was young God help me. I feel like I'm Einstein at this moment, like I'm writing my address on the inside of a blazer or a jacket, and I still don't even know where home is. Like when now? Yes, help me. I think that we've got past the point to where we need to tell one another you know what I need my ride or die. What does that mean, though? I need somebody that's going to stick with me through thick and thin, regardless of what I'm going through. I know I can count on them, but who are you really counting on, if that's your better half? On God? On Christ, maybe the Holy Spirit? You're counting on one another because you've been united, one within flesh.

Speaker 1:

So relationships with Christ work and relationships without Christ are no more than a comparison notion and a lack of an equity and a consecutive confession that I'm seeking, something that I can't find within myself and I can't find within you. Well, maybe it could be God in Christ who would have ever thought that something so simple, yet so advanced incarnation, salvation through the blood. He is risen. He is risen indeed. Did you say hallelujah, do you like actually happy with me for once in your life?

Speaker 1:

Resentment. Be careful. Watch the words. They're afflicting. They're very, very sensitive. I get it. Don't step on my feelings. So we need to be capable of being receptive to love, because most of us were only receptive to anger, to resentment, to a comparison notion.

Speaker 1:

And you know how relationships are prosperity, a true relationship. They don't need anybody else in their life. Don't cross our line. I apologize. We've got God, christ, we're happy with one another. We can talk to you outside of the home, we can see you, we can say hi, we can say bye, but we're not bringing anybody in our personal relationship. God gave us our relationship and we're thankful for what we've received.

Speaker 1:

Some individuals are crossing the line. Well, I'm all right, your cousin, I'm your sister, I'm your brother, I'm your mother, I'm your father. Right, right, there's the door. It's very good, you have a very good evening. I can see you on another occasion.

Speaker 1:

Don't let individuals ruin your life because their relationships aren't working. Before you know it, their social context is no more than the confession that we're kind of suffering within. But we've tried this. What did you guys try? We're not happy. We figured you're not happy and why don't everybody just sit in misery together? I mean sold. I'm not at the auction, but truly, what are you selling? Remember, christ works, and inequity, resentment, restrictions and limitations don't work. So thank you for listening, and I know it's complicated. It can get extremely complex, but the investment is no more than being honest.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us have lied throughout the relationship. I know when she's lying, I know when he's lying. Try being honest for once in your life, wholeheartedly honest. I got nothing to hide. I'm going to be honest with you. This is just going to be the way that it's going to be, and I accept God, you accept God and we have God for one another. Because if I see God within you and I see Christ and the Holy Spirit in you in every enactment, intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually, intimately, economically, substance-wise.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, the very high price. I'm trying to care about you. Then I shall never fail. I should be satisfied 24-7, and you shall seek the same for me. So, life for life, love for love, breath for breath.

Speaker 1:

That's a little bit tough one, because even when your partner fails, you don't have to fail God and Christ, because they will still be there for you. Well, priorities are very, very important and I must get going. Lord forgives me that clock is still ticking and I'm just running out here. I'm running out of here. Have a very good evening. Remember love one another. Don't judge, don't hate.

Speaker 1:

We're past that point. We've been lying to each other our whole lives and we don't even know who God or Christ is. So when we go into it, it's a bluff. I'm going to try it. You want to try it? I know how you feel. I know how you feel. We don't have to talk about it. Life goes on. We're done Cool. Build a life on a solid relationship. Fall in love with the heart, soul and mind. It'll last forever. Fall in love with a look, a temptation, a feeling, a gesture, and it'll be short-lived. A heart, soul and mind is a part of God. It's a part that lies within them in thought, word and deed, heart, soul, mind, body and spirit, and eternity. It lasts forever. God bless you. Thank you for listening to Life or Death Ministries and I hope that this message finds you very well. Thank you.

Navigating Relationships and Self-Discovery
Unconditional Love and Commitment
Prioritizing Love and Faith in Relationships