Life Or Death

The Garden Of Life!...Watch It Grow!

June 09, 2024 Jes
The Garden Of Life!...Watch It Grow!
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
The Garden Of Life!...Watch It Grow!
Jun 09, 2024

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Can life's deepest challenges be part of a divine plan? Join us on this spiritually enriching journey as we explore the profound themes of creation, redemption, and divine wisdom. Drawing from Isaiah 58:11 and the story of Adam and Eve, we reflect on the necessity of God's guidance and the consequences of original sin. We ponder the interconnectedness of all creation, including the serpent, and the broader purpose behind suffering and inequity. Emphasizing the importance of compassion and mutual support, we align our discussion with divine principles, highlighting the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption through Christ.

In this episode, we underscore the significance of seeking forgiveness and salvation, reminding ourselves and our listeners of the unyielding love and grace of God. Through the lens of the biblical narrative, we explore the importance of recognizing each individual as a child of God. The journey of redemption is not just a personal one but a communal effort, as we labor in the "garden of life" and strive to manifest God's gifts. Turning away from personal desires and seeking divine guidance through prayer becomes a central theme, ensuring that our faith is not just theoretical but lived and experienced daily.

Finally, we contemplate the notion of finding love even within life's inequities, viewing challenges as integral to God's plan. Examining the metaphor of the serpent, we consider how adversaries might become agents of salvation and redemption through God's transformative power. The episode culminates with reflections on unwavering faith and resilience, encouraging listeners to preach and teach Christ's love despite opposition. Drawing inspiration from passages in Acts 5, we aim to inspire continual growth in faith and understanding, urging us all to embrace our shared spiritual journey with compassion and mutual care. Join us as we navigate these deep theological waters and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and faith.

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Can life's deepest challenges be part of a divine plan? Join us on this spiritually enriching journey as we explore the profound themes of creation, redemption, and divine wisdom. Drawing from Isaiah 58:11 and the story of Adam and Eve, we reflect on the necessity of God's guidance and the consequences of original sin. We ponder the interconnectedness of all creation, including the serpent, and the broader purpose behind suffering and inequity. Emphasizing the importance of compassion and mutual support, we align our discussion with divine principles, highlighting the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption through Christ.

In this episode, we underscore the significance of seeking forgiveness and salvation, reminding ourselves and our listeners of the unyielding love and grace of God. Through the lens of the biblical narrative, we explore the importance of recognizing each individual as a child of God. The journey of redemption is not just a personal one but a communal effort, as we labor in the "garden of life" and strive to manifest God's gifts. Turning away from personal desires and seeking divine guidance through prayer becomes a central theme, ensuring that our faith is not just theoretical but lived and experienced daily.

Finally, we contemplate the notion of finding love even within life's inequities, viewing challenges as integral to God's plan. Examining the metaphor of the serpent, we consider how adversaries might become agents of salvation and redemption through God's transformative power. The episode culminates with reflections on unwavering faith and resilience, encouraging listeners to preach and teach Christ's love despite opposition. Drawing inspiration from passages in Acts 5, we aim to inspire continual growth in faith and understanding, urging us all to embrace our shared spiritual journey with compassion and mutual care. Join us as we navigate these deep theological waters and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and faith.

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Speaker 1:

And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong, and you shall be watered, a watered garden like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. We reference it, don't we, at the beginning of trying times, the forbidden fruit, if you would, adam and Eve. I used to give a talk and I'm going to attempt to indulge deep into it today. Now, the tree of knowledge is something that we need. We need knowledge, we need wisdom that comes from God. Good morning, by the way. Isaiah 58, 11. We need something to continue us, to advance us in every way, shape and form.

Speaker 1:

And I used to tell individuals, when their noses were up in the air, when they were sitting there and they couldn't be any holier how thankful are you for Adam and Eve. If it wasn't for Adam and Eve, you wouldn't even be here. You see the rib and all these different aspects. Yes, of course, it's within what we were given that we are forgiven and we are redeemed. So, when God's creation and we know this is the Old Testament, this is the beginning, as it was in the beginning, as it shall be in the end is the reference that I'm going to go with today, and I want you to keep that in mind as I'm continuing to advance here. They were against what he had given them and then the serpent had won right, but this was still God's creation. We forget that the serpent was something that God created and placed on this earth and that it was still a possession and being of him. He was no longer pleased with his creation as the story advances, and then here came his only beloved son, and for the reason of forgiving the inequity that was within this world. Now there's been individuals that have looked at it different. And what if there never was any inequity? What if there was no pain, no suffering? Would it still be the world that we live in? Why would he create such a world and why did he have to put the suffering in the world? He could have created a world that was completely fulfilled to, where we didn't have any inequity and any suffering in any way, shape or form. And, of course, questioning of him or of Christ right within their existence, or the point and purpose, is actually dealt and it's not something that we need to lead into. So you'll notice that creature trusted in one another, and I'm going to go with that. And, by the way, it's God's creation, right, but creature trusted in one another. They were naked, they clothed one another. You know, they were hungry. They started to feed one another, even though they were told that they shouldn't. They were looking out in a sense of sustainment for one another.

Speaker 1:

Now, are we not supposed to lend a lending hand, a caring, compassionate heart to those that are in need, our fellow brothers and sisters? And I get that. You've heard me, I've took it to some of those points and often I advance within that mindset. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I return back to a mindset and mentality of no more than a simple notion and regardless of the cost. If it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody else in any way, shape or form, then there is no restriction or limitation. It's a possession, it's a belonging, it belongs to God and it shall not be judged nor condemned. So my maternal purpose and I say maternal because it's growing within it.

Speaker 1:

They were looking out for one another and God's children and your fellow brothers and sisters. Yes, I tell everybody, you probably shouldn't make decisions on that person. You know that's a child of the Most High God and that's part of God's creation, and I'd hate to see some of the consequences for making decisions on their family. Of course, each and every one of us have our own prophecies, in a sense of being prophets and fulfilling the missions and the dreams that we've been given. So they feed one another, they clothe one another and they have forbidden fruit. The woman gives it to the man and that's the start of the agony, the sorrow, the inequity that we've been possessing. But I reference where would you be without Adam and Eve? Because they were the beginning of life, they were the creation and if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't even be here.

Speaker 1:

So often I'm trying to find darkness within the light and you see that and some of us manifest it a little bit different I'm holding on to that darkness, that darkness that I've got. It's part of my being, it's part of what I possess. And what does that mean? Somebody says how do you know that you're saved? Like, I don't get it. I get it, the salvation, yes, the body, the blood, the cup. I'm going to have communion.

Speaker 1:

I'm praying for forgiveness, right? How do I know that I'm forgiven? And the easiest way is to not ask somebody else. Do you think I'm forgiven? Do you think I'm making the right decisions? Where's that going to come from? Don't forget to utilize the power of confession and prayer right, but listen to the way that you talk, listen to the way that you walk. And I say listen, observe yourself, if you would right, because he's looking down within you, the Holy Spirit being the enactment. Are you forgiven? Are you redeemed? Are you walking around and what you're saying, what you're possessing, the actual acts and laboring of your deeds are condemned, so you're forgiven.

Speaker 1:

Once you live that way and I was trying to explain it to you a few days ago I'm no longer searching for forgiveness. I'm no longer searching to be redeemed. I've got over the hump Now. It's something that I embrace daily, it's something that I'm capable of manifesting, so I'm not searching for it. No, I still need to be forgiven. You need to go to church more than just to be forgiven. If you're only going to church to be forgiven, then you're doing something wrong. You need to be laboring in that garden. You need to be growing, growing and manifesting within that life, that life that God's given you. The creator himself gave you a gift, and that gift was life, so you can call it the garden of life, and you are growing, you're weeding it out, you're tossing the rocks, you're manifesting. Some of us were trying different species and different strains. I mean, that tastes real good, I think. Different. Right, so you are what you eat, but not only that, in a thorough, fundamental basis, how you actually are redundant in responding in this world.

Speaker 1:

I believe what he's given for me and what he's did for us can only be used for our good. That's a confession, though Don't we hear scriptures and verses along those lines? So think about it as it advances. What he was doing for Adam and Eve, believe it or not and I mean I know he wasn't pleased with his creation, lord forgive me, it was for their own good. It's hard to believe. So we need to get over the hump of the doubt and I'm searching for forgiveness, or I'm not sure that I'm ever going to be saved or forgiven or redeemed.

Speaker 1:

You get caught into that mindset, into that mentality, and you're not capable, you're not able, you're not advancing, excuse me, in some way, shape or form, then you're not living within God. Some of us, we get to this point, to where we're still in shackles and chains I feel good about the word. I know some of the scripture verbatim. I'm living it, I'm trying to make the right decisions, but you know what? I still need to be forgiven. You've got to get over the hump. You've got to advance. You've got to walk away from it. You've got to turn the other cheek. Sometimes and it happens often you'd be surprised we need to turn the cheeks on ourselves. No, I've got to walk away from myself at this moment, my logic, my theory, my reason, my wants, my needs. I need to pray on it real quick.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's never a sad moment in this world, and I say that and you think about it. It's like there's all types of sadness. We see it daily within poverty, within the needy, within the ones that are suffering, yes, of course, but the sadness can be a sense of happiness and enlightenment because, you know, god and Christ are still the enactment, they're still the healing, saving grace and power that's coming through and it's going to be serving them. So I serve a Lord that is unconditional within his capabilities, within his love, within his healing power, within his grace. And that's a restitution for me, because I know, regardless of what's happening, if I made the right decision, the wrong decision, if I'm confused if I'm sitting scratching my head and I'm not quite sure he's still going to be there. For me, it's when we start to wander away from him, when we have doubt for him, when we're incapable of picking the book up and walking with it.

Speaker 1:

Now, some of us they say, read You're here, individuals, you better start learning how to read that Bible. And it's good, I mean, I like it. A lot of knowledge in there, right? Call it the tree of knowledge. My goodness, some of the stuff that's in there, boy, it can lead you astray. Listen to what I'm saying. Don't forget about what I said at the beginning here, right? So, before you know it, before you know it, we're getting stirred away, we're being carried away, and you know what the scripture is leading me astray.

Speaker 1:

Now that I've read this knowledge, I'm going to go talk to somebody else about how they're condemned. This is fuel for the fire. It's not giving you the capability to condemn other individuals. It's not over drowning and flooding your garden, or it's not windling it out to where it's getting dried on up neither of the above. It's bountiful. It's reaping, it's sowing, it's giving, it's taking, it's receiving.

Speaker 1:

So what we've been given for us, and think about what I'm saying, what we've been given, what we've received, it's for our own good, even when it's inequity, even when it's sorrow, even when it's darkness. God, help me, wash me and cleanse me of my sins and equities. Come, come into my heart, soul and mind, save me, redeem me. And how many of us are inviting him on in when we've lost him, when we can't acknowledge his presence, when we're denying the scripture, when we're denying the word, when we're denying the Holy Spirit being that enactment? Come, come into my heart, soul and mind, my wants and my needs. Yes, what's being held near and dear to my heart? Yes, of course, very good.

Speaker 1:

So we advance. We advance when we carry the book with us and think about what I'm saying. Some of us, it's read the Bible. Nah, sit down and read the Bible, you'll figure it out, you'll get it. And some of us, we can read the Bible until the day we die. It ain't going to be good enough. I carry the Bible with me. Think about what I'm saying. Not only am I reading the Bible, I'm carrying it with me. So I walk advancing daily. When you hear the scripture, when you see it, it's the way that I'm living.

Speaker 1:

I hit a controversial moment, to where a question mark pops up over my mind and I'm trying to figure out is it right, is it wrong? Something I should be doing, something I shouldn't be doing? I'm going back to the Bible, I'm going back to the scripture. I live right within it. I let the Holy Spirit be the enactment and I think that's some sense of the maturity we're advancing within that mindset. Here it comes. Here comes an opportunity for you to serve. We serve in unconditional loving, forgiving, healing and saving. God, yes, of course, through his son's salvation, the blood. Yes, of course. Let me get a drink. Think about what I'm saying, you can't take it any further and what he's given us. We've been redeemed, we've been saved and we're capable of giving it to others, and so that's the maturity.

Speaker 1:

I was once a slave to scripture, crawling on the ground. It condemned me and I used it as a tool to condemn other individuals. Now I'm advancing. I'm carrying the book right with me Instead of just reading it. I'm carrying it with me, I'm living right within scripture.

Speaker 1:

Guess what it goes to another tier beyond that. Now I don't have anything to worry about. I know everything that I'm doing and what I've got going, not that I'm God on earth. There's that fine line. We don't want to get a little bit too heavy and we're tipped over to the other side, falling completely back on over right to the ground, and we got to start all over again. Now I'm at a point where I don't have nothing to worry about. I am saved, I am redeemed. It's within his power, his grace, that I've been given the competence, the discipline and the degree to be capable of carrying out his mission Well. It feels good to know that he's on your side. Know that you are saved, that you are redeemed, that you don't have anything to worry about Because that investment, that cup if you would that drink very good, it is something that you can count on and it's going to be there for you when you walk up into your church house, when you walk up into your parish, when you're meeting with other individuals and we remember the biblical assertion of church two or more individuals together sharing the gospel.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to be sharing the gospel. I tell you what I see two individuals fighting, bickering and battering. I call it church. There's God working within that moment, right there, right then I can raise my hand and say hallelujah and don't right walk away.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, we need to learn God's within every enactment. We try to put it within our possession. It's ours, it's something that we think we can be involved in, it's something that we can start concerning ourselves with. Look, worries, troubles and concerns don't belong to him. They belong to us, but they've been given to us as a gift because we can be reminded how we can go back to the cross. So it's within our purpose, our maturity on our garden, on how we're going and how we're advancing. What you think might be used for our bad can be used for our good, and I'll tell you what. What's for our good. There might be somebody out there that might try to use it for their bad. So think about what I'm saying. But as long as it belongs to him, as long as it's within his possession, as long as it comes back to what we've been given, right and thought, word and deed and the life that we've been leading, then you don't have anything to worry about.

Speaker 1:

So let that garden advance in every way, shape and form. Awake O north wind and come O south wind. Blown upon my garden, let its spices flow. Let my beloved come to his garden and eat its choicest fruits. Song of Solomon 4, 16,. Awake O north wind and come O south wind. I mean some of us. We get hit from every angle and that's the ratchet that they've got going on. I'm going to hit you from up, I'm going to hit you from down. What about God? What about Christ? We've got to advance. Remember the garden we're still growing in it. Blow upon my garden, let its spices flow. Golly, every different vein and genre aspect. Walk. Deliverance, yes, of course, unforgiving. Come, let spices flow on into me, because I can find love, even within the inequity, very good. Let my beloved come to his garden and eat its choices fruits.

Speaker 1:

You notice there's no denial here. Look, you're hungry, you're going to get your fulfilling, you're going to get your fix. You don't have to walk away. I'm hungry. I told somebody. I said I just don't understand what you're doing. They looked at me. They said what do you mean? I said how can you feed somebody every day? But I said at the end of the day they're still hungry.

Speaker 1:

I tell you what, if you're doing it right at the end of the day, they're getting their fix, they're getting their scripture when they lay their head down on the pillow at night or when they say their prayer before they go to sleep. Guess what? They are fulfilled, they've got what they need. They're happy, they're thankful, they're redeemed and they're waiting. They're hungry for the next day, not hungry in a bad way, now, some of us, we're hungry, and we're hungry for the anger. We're hungry for the sin, the wickedness and death. It's all that we've got.

Speaker 1:

We're so confused, we're so riddled, we're so puzzled. We don't even know which way we should be walking or who's doing what anymore. But all we know is there's a reason that we're alive. See, god's got a mysterious way of working within us. He takes what's for our good, he multiplies it. It's called love, and it gets taken way further than we could ever imagine. So we need to continue to follow him, to lead and trust within him. What's for our good can be used for our good, not for our bad. And there is no other aspect within that mindset To take the place in this ministry, an apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place. Acts 1, acts 125.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking action here, by the way, and think about what I'm saying. In the apostleship and within this ministry, you remember what I said in the beginning. Where would we be if we didn't have one another right? And that's the reminder this morning. When we have one another, we build one another up, we're caring for one another, we can be compassionate. Where would you be without Adam and Eve? That's a good one, isn't it? I tell you what I'm thankful for that rib. Lord forgive me, I think different. So we turn aside to go to his own place. Why? Because our own vocation within, our own ministry and the sense of deliverance is something that we're capable of advancing within. We can go up, we can go down, we can go in every direction. I tell you the outright truth, and Lord forgive me, what he's given me is made for my good and made for the good of others.

Speaker 1:

Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life, acts 5.20. You notice he ain't saying go and stand in the temple. You know church, body and state. Where does it lie? Within you. The temple is the body, heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed. Stand in it. They're not asking you to weep, they're not asking you to be down on your knees, nor are they asking you to be hunched over. Stand within the temple. Stand solid in that solid foundation of God and Christ which you've been given in the sense of deliverance, and speak to the people all the words of this life. They're not telling you to speak the words of sin and equity and death, to proclaim the inequity that's defying you, but all the words of this life. Yes, of course, because life is love and love is life.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, if you don't mind me asking this topic called life, is it up for discussion? I've heard such things as righteous and evil. I've heard right and wrong, yes and no. Is life up for discussion? And I understand the life that we're leading can't come at the cost and expense of anybody else in any way, shape or form. But what I'm asking you is if this life isn't up for discussion because it belongs to him, it don't belong to us, then there is no right or wrong answer that the actual discovery of it, the failing, the falling in the life, the success, the prosperity when we've overcame it all belongs to him and it's a sense of what life should be.

Speaker 1:

You know, I find love within the inequity, and I'm not saying it to discourage you. I'm not saying that you ain't where I am. There's no comparison notion. We're not doing fruits of the labors this morning bananas and apples, pears and oranges. It's not that way. We're not doing the comparison notion. Rather, it's a direct confession.

Speaker 1:

You know, I find love within the inequity because it belongs to him. We've got to be reminded that what we're facing, what we're enduring, what we're bringing into our life, is part of God. Don't get me wrong. You can shut the door to inequity If it ain't about God, it ain't about a Christ. You got to go, you got to walk away. Look, I'm not mad at you. You got to walk away. But it is a sense of what repentance and forgiveness. Repentance and forgiveness become reality with the garden that you're working in. You tithe within it, you're working within it, you're laboring right within your own garden.

Speaker 1:

I tell you what, this garden of life that you've been given, yes, of course, the gift, hallelujah ain't. Nobody can tell you it's growing right or growing wrong. As long as it's right for you and it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody else, then you've got it made Well, I've met other individuals. They tell you what. There's only one form of life, there's only one shade, one tone, one color. Uh-uh, that's not it. It's got to be about you. So we advance within the garden, we advance within Adam and Eve and the serpent.

Speaker 1:

I tell you what I'm trying to find out what the serpent actually likes. I'm just trying to see if I can get that serpent to meet God today. Because I'm telling you, if you met the God that I knew of, he can turn that serpent right around, he can make right of that serpent. And that serpent cannot be the serpent that's biting you, that's striking you, that's bitten you. It can be the serpent that's saving you. Now you might be careful. That serpent might be the one that's bringing you fruit. Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach. Now when the high priest came, and those, now when the high priest came, and those who were with them, they called together the council, all the senate of the people of Israel and sent to the prison to have them brought. And when they heard this think about what I'm saying they came together. They came together. They were united within the church, the body of the state, within Christ. The garden was growing bigger. It took more form than just congregation and denominational preference. It was about the body, the blood. It was about Christ. They entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach, starting to give love to one another. Now, when the high priest came and those who were with him, they called together the council.

Speaker 1:

Who do I seek the council of my advocate, christ, my Savior, redeemer All the senate of the people of Israel, the Senate of the people, goes right back on into God. They've been delivered in a sense of a job and their job is to make sure that God can be in their lives, that they are being forgiven, redeemed. I tell you, if you have any governing bodies in this world and I don't want to get carried away with this one, lord, help me. They're here to help Help. In what way? Shape and form? They're going to make sure that you're forgiven. They're going to make sure that you got unconditional love, that it's blameless. They're going to make sure that you don't owe anybody anything and nobody owes you anything, because you are capable and competent of receiving God and Christ within every shape and with every form, within every level of competence, means and degrees. They're not capable of putting you to prison, but they're capable of putting themselves there and sent to the prison to have them brought. I tell you what. These are the ones that are needed. These are the ones that need to hear the word. These are the ones that we probably condemned or they've condemned themselves, and we need to get them.

Speaker 1:

Notice the direct correlation here. I told you before, before you know it, that serpent's going to be the one that's going to be saving you. It's going to be the one that's going to be redeeming you, instead of biting you and stricking you and leading you astray in an outright poison toxifying of the system, the body and the blood. Here comes the serpent. You are saved, you are redeemed. You don't have anything to worry about. Lord, help me.

Speaker 1:

And when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus and let them go Acts 540. To speak in the name of Jesus and let them go Acts 540. Ooh, wee, mm-mm. I don't think you're doing what's right. It's about us and we've all had those moments. I call it the teenage phase. You're getting older in the world. You're 12, 13, 14. You know what I know better than my pastor, my preacher, my teachers, than my parents. It's my life. I'm going to for me, sometimes in biblical scripture, in a sense of theological maturity, we face them teenage years, when they had called in the apostles. They beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then they let them go. Sometimes we know better than God and Christ himself. We become the creator, we become the savior, the redeemer. Watch out, here you go. I don't like what you're saying. Life ain't up for discussion. We better walk away.

Speaker 1:

And every day, in the temple, from the house to the house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus. Acts 5, 42. Every day, lord, forgive me. How often do you need God? I mean every day. How often do you need Christ, your Savior, your Redeemer, now and forever? I mean every day.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you the truth. There ain't a second that goes by, that I'm not putting it compassionately within his hands. Captivity, you would say Eaten, eaten, the fruits of those labors, the fulfillment, the body, the cup, yes, the sounds that we're proclaiming, the garden of life that we're growing, the tree, the tree of knowledge, the serpentine. Sometimes he's even got some knowledge for us. I'm trying to get at the Bible. I'm not only reading the scripture, but I'm carrying it with me, and so, dust, I shall return.

Speaker 1:

I tell you the honest truth, and hold on to me just for a second. As it is in the beginning, as it will be in the end. And as it is in the end, as it will be in the beginning, sometimes it starts completely over. It keeps us humble, it keeps us faithful and it reminds us of his divine glory, of creation itself, for no more than the creation of life. This gift cannot be judged, cannot be condemned, but it shall be upheaved in a sense of acceptance. I'm going to continue to advance and I'm going to advance within what he's given me. Lord, forgive me.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer. Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, come, fill our plates, fill our souls, fix our hearts, our souls. Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, come, fill our plates, fill our souls, fix our hearts, our souls, our minds. Let us not be stricken and bidden, but let us be fulfilled. Let us be reminded of the inequity.

Speaker 1:

The serpents, our trespassers yes, of course, the Lord's Prayer the ones that we seem to be deemed against us are no more than one of the different angles that you've been taken. You've been chosen to provide for us. Let the different angles that you've been taken, you've been chosen to provide for us. Let us find your love, your compassion, within the forgiveness and the compassion of our heart. Let our souls of salvation, the souls of salvation, breathe deep into the days that we've been given, all the days of my life, for I shall return to the dust, the dust that I was created from. Let us not strike and bitter and beat one another down with our words, with our aggression, with our verbal, with our laboring, with our deeds, but rather let our gardens be filled, filled with life, so that we can feed one another with love, with compassion, with Christ's interest within mind. Let the Holy Spirit be the enactment, the enactment that moves one another, one of us, with love.

Speaker 1:

I mentioned it this morning and God helped me. The nosy neighbor, and I apologize, remind us that we don't have anything to worry about that. Anything that we're going to involve within our lives, whether it's physical, intimate, intellectual, spiritual, any worry, any concern or trouble, any topic of interest, that it needs to belong to him and it belongs to him so that we can be saved, so that we can be redeemed, because we can find healing, saving grace within that notion With continued love, grace and acceptance. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit, in Christ, your Savior's name, we pray. Watch out for your blessings, watch out for your ways to be redeemed. I tell you what we often are quick to turn our cheeks on the gospel and often we find that the inequity is not something that we're willing to explore. I tell you what if everything that he's given you is for your own good, then there's no way that you can fail, there's no way that you can do wrong and you shall find heaven. Lord, forgive me, continue to follow. Thank you for your continued support, for your listening, for your donations. They go a very, very long ways in Life for Death Ministries Currently working with a couple of different groups of investors trying to reach out to them, trying to have good talk with them on having a sense of private education, possible summer camps or during the school year to where you can go to different cities, you can stay with this church family, you can go to school, you can have a job, you can have a career, you can have a very well sense of advancement within life, you can have intellectual, social, physical, intimate, substance and economical skills and life skills that are very, very valuable in this world, skills that I believe that God should equip us with so that we should be capable of laboring and deeding for one another.

Speaker 1:

Remind us, remind us that each and every day, that we need and we need what God has given us not to be used against us, but so that we can have fulfillment within this world. Check out the Facebook, instagram, twitter, the Buzzsprout feed. You'll see some very nice, some very, very nice talks and prayers. You'll have prayer studies on there and I'll also be releasing the poems daily. I usually put artwork on there daily with a sense of give or donate. I'm still looking to have postcards, prayer cards printed so I can send them out to some of the different ministry members, and then a sense of advancement.

Speaker 1:

Today being Sunday, we should have Variable Health available on standby. There should be different ways to reach out to it, an improved website, possibly MyChart, so that we can advance within it and we can have individuals that are having their wants and their needs being met. Thank you for listening and thank you for embracing the love the love of God and the love of Christ that we've been given this opportunity to serve. Remember each and every day that we've taken no more than a testament, a drink of the cup, a tip, a cheers to you to be capable of serving love compassionately for one another. God bless you. Have a very, very blessed day. Remember your garden is valuable.

Exploring Creation and Redemption
Seeking Forgiveness and Salvation
Finding Redemption and Purpose in Scripture
Finding Love Within Inequity
Enhancing Access to Variable Health