Life Or Death

Are You Capable Of God?

June 10, 2024 Jes
Are You Capable Of God?
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Are You Capable Of God?
Jun 10, 2024

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Can our words really shape our destiny? Today, we unravel the profound implications of James 3:9-10, exploring the dual nature of our speech—how the same tongue can bless and curse, build up and tear down. Join us as we reflect on how this paradox mirrors our spiritual journey and human nature. We emphasize the transformative power of our words and the pressing need to choose a path of redemption and blessing over sin and condemnation. By integrating a deeper, more intimate relationship with God and Christ into every facet of our lives, from marriages to professional commitments, we can achieve spiritual maturity and growth.

Forgiveness and acceptance can be complex and challenging to navigate. This episode delves into the intricacies of embracing divine gifts to find true fulfillment and salvation. We discuss the dangers of self-righteousness and the importance of not imposing our struggles onto others. Additionally, we examine the concepts of confession, rebuking, and repentance, highlighting how choosing life over death has a profound impact on ourselves and our descendants. Ultimately, every breath we take is a divine gift, guiding us towards a meaningful and eternal existence. Tune in to discover how to live a life of commitment and love, rooted firmly in faith.

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Can our words really shape our destiny? Today, we unravel the profound implications of James 3:9-10, exploring the dual nature of our speech—how the same tongue can bless and curse, build up and tear down. Join us as we reflect on how this paradox mirrors our spiritual journey and human nature. We emphasize the transformative power of our words and the pressing need to choose a path of redemption and blessing over sin and condemnation. By integrating a deeper, more intimate relationship with God and Christ into every facet of our lives, from marriages to professional commitments, we can achieve spiritual maturity and growth.

Forgiveness and acceptance can be complex and challenging to navigate. This episode delves into the intricacies of embracing divine gifts to find true fulfillment and salvation. We discuss the dangers of self-righteousness and the importance of not imposing our struggles onto others. Additionally, we examine the concepts of confession, rebuking, and repentance, highlighting how choosing life over death has a profound impact on ourselves and our descendants. Ultimately, every breath we take is a divine gift, guiding us towards a meaningful and eternal existence. Tune in to discover how to live a life of commitment and love, rooted firmly in faith.

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Speaker 1:

With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeliness of God. James 3.9. Good morning, isn't that so relevant though? With it we bless our Lord and Father. And what is it? What do we reference it to be? And with it we curse people who are made in the likeliness of God. So we're cursing and we're condemning, we're redeeming and we're saving, but yet we're redeeming and we're saving, but yet we don't possess that power.

Speaker 1:

Right theory and reason and logic doesn't have that type of force, does it? Is there an impression in this world to where what I think is so valuable and so daunting in every way, shape and form, that it completely upheaves, upheaves the world that I live in? I often wonder and I wonder in spirit and thought and reason. I like the sense of discovering. I I discover the world that God gave me. No, he created this world. I shall seek, I shall find. I believe in it.

Speaker 1:

It's a good form of testament. So with it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse our people who are made in the likeness of God. It could be spirit right, our spirit. We bless the Lord and Father, people who are made in the likeness of God, we curse them with it. The Spirit we curse it could be. The Spirit is the enactment that's within us. It's been given in us to drive us, to drive us from inequity. But that's not true. The Spirit seeks inequity when it needs to, because it's a sense of being upheaved or being turned around. You'll notice that we often are making the right decisions, we're doing the right things, we're invested. Salvation, yes, of course, holy forgiveness. So the end, in this particular scenario, becomes the God. It's from the outside, looking in, of course how very relevant right the Lord and Father, and with it we curse the people who are made of heaven. So we're not happy with not only the Creator, but we're not happy or capable with the individuals that are surrounding us in any way, shape or form. So we become God. In that scenario, we're the giver, we're the taker, we're the judge, we're the condemner, and that's the role that gets played.

Speaker 1:

From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. James 3.10. Out of the same mouth, yes, of course, and I know. Cut the tongue right out of the mouth. It's leading you astray. Jab the eye out right, cut the hand off the foot. Yes, of course, from the same mouth come blessings and cursings.

Speaker 1:

My brothers, these things ought not to be so. We should be one or the other. Right, we should be one or the other. It needs to be definite. I need you to make a decision. Do you decide to be redeemed? Do you decide to be blessed, forgiven? Yes, of course, you're seeking God, you're seeking Christ. Or do you want to be condemned? Do you want to be cursed?

Speaker 1:

Sin, wickedness and death. But isn't it true that we can't exist without one or the other? Heaven doesn't exist without hell. We cannot be forgiven if there is not sin in equity. That's upheaving us in every way, shape and form. And why do I say upheaving us?

Speaker 1:

Our advancement of theological, spiritual, emotional maturity advances us along the milestone as we seek that eternal presence, and with that I'm advancing. Now the inequity, now the sin. The inequity, what does it lie? By the way, it lies within you. So of course it's trying to come out. The mouth releases it, it proclaims it. But now that it's on the inside of me, my blessing and cursing my brothers, these things ought not to be so. I get over it, I advance, I've matured, I've graduated, I've been converted. Now it no longer upheaves me, now it's not something that I need to talk about, it doesn't turn me back, it doesn't fail me, it doesn't exist within my life, to where I have no other boundaries in any way, shape or form. And, of course, let us be reminded that God is love. Restrictions, boundaries and limitations do not exist. It's not something that actually happens. Rather, it's the exact opposite. We continue to advance in this world, regardless of what shade, what tone, what color, the storms that we've endured.

Speaker 1:

Remember the garden of life. It continues to grow and yes, of course, in some cases the plants dwindle, the branches fall. We didn't nurture it, it's not being taken care of and that particular plant died, but it's okay. We're still capable of being alive and growing within the garden. So I think along these lines, the mouth of the blessing and the cursing, the blessing and the cursing are lying within. But did you know that taking a cursing, sin, wickedness and death, the inequity that lies within you, and turning it into a blessing is something that should be relevant in each and every way? So I advance within that milestone and that milestone advances within me. Notice there's not an acceptance or denial of creature. What they have going on is not relevant in any way, shape or form, because my intimate relationship with Christ, my Savior, redeemer in every way, shape or form, has become very relevant because now I'm walking within Him, I am one within Him.

Speaker 1:

Think about our marriages, think about our professional relationships. In every way, shape or form, I've made commitment to individuals. I believe that the witnessing of God in Christ within that commitment is all that's needed and I continue to seek prosperity. Yes, I want to be with you. I want our relationship to grow in every way, shape and form, to mature. But, excuse me, am I doing something wrong? How come we don't have God in Christ in our relationship anymore? Think about what I'm saying. The relationship is no more than the confession of I love God and I love God, I love Christ, I love substance, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Can we just like start loving God and Christ together and our commitment is united. We're united as one in heart and soul and flesh and mind and body and spirit, and we're taking a relationship and putting it back to him and so that we are blessed, we are redeemed.

Speaker 1:

You'll notice when the relationship's about creature. You need that piece of paper that's got ink on it, they call it a marriage license or you need them to be involved. They're judging you, they're condemning you. You don't have any privacy in any way, shape or form. Those relationships are not of Christ. In fact, it's the exact opposite. They're of creature. You're never going to be happy.

Speaker 1:

You walk up into the store, you're looking for a certain brand or something we can use clothing for example and you got to have the certain style because it's trending and everybody wants to look cool. I mean, it's summertime, I'm about to make it look right and you walk up there and all of a sudden, here's the generic brand and you can have the generic brand and it's going to work, but it isn't going to quite suffice. For the exact moment that you're wondering, somebody else walks up there, capable of grabbing the name brand and they feel a whole lot better. You see them walking in and they're shining their profile. I use this and it's a bad reference, of course, but it's in a good way.

Speaker 1:

I don't want the generic form of love. I'm reminded that God is love, so I don't want creatures form of love in my relationships in any way, shape or form. I want God's name brand, if you would. I want God's. There is no alternative. God is love, because the generic form is creature's form of love and it don't work. It's resentful, it has expectations. There's a checklist to it. It's right, it's wrong, it doesn't work. It does work and it's completely upheaving. I want to advance within this life in every way, shape or form, and I want to make life work for me so that it can work for him, because I can be united within one.

Speaker 1:

Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight. Proverbs 26.2. Alight in its sparrow. Birds flying, very relevant. The birds talk to Frankiskin, the Frankiskin way. The birds are so very, very relevant, forgive me. The birds talk to Frankiskin, the Frankiskin way. The birds are so very, very relevant, forgive me. Like a swallow in its flying. A curse that is causeless does not alight. A curse.

Speaker 1:

I referenced individuals this morning. They had bad omens and bad curses when something were going wrong. And I wonder do curses and omens belong to God Christ? Yes, of course they must, shall they not? He's the creator, he's the one that's given us all these entities, and I wondered at what point we've received consent from him. We've been given the acknowledgement that curses, that bad omens, that it's something that we can utilize, but yet it's something that we can exercise within.

Speaker 1:

Of course, believing in it is a self-composed condemning. I'm actually condemning God's creation. Whether it's right or wrong, should not be. I mean, isn't consent a form of love in some way, shape or form? I'm not quite sure. But if consent is a form of love, why aren't we having love for God's children? You probably don't want to make a decision on that human being. That's one of God's children. You're looking at her like, oh my goodness, like, are you serious? Yes, of course, but we manifest it, same as forgiveness, by the way.

Speaker 1:

The curse, the omen, forgiveness, we manifest it. Now, all of a sudden, it's our curse, it's our omen, it's our forgiveness. I'm going to deprive you of forgiveness today. I'm going to put a bad omen on you, I'm going to put a curse on you in some way, shape or form. We don't own these entities, but they are forms of inequity. It's something that God's provided us. So then, when we possess the talent and ability notice, I said talent and ability it's extremely suffering, by the way, definitely the generic brand. I'm sure it didn't cost a lot because the price of salvation for his blood was a very high price, right.

Speaker 1:

So when we start condemning, based off of what we've been given the curse, the omen, forgiveness and we bring it to life, how quick are we not to resent? You could have been offering a blessing to that individual. You could have had acceptance. Forgiveness, yes, unconditional, blameless. Of course. Consent is very, very valuable, but I'm not sure it might not work for everybody else If you treat others the way that you seek to be treated. But of course we remove the expectation of creature. There's nobody like on the outside of your life.

Speaker 1:

Looking in, I heard that you two were getting ready to engage in intimacy. Do you mind if I watch? I actually made this commitment with her exclusively, and God in Christ for being my witness. Is there something I can help you with? You wake up in the morning. You hear somebody flying off the deep end. They put a name out there and then there's a little title that follows it. I'm like, oh my Lord, what's wrong with you? You don't have a life. You needed to live mine.

Speaker 1:

So we possess the inability or the capability, actually embracing what we've been given, and it is one of the curses that we own and that we wear. It's one of the shadows that we embrace, the inequity. What we've been given is now used against us, because that's the possession, the form that we've chosen to use on it. And think about what I'm saying. You've been giving blessings. You are equipped with everything that you need to be capable of being saved, to be redeemed, to have prosperity, to have fulfillment, to be capable of having acceptance. Yes, of course, blameless, unconditional. I said Did you mention consent? Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

But it doesn't happen for you, christlike and thoughtward. Indeed, it's okay, deceptively, if you're led astray, you're still being hallelujah, you still might be forgiven. I'm not quite sure, but forgiveness is only relevant when we're capable of taking a drink of the cup, when we're capable of actually breaking bread and having a little bit of bread. Maybe it got turned into fish, I'm not quite sure. Water to wine? Yes, of course, but think about what I'm saying. We are only capable of forgiveness when we're capable of it. So forgiveness doesn't even exist.

Speaker 1:

By the way, I can't own it. If I'm lucky, if I'm lucky and I'm not sorry about like a coin toss or luck, hey, it went your way today and it didn't go your way. I try to be stern in the solid foundation of Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, the rock that I stand on. But I am lucky to receive forgiveness. I'm capable of being receptive to it. No, I am forgiven by Christ. Salvation through the blood.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course it's not something that I possess. You see, I can't give it to somebody else. And if somebody tells me to forgive somebody else, I'm not doing God's work on earth. I mean, I am. I'm continuing my father's work, yes, of course, right, spreading the good news. And what shall I do? Of course I get that and that's something that I'm doing. But I, I ask myself, I'm not capable of forgiveness. Do you know why? Because I can't hang on the cross, because my blood might not be as valuable as the blood that he's given us or the blood that he shed for us, for there was a very high price that was paid. So think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

We possess the form, but when we try to possess a form of something that doesn't belong to us excuse me, it's not yours I feel like in the morning, some mornings, I need to wake up and I need to look at her and tell her that, and I've got no more than love for her. I'm trying to get her as close to me as possible. Excuse me, this is my heart, or this is God's heart. It's not yours, it's his soul, it's my body, it's my temple. Of course, I think a little bit different.

Speaker 1:

Forgive me, but when we possess the inability of embracing what we've been given, then it only defiles us. And then, before you know it, we start searching, we start wondering carelessly, yes, so carelessly. So now we believe there's a sense of notoriety. Somebody must have been eating the forbidden fruit. Sounds like knowledge has gotten the best of them. Before you know it, we're capable of condemning, and the only thing that we have to offer other individuals is we're condemning them, we're cursing them, we're upheaving them, we're not happy with who we are, and it's the only thing that we have to offer others. It's sad, it's very unfortunate, but it's a sense of truth.

Speaker 1:

So don't let your lack of acceptance get turned into fuel or turmoil for somebody else. Isn't it very relevant, though? You spend the majority of your life invested on what you find to be valuable? So then we're left with, like, simple questions Keep it simple. Stupid or stupid. Simple, Of course, I haven't seen her in a while. Good morning, I apologize, forgive me, but I think so.

Speaker 1:

If we're invested in somebody else's life where we don't belong their emotional, physical, spiritual, economical, substance, well-being and we're putting our nose where it doesn't belong. No, I got to get here real quick. You're not trying to argue and like. I've never seen anybody fight to get to Christ. It's my Christ, I'm forgiven, I'm going to God first. I don't see any of it as like running up in line to get there, right.

Speaker 1:

But if we have concerns, worries, troubles and concerns which don't belong to God and our possessive form of laboring and acts of deeds is that we need to helm somebody else, we need to sniff their bottoms and we need to wait for them to scratch behind their ear Very good reference, by the way. I'm waiting for somebody to sit down so they can hear the next dumb word where they're sitting down. Yes, of course, on the throne. I get it. You've got a different God. I'm not mad at you Then we're probably doing something wrong, don't you think? I'm not sure. So I think it becomes relevant that what we've been given gets turned into what we value. And if what we value is what we've been given and vice versa, then we've got it. Remember forgiveness is only relevant when we're capable of utilizing it, and that doesn't mean proclaiming it or attempting to use it against other individuals, but actually walking within that light.

Speaker 1:

A lot of different deceptives. If you're taking notes and you're listening, be sure to focus on how it applies to you and what relevance, at what shape and what form, on what day. A lot of us are very unsatisfied. Every day, as our day progresses, we pray to God, we put it within his hands, we feel like we're making the right decisions and some of us were secondary to our relationships. I'm here with God and nobody understands the relationship I have with God.

Speaker 1:

If that's the mindset and the mentality, you don't. And when I say you don't, you don't have to take it any further. Do you know why? Because God has given you what you've needed. You can rest at peace, you can have peace and contentment. You can know wholeheartedly that you don't have a point to prove. And any time you have a point to prove in this world, think about it. It belongs to God. Think about it. He's already proven the point. You don't have a point to prove. So we can do God's work in some way, shape or form. But if we've crossed that line? And how dare shall we ever cross that line? A lot of us have attempted to do it. Some individuals have even hung themselves on the cross. They're ready to be crucified, lord forgive me.

Speaker 1:

When we cross that line, we become very unsatisfied. There's consequences for attempting to be our creator, because we're not capable, we're not able. So don't take on more than you can actually take on and be capable of providing in every way, shape or form. But if you will not obey the voice of your Lord, your God, or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes that I've commanded you today, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you. Deuteronomy 28, 15. And I think that's the reference here. But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord, your God, and be careful to do all his commandments and statutes that I've commanded you today? Of course there's a couple of variables, right, there's variances. Some would say well, you're better off not knowing than knowing and continuing to sin.

Speaker 1:

Sin is a normal part of life, and so is forgiveness. So when we deny sin, we're also denying forgiveness If we deny forgiveness. And when I say deny forgiveness, I'm not asking you to forgive somebody else. That's the point when you hear me say, well, you need to forgive that person, which of course I'll never say that, because that's God's work to forgive that person. We can't be morally, ethically, spiritually, economically, socially in any consensual in any way, shape or form. We can't be accountable for somebody else's decisions, and whether it was the right decision or wrong decision doesn't rely on some of the gifts that we've been given, and I say gifts that we've been given. What I've received, yes, come, come into my heart, soul and mind. And if I am one within and thought and word and deed, spiritually, physically, emotionally, then I'm not capable and I'm not able of condemning, but rather I'm only capable of acceptance and I'm capable of loving. Of course, the consequences back to the curse. Of course there's consequences, but vengeance belongs to God.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm trying to place somebody in this world called God. I'm trying to be the creator, I'm trying to be Christ. Today, I'm going to forgive everybody and I'm going to give them a fresh, brand new start. It's on them, it's on their testament, to be capable of embracing the cloth, to be capable of drinking the cup or breaking bread and taking in the body and the blood of Christ. It's within them to be capable of walking in it. So you're better off not knowing about forgiveness or sin than knowing about it and then continuing to sin. Well, that would be life, though, isn't it? Life is not up for discussion. We're going to continue to live, we're going to forgive, we're going to continue to sin.

Speaker 1:

Very, very good, but a mindset. When are we on the outside, looking in? What if I'm with God 24-7? What if I'm giving to God 24-7? I'm belonging in spirit, in thought, in word, in deed, in every way, shape and form, and I'm being moved. My spirit's being moved.

Speaker 1:

So, regardless, even if I'm failing, I'm smack dab laying on the floor. Guess what? It still belongs to God. I don't have anything to worry about. It's a sense of maturity. We climbed the ladder. Very good. Then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you, and that's what I just was referencing just a second ago. Before you know it, you made the wrong decisions, and out of nowhere, here it comes. Here's all this inequity, and I'm like no, please stop. But I can't stop the clock. And life's not up for discussion. Neither is heaven or eternity. We break it down, we discuss it. We believe that. Food for thought, let's just talk about it. And I've heard conversations like this let's talk about it.

Speaker 1:

We think we're going to get somewhere, the possessive form of mentality that one person is the expert in in this particular particular genre. See what I've found in life as I've progressed with god and when I've progressed with christ, and that's included in a ton of failure, and I've really enjoyed it, by the way, god help me, and I enjoy it. I enjoy to see god at the end of the day, every day, and I think that it's relevant. But what I've learned is that we ourselves, as individuals, as humble servants, as human beings right, we ourselves are capable of exploring any topic, any genre, any interest, and we know how it's acceptable to us. We know how we can advance within that milestone. We know when the light's shining on us and when we are deemed, when we are in the dark and we still might be capable of finding the darkness or finding the light. We know how it works for us. But any point in time when they are attempting to get to us, we allow them in, we open the door to them.

Speaker 1:

The sin, the wickedness, the death. It upheaves us, it defines us, or there's limits, there's boundaries. Let's talk about it. They feel that they're an expert. They're going to judge us, they're going to condemn us. They know us better than when we know ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Now you've met somebody that's attempting to be God on earth. How do you feel about that scenario? Talking about it ain't going to get you where. So you got to walk away, you got to rebuke, you got to repent, you got to confess. And so if forgiveness is only relevant when you're capable of utilizing it within your acts, within your deeds, guess what? Confession and rebuking and repentance, it's the same token of regard.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, I'm putting the coin in the machine and I'm waiting for the prize to drop. What is the prize? Eternity, heaven. And I'm storing my treasures there, right? So I like gems and I like gold and all kinds of fine things. Yes, of course. So our investments of what he's given us, they only become practical when you start using them. And when I say use them, it's not in thought, in theory.

Speaker 1:

Devotion, notion of devotion. Yes, of course, I'm completely devoted at this point, but I need to talk about it. When you no longer can trust in Christ, when you no longer can trust in God, your creator, your savior, your redeemer, when the prayers that you're giving lead to unsatisfaction because you're putting it within creature's hands and not putting it with God's, it's your problem and it's going to continue to be your problem. So that's the and it's going to continue to be your problem. So that's the mindset and that's the possession here. We are capable, we are able, but if we give it away, we give it to somebody else, then I've completely lost hope, I've lost everything, and that's extreme, but it's a good notion for us to take into regard. So we need to count our blessings.

Speaker 1:

We've heard this before. What am I thankful for? But what are you equipped with? Take inventory of what God's given you. Take inventory I'm a father, I'm a creator, I'm a humble servant, I'm a disciple, I'm an apostle, I'm a leader and start proclaiming it. Start testifying it. Remember what God has given you and make it reality.

Speaker 1:

The goodness of it. Yes, of course, everything that he's been given to you can be used for goodness. So the goodness behind it. Start living that life, start leading that life. Say goodbye to the inequity. Wash away the sin, the inequity and death, but, best of yet, acknowledge it daily. Acknowledge the inequity, learn how to find love in it, learn how it embraces you, how it grows within you. I'll tell you what if this isn't working for you. Excuse me, it's all about the heart. I know. Salvation. God, help me. I'm raising my hand real quick. Excuse me. Am I doing something wrong? Don't be afraid to have that conversation with your creator. Excuse me. Am I doing something wrong here?

Speaker 1:

I expected to be loved, to be embraced, to be compassionate. I was seeking life. Yes, of course that's what I wanted life. So we embrace the life that we've been given, the life that we've been received. But it becomes practical when we start living life.

Speaker 1:

It's called the gift of life. Haven't you heard of it? You've been given a gift of life and in one of the episodes that I have on here, what are you doing with your life If you choose not to use the gift of life that you've been given? It's not your life. How life that you've been given? It's not your life? How do I know? It's not your life? You've chosen to be worried about a life that's not even yours. So the only response I have to you it's not your life. Did somebody steal your life from you? Where did yours go? Are you standing at the lost and found? You're raising a hand.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking to be saved, to be condemned. I need to be turned over, born again, washed and cleansed intellectually, spiritually, socially, in every aspect possible. Again washed and cleansed intellectually, spiritually, socially, in every aspect possible. It's your life. You better go claim it, you better redeem it. God's standing there and it's not the soup line either. It's the key to eternity. It's the key to success. It's opening up the door to a brand new beginning. Yes, of course. So embrace what he's given you, and what he's given you can't be used against you in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to close this up with one last scripture, one last verse Deuteronomy 30, 19. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life that you and your offspring may live. Very good, there it is. We got it the sense of deliverance. Yes, I'm being saved and redeemed. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, but you're not against me. I'm for you, the word of God. Yes, of course, that I have set before you life and death, of course. So you have a decision to make. Would you like life or would you like death Stand out of the corner. Remember, name, brand or generic makes a difference.

Speaker 1:

Blessing and curse how does it become relevant? Because I'm walking within it, I'm utilizing it. It's practical and, you hear me, it's an accessory to my life. Now, I haven't liked God and Christ in my life. It's like an accessory. I'm going to use them when I need them. Uh-uh. It's the only sense of beginning within possession. I breathe because of him. He put breath within my lungs. I'm alive, I'm saved, I'm redeemed.

Speaker 1:

Blessing and curse, therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live. Another reference to offspring Pro-life procreation the gift that we've been given. We're capable of giving that gift to somebody else through love, through commitment. Do you want to have children with me? Very good. Do you love me? Would you like to wed me? Very good.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. It still belongs to God, excuse me? Yes, of course. So I'm going to wrap this up in prayer, but take notes. Take intellectual, spiritual, physical, economical notes throughout the day.

Speaker 1:

I like to keep a journal. Some of us, we're very advanced, we can keep the journal within our mind, but we like to think about our own personal devotions and testaments, how we're advancing or how we're failing, but I'd like to keep note of it. That way you can continue to put it within his hands Anytime. That you put it on yourself and you lay it on yourself and you don't put it within his hands, then you're going to have troubles, then you're going to have worries, then you're going to have concerns, and I'm not sure that it quite works that way. I'm not sure, but I think if you walk within the milestone, you put a little light on the subject and you think about it and you actually walk within it, then it becomes relevant.

Speaker 1:

Our gracious Heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, how joyfully blessed are we to proclaim it with gospel, with grace, to rejoice what you've been given us. Let us be reminded every day of every gift that you have been giving us. Let us receive those gifts. And when you hear me say let us receive those gifts, don't let us or allow us to push our gifts away from us. Let those blessings, the curses yes, the inequities, the Hail Marys, the grace, the glory, the eternities be brought within us, the peace and contentment being the derogatory of your blessing, of your notoriety, on how we shall be saved and how we shall be redeemed, let me each and every day, acknowledge that I am living with you within Scripture, within thought, within word, within deed, that I am spiritually enhanced because of the Holy Spirit and my enactment is no more than finding the body and blood daily so that I can be redeemed. Continue to give as I continue to give to you and vice versa. Let my cups be filled, let my plates be full and let my body be embraced. Let me embrace the sense of pro-life and creation, the gifts that you've given us, and let me receive you daily in thought, word and deed, in the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit. In Christ, our Savior's name. We pray Amen. Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check Savior's name. We pray Amen. Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out some of the updates.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking to get back on the road here soon. I'm looking to be moving or hankering down at a private location and setting up shop, so I'm not quite sure, but I'll keep you updated on any of the updates that I receive. I'm still waiting for the phone call. I've had what they call pledges and commitments, but nobody's quite came through the way that they needed to. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your donations. Every bit of the advancement, including listening, go a very, very long ways in this world, and continuing to help other individuals find their nesting, find their belonging, find their beginning or find their sense of their finish in eternity, by seeking and finding and asking and receiving. Continue to listen, ask any questions, if you shall have any in any way, shape or form. God bless you. Have a very, very good day. Don't forget God. Help me to use the gifts that you've been given. What was once a curse to you is now a gift to you. God bless you. Have a very good day.

The Power of Blessing and Cursing
Reflections on Forgiveness and Acceptance
Choosing Life