Life Or Death

Seek & Ye Shall Find...Ownership!

June 07, 2024 Jes
Seek & Ye Shall Find...Ownership!
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Seek & Ye Shall Find...Ownership!
Jun 07, 2024

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What if every challenge you face is part of a divine plan designed for your ultimate good? Today, we unravel the intricate relationship between faith and works, guided by key scriptures such as Ephesians 2:10 and Romans 8:28. We'll explore how we are God's continuous workmanship, created for good deeds that align with His divine purpose. This episode challenges you to advance in your spiritual journey, carry your own cross, and embrace theological maturity. By aligning your life with God's will, you can navigate your spiritual path without letting external inequities lead you astray.

In another compelling segment, we focus on living a faith of unconditional love. Life’s inherent struggles and limitations often seem like obstacles to our spiritual growth, but we reflect on how God's boundless love transcends these barriers. From moving away from self-condemnation to fostering a living faith, learn how to trust in God's plan and find strength amidst doubts and challenges. Through scriptures like Psalm 138:8 and Proverbs 19:21, discover that God's steadfast love and purpose endure forever. We conclude with a heartfelt prayer for strength and guidance, urging listeners to seek God and Christ in their daily lives. Don’t miss this enriching exploration of faith, forgiveness, and divine purpose.

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What if every challenge you face is part of a divine plan designed for your ultimate good? Today, we unravel the intricate relationship between faith and works, guided by key scriptures such as Ephesians 2:10 and Romans 8:28. We'll explore how we are God's continuous workmanship, created for good deeds that align with His divine purpose. This episode challenges you to advance in your spiritual journey, carry your own cross, and embrace theological maturity. By aligning your life with God's will, you can navigate your spiritual path without letting external inequities lead you astray.

In another compelling segment, we focus on living a faith of unconditional love. Life’s inherent struggles and limitations often seem like obstacles to our spiritual growth, but we reflect on how God's boundless love transcends these barriers. From moving away from self-condemnation to fostering a living faith, learn how to trust in God's plan and find strength amidst doubts and challenges. Through scriptures like Psalm 138:8 and Proverbs 19:21, discover that God's steadfast love and purpose endure forever. We conclude with a heartfelt prayer for strength and guidance, urging listeners to seek God and Christ in their daily lives. Don’t miss this enriching exploration of faith, forgiveness, and divine purpose.

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Speaker 1:

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2.10. The saints of grace were boundless in the eternal purpose. Yes, of course the love of Christ surpasses knowledge, right, but the knowledge is the forbidden fruit. Do we not need some of it, so that the relevance of Christ is maternal? We continue to advance within our own salvation, because salvation is something that's given to us through him. We've received it. Incarnation through the blood yes, of course, but what if we're always searching for it? What if I'm always needing forgiveness? What if I'm always needing repentance? We spend the rest of our lives being devoted to it. I never search for the cross and I find it. I'm carrying the cross. I'm in a sense of advancement here, the theological maturity, and now I bear my own cross. But then I'm bearing it. So I walk within the scripture, I am converted. At some point we need to get over the hump, and I think that's the mindset. So we are his workmanship. Notice that he's continuing to work on us. Workmanship is continuous advancement, created within Christ Jesus for good works. Yes, of course the works are very, very good within for good works, and that's the laboring of our deeds, the hands, the feet, how we actually progress in this world and we proclaim it, which God prepared beforehand. He already knew every decision that we were going to make or every decision that was going to be made on or for us. So we don't have anything to worry about in any way, shape or form, and I think that's a sense of reference as we advance within the world, that we should walk within them. So now you know it comes down to more of the walks, the laboring, the deeds, the acts. Yes, of course, what is faith without works and what is works without faith? You believe in the way you live because it works for you and I live the way that I live because I believe in it, or vice versa. And I think that's where we are. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good and for those who are called according to his purpose Romans 8, 28, we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good. So there's never an aspect and I referenced it this morning prior to getting on here. It was more of just just open dialogue talk. I referenced it this morning you shall never have anything in your life, socially, physically, intimately, in any aspect that is derogatory to his divine purpose within your life. We know that those who love God, all things work together for his good. So every aspect and every entity that I have in my life is for my good. It's for his good because it belongs to him. He cannot deny me and I cannot deny him. And that mindset and that sense, those are called according to his purpose.

Speaker 1:

I'm not opening the door to the temple, the body, the synagogue, the focal point heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed to an equity. I'm not allowing other individuals in, and if I shall have, or I did make, commitment to anybody else in my life, then what I bring into my life I'm bringing into their life. I'm also bringing into the Trinity, the Father, son and the Holy Spirit, because I am one within. So we have to be careful and we have to acknowledge what we find to be acceptable, and that's trivial though, isn't it? Because we do find darkness to be compelling, because if we didn't have darkness we'd never have light, and vice versa.

Speaker 1:

So when we face inequity, when we face sin, when we have outside sources that aren't of God, I think one of the best values we have is consensual agreements, which is commitment in a sense. Right Consent is commitment, is it not? I said, if I say yes to you, it means I've made a commitment to you. If I say no to you, I've probably made a commitment to you to walk away, to turn the other cheek, possibly rebuke and in some cases, completely move and say no, and I think that that's relevant. We adapt a mindset in this world and mentality that when we see an equity, we know it's not of God but it is. You see, we need to change the way that we're thinking and equity doesn't belong to us. But the moment that we start working on it, the moment that we start thinking about it, the moment that we need to make decisions on other individuals because of the inequity that either lies within us or that we're experiencing now, it's no longer of God. So I think you stop it before it even starts. You don't want to be upheaved. I've noticed that this is something that might be starting to lead us astray or leading others astray. I reference us as being united as one. The substance, the Trinity, yes, of course, and if I make commitment to spouses, wives, etc. I've noticed that this is starting to lead us astray. I wonder if there's a way that we should shoot out the door, if we should put it back within his hands.

Speaker 1:

Don't maternalize in a sense of inequity. Some believe that knowledge, some believe that knowledge is a form of. I'm capable of seeing something that you haven't. God has given me maternal purpose. Within this divine divinity of utilizing vision, I see that this inequity is embracing you, it's overcoming you, it's consuming you, it's eating you alive. So now I'm going to play God on earth and I'm going to be the one that I'm going to be the vindicator, instead of seeking the good counsel of Christ. Right, I'm going to be the one that's going to tell you hey, this is wrong for you, this is right for you, or this is how you're finding God, this is how you're denying God.

Speaker 1:

I think and I like being guiding, guiding occasionally this is what I think the interpretation is. This might be right for you, but the moment that we take discovery out of the picture and we're not capable of falling, of stumbling, of hitting our own thumb, if you would right, as we're trying to beat the nail in, think about what I'm saying then we're lacking God and Christ within that notion. See, we discover him as he discovers us, and I think that we stumble when we fall and we're capable of shining shining when we stumble, when we fall, forgiveness, repentance, and it goes back to him. Remember the reference of theological or spiritual, intellectual, emotional maturity this morning, I'm no longer seeking forgiveness and repentance, I've advanced along that. Now, everything that he's equipped me with right and you've heard it, you've heard the prayer often wash me and cleanse me of my sins and equities and continue to guide me and strengthen me, yes, of course, but give me strength, give me endurance to embrace my inequities, what you've given me with love, with patience, with grace. See, it doesn't need to be a something that we're holding against ourselves. So I get over the point. I'm converted, I've advanced, I'm no longer seeking forgiveness and repentance, and that mindset and that mentality is a condemning mindset Instead of being saved, instead of being redeemed. And I get it. You can't always live in the gospel. There's going to be trying, darking days. We're promised that as Christians, we will be persecuted, and I understand that. But the persecution doesn't need to be its life purpose. Rather, it needs to be milestones or sediments to where we're continuing to get closer to him or putting it within his hands, and I think the ultimate goal is to be one within.

Speaker 1:

But you hear that you're like that's impossible, because I've experienced individuals that were one within the Trinity, within Christ, and what happened? They knew everything, they were better than everybody else and they were capable of being God on earth and condemning you. And that's it. That's not knowledge. The knowledge can be deceptive. It's the forbidden fruit. It leads you astray. Now you are God, you're capable of judging and condemning others. That doesn't really exist. See, it's the exact opposite. The further you go, the more you should be one within him.

Speaker 1:

You know in religion and Christianity, if you would, it doesn't have a point to prove. So when we know that we're saved, we're forgiven, it doesn't need to go any further. But some of us, we search, we carelessly wonder and we're suffering each and every day. We spend the rest of our lives seeking forgiveness, seeking to repent, only because we lack the acceptance or the maternal purpose of making it an actual work within our lives. And that's tough. That's tough on us and everybody else that we have in our lives. So let the investment be no more than a testament that I'm continuing to advance, and every body and every blood, the cup, the bread, if you would, continues to fulfill us and we can advance every day within a sense of grace, within a sense of acceptance. We've got to get over the hump, if you would. Who saved us and called us to holy calling? Not because of our works, but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ. 2 Timothy 1.9. Who saved us and called us to a holy calling? We have to go back to the beginning, right, and we're not going in neutral, reverse, but we have to take it back to the beginning.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed in my own personal life and this is my own personal testament of devotion as I've continued to advance and I've taken personal special interest, studies, I've read on it, I've taken it further, I've utilized experience, I've fallen, I've failed, regardless of how far I go right, so I can take it to the extreme, oblivion to the extremes, if you would. I go right, so I can take it to the extreme, oblivion to the extremes, if you would, I always end up returning to the cross. I always end up returning to him, to self, and I say self because he lies within me, right, the body, the temple, the synagogue, the focal point heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed. Yes, of course he's risen. He's risen, indeed, hallelujah. Notice the enactment as how I present that I am progressing. He is risen, he is risen, indeed, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm no longer seeking forgiveness, I'm no longer seeking repentance, and if it shall be true that he knew every decision that I was going to make prior to making it, then why should I be worried or concerned? Let us be reminded that if it belongs to God in Christ, it must belong to us. But if it's any worries or any troubles or any concerns, or it leads us astray in any way, shape or form, it shall not be of God, it shall not be of Christ. And then we're quick to walk away, we're quick to turn the other cheek, to rebuke and to find divine purpose within that calling. So who saved us and calls us to a holy calling? Holy calling within principle and policy, how we actually act, the laboring of the deeds because of our works? There, it is because of our works, but because of our works, but because of his own purpose and grace. What was his purpose and grace? What was his divine divinity in this world, which he gave us? Christ Jesus. Before the ages began, 2 Timothy 1.9. Before the ages began. We know we're saved, we know we're forgiven and the purpose and divine divinity that we have lasts for eternity.

Speaker 1:

So I talk to individuals, I talk often and I think a lot. Lord, forgive me, how many of you are invested? And I don't mean like short-term investment, like yeah, I'm looking to receive a good percentage of return, not like that. But the commitments that you've made, the mindset, the life that you've been given, the gifts, yes, the treasures, rubies and diamonds, more precious than precious gems. Think about what I'm saying. Your investment is for eternity because if everything belongs to him and that's tough for us to maternalize right, we got to get over that maternal hump. Some of us, some churches in different denominations, they have more of a mindset to where the maternal possessions of this world can be.

Speaker 1:

Your God, you shall live without them and I don't really believe in that. I believe that God gives you an abundance of everything. You shouldn't have to live without anything and if you choose to be in bondage, it's not of God and it's not of Christ, because I'm reminded that you're forgiven, you're redeemed. He knew every decision that you were going to make and you shall have an abundance of everything, as long as within your competence and means. But what does that come down to? Everything that's been given to me within favor and generosity is, of course, the gift, the blessing, life itself. I'm capable of repenting, forgiving. Ah, that's someone still getting over the hump? I'm stumbling, I'm falling. Notice the correlation If I'm seeking repentance and forgiveness, I'm probably stumbling and I'm falling.

Speaker 1:

So, everything that's been given to me, I'm capable of giving and doing for somebody else, I'm capable of giving them some bread. Are you hungry? Would you like a drink of my cup, etc. Would you like to talk? Would you like to walk? We lend a lending hand within caring and compassion, but we fail to advance within a maternal mindset, and that maternal being the possessions. Well, you can't be living of worldly possessions, you can't be one of the world.

Speaker 1:

So I ask individuals does the world lie within you or do you lie within the world? And everybody takes immediately outside of the context of God, christ, the Father, son, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity. I'm moving outside of it, I can't quite maternally place it within the heart, soul, mind. But the question that I'm asking you is it's already on the inside of you, it's God, it's Christ, who does the world belong to. So it's a trick question if you would, do you exist in the world or does the world exist in you? They start thinking about it and immediately guess what comes up the only confession that they have that is valuable. And here it comes. Here they start proclaiming it.

Speaker 1:

It's probably a testament of how many different limitations that I have in this world, how many different aspects that I'm being struck and down, that I'm being limited, that I have statutes or codes or policies or enactments of life that don't work in any way, shape or form, and they don't belong to God. But how could that or how shall that be? You are one within him and this world belongs to him and you live within him or he lives within you, and vice versa. That's maternal purpose. Think about what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So when our confession becomes no more than I'm stumbling, I'm falling us. Think about what I'm saying. So when our confession becomes no more than I'm stumbling, I'm falling. I'm seeking confession, I'm seeking forgiveness. Right, we're doing something wrong, the path that we're actually taking, that we're walking within.

Speaker 1:

And then, furthermore, do you exist in the world or does the world exist in you? If the first thought that you have is no more than the confession of limitations, those limitations being exactly what I said I cannot find God in this world. No, I'm restricted, I'm limited. And we're reminded that God is love. His love is unconditional, it's unrestricted, it doesn't know any limitations or boundaries and, in a sense, it's no more than acceptance. So we have trying times within this world. As we're progressing through the seasons of storms and those trying times, we're still capable of finding God within it and being capable of advancing. It becomes literal. It's very tough on us because we maternalize it, we shine light within the subject and it can define us, and we don't want to be defined.

Speaker 1:

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Matthew 28, 19. So, and then we often wonder, we get to a point where our faith isn't alive anymore. What's the best type of faith to be practicing? A faith that's alive? You are worshiping a living God, right? So go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, disciples, converts, prophecies, apostles yes, of course, of all nations. Baptize in them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity be embracing of it. So we spread the good news, we're continuing to advance and we carry that with us, and that maternal purpose of divinity lies not only within us but within others.

Speaker 1:

What if our view wasn't obscured and I say that in a sense of deception or perception what if we weren't seeing other individuals condemned and it takes a long time to get there, by the way regardless of the enactment of what they've chosen? Because every confession that we've read in Scripture this morning and Scripture is relevant because I live within it is that he already knew every decision that we were going to make. So for us to tell other individuals they're going backwards. Are we God on earth? Are we God in eternity? Of course we're going to separate earth and eternity. It's a correlation, it's water and oil, it doesn't mix, it's very good, it's literal. But are we capable of saying somebody's actually going backwards? Because I know for a fact that if I stumble and I fall, I might be getting closer and further within God. You know some of his the first to become last, the last to become first.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like the knowledge is so deceptive that we've taken a bite of the forbidden fruit and, before you know it, we know better than God in Christ himself. But how could we or how shall we? It becomes very deceptive. That's what I said we have to be careful about our own wants and needs. Our own wants and needs should be a direct. What correlation yes, of course, of confession, of this is what he wants for us, this is what he's seen right for us.

Speaker 1:

So, regardless of the enactment or the purpose, the walks, the acts that you're living within, lord, forgive me regardless of that form of life, you have to trust and confine in him. Otherwise, if you never trust and confine in him remember that I'm moving past the forgiveness and repentance. It's no longer reality Then you never quite get there, you never become one within. And what a curse if you would to be condemned for the rest of your life. That's condemned. You live condemned for the rest of your life. You're always seeking to be forgiven, to have repentance, to have a confession. Right, you're not capable of searching for the cross, bearing the cross or carrying the cross and bearing the cross, you're putting it to rest. I'm searching for forgiveness and repentance for the cross, bearing the cross or carrying the cross and bearing the cross, you putting it to rest. I'm searching for forgiveness and repentance for the rest of my life I've been condemned, and my condemnation is all I have to offer.

Speaker 1:

So we don't tell other individuals that they're going backwards or that they're going in neutral Self-assessment. Yes, of course, because the Holy Spirit is the enactment, or where does he lie within you and thought? Word, indeed, heart, soul, mind is, of course, the mind thought. Very good, but we have to get past it. We have to progress, we need to move. We can't be struck and down, and we can't be laying on the floor aggressively and asking for other individuals to condemn us.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it relevant, though, that some of us are in our greatest moments, and when I say our greatest moments, that we're all the way up, right, we're building our way up to heaven, to eternity, and we've got to a point where we're Zen, we're sitting Indian style, we're floating about the ground, hum, and we're one within God. Good reference, right? Isn't it A theological assertion? Of course, but isn't it relevant that, when we get to that point of spiritual maturity, that, before you know it now, we're condemning others? Now we know better than everybody else, you know what God has worked miracles within us and we no longer are the humble child. You know it pays to be righteous and it also pays to stumble and fall. But when you stumble and you fall, it shall not be the overbearing condemnation of inequity to where. That's all I have. It's just. My life goes on. I don't have nothing to worry about.

Speaker 1:

The moment that the troubles, worries and concerns become more relevant than life itself, concerns become more relevant than life itself, then you might be doing something wrong. Lord, forgive me, I'm not quite sure. I think different, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and to give you hope. And do you think that he lies with us? Jeremiah 29, 11?. He lies within us and our fellow brothers and sisters, god's creation, the ones that we shall have love for. We seek love for them. I have plans for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and to give you hope. Do you think that we're capable of giving that to one another? Well, the only thing that we shall have to offer one another would be unconditional love and acceptance.

Speaker 1:

Any person that believes in testament of a sense of Christianity. They believe in the Father, son and the Holy Spirit. They shall never have any thought or any act right Think about what I'm saying or proclaim anything that is not of God, that is not of His divine divinity, of the Trinity, the Father, son and the Holy Spirit. How could they? They do not possess the form to be the giver and taker of life, nor do they possess forgiveness. We get that twisted often.

Speaker 1:

Now, you shall forgive. I'm not capable of forgiveness, at my very, very best because of him, and I'm not one within him, but because of him, I've been given forgiveness, not given. I've received forgiveness. We are at our very best, can only receive forgiveness. It's not something that we actually possess. We're not capable of hanging ourselves on the cross, but the thought and the theory alone leads it to the deceptive form. Well, there must be an act that follows it. You shall forgive this person. What did you want me to do? Go build a cross outside and hang myself on a cross so you can crucify me. It isn't going to happen, see, so that's the mindset and the mentality.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying in the direct reference. Within that mindset, I don't need to be deceptively led astray. Nor am I seeking forgiveness 24-7. Because if you're seeking forgiveness, you must be condemned. But where does it derive from? Where's the source? Who is the creator in this particular scenario? So we forget that we live in a world that the creator created. But also often our confession is no more that the world that we're living in, our troubles, our worries, concerns. Even the proclamation of his divine divinity goes back to creature Sure, being one within him. Yes, of course, we are the workers within this world. Right, the divine divinity of apostleship, of discipleship, right Of fulfilling the prophecy and being the prophets? Yes, of course, but it still goes back to him and it doesn't require acknowledgement, acceptance or denial. And that can be tough. That can be very, very tough.

Speaker 1:

The lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Your steadfast love, oh lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the word, the work of your hands, palms 138, 8. Think about it. Then this is, this is what I'm referencing this morning here. The lord will fulfill his purpose for me. No, no, no, regardless. If I, no, no, regardless. If I'm stumbling, I'm falling, I've made the wrong decisions. There's other individuals saying that I'm going backwards, that I'm never going to be thankful, etc. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. So I don't have anything to worry about and you have to, the first to become last, the last to become first, those that are blind, outright slaves with chains around their necks, blind, outright slaves with chains around their necks that are laying on the ground, crawling and begging on their hands and knees. They're seeking clothing and shelter. You're steadfast, love.

Speaker 1:

There's a way that we can say hallelujah and yes, compassionately caring about those that are needy and poor, of course, but he's still working within them and we have to trust in him. We're not allowed to be God on earth. We're not capable, we're not competent, we don't possess it, we're not, we just don't have it. So we have to trust within him. Oh Lord, endorse forever, now and forever. How shall I be forgiven? Now, but tonight you'll possibly be condemning me and, by the way, are you Christ?

Speaker 1:

I was wondering if I've ever encountered God. Very good reference. Encountered God, very good reference. Do not forsake the work of your hands. Very good.

Speaker 1:

No reference to being right or wrong, but the laboring of the deeds following the Holy Spirit, the enactment, intimately, physically, emotionally. Everything that I'm encountering, I'm giving it back to God and I'm putting it back within his hands, because the soul, divinity of the blood, yes, of course the cup, get me a drink, come, come into my heart, soul and mind. It's no more than a steadfast purpose of him advancing within me. You see, I'm not capable or competent of leading anybody else, but I mean through instruction. Yes, of course I may be capable of guiding or referencing what I find to be right, but I can only tell you what is right for me, because I seek him within purpose and think about commitment, think about intimacy, think about marriage. Along those lines Excuse me the reference we seek God and Christ together because we've been united because of God and Christ. So I'm not going to bring anything into my life, into your life, into his life, because it belongs to him. He can't deny us, we can't deny him. That might lead us astray, but that becomes very, very relevant.

Speaker 1:

What Within the acts, how we actually live and the laboring of our deeds. I'm invested in you, can't you see? Very good, and I think it's maternal. I'm going to wrap this up, lord, forgive me. Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. Proverbs 19.21. We might mean very well or in some cases we might mean bad, but many are the plans in the mind of the man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand tried and true now and forever. I just don't think that you can beat it.

Speaker 1:

Let our purest form of testament be the continuation of the advancement of the living God and the seeking of eternity to where our treasures truly become a sense of reality and how we're invested in him. Let me wrap this up in prayer. Graciously, heavenly Father and Christ, our Savior, redeemer with strength, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, passion, integrity, devotion. Let our cups be filled, let our plates be heaping and let every day us find the sustainment of your divine purpose within the will. Let our grace be boundless and ages of eternal purpose. Yes, of course, because the love of Christ surpasses the knowledge that we have, that we are reminded that if it is the knowledge that we seek and we find it to be overwhelming, we find it to be eternal.

Speaker 1:

We've idolatry, placed it in a sense of being God that we failed miserably. Let us get over the hump with a sense of expectation not to expect but to continue to advance, to lend a lending hand and to love and to trust and to continue to grow within grace. I'm reminded that I no longer seek forgiveness and repentance, not that it isn't relevant. Lord, forgive me and you'll hear me say that, but I don't want to live a life condemned. I don't want to live a life in the shade. I want to live a life within the brightness, within the light, seeking the true life that was given to me, and I'm reminded that the inequity that was placed within me coincides with the love and the compassion and the interest of forgiveness, of divine, of joy, of happiness that I've received. So let me continue to grow within your glory and continue to put it within your hands. I ask that you see and know my nearest, dearest wants and needs and, for those that I've made commitment to, that I can continue to seek your divine love and grace and acceptance within the commitments that I've made, with love, with compassion and grace. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior. In the name we pray.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the social media feeds. They've got fan mail now it's something that you can comment. You can say yay, nay, you can be politically, ethically, morally challenging if you would. I think it sparks good discussion. I'm not really sure. Thank you for listening. Thank you for the continued support, the donations, your contribution to Life for Death Ministries makes a very big impact on some of the world and global missions that we're currently exceeding. Don't forget about some of the different health providers, some of the very well health providers that we're partnering with daily to where they're capable of providing with. Incompetence means discipline and degree, to where you don't have to suffer anymore and you can have not only what you want but also what you need. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your continued support. As you're blessed throughout the day, remember you are not condemned, you are saved, you are redeemed. God bless you.

Advancing in Christian Faith and Works
Living a Faith of Unconditional Love
Seeking Forgiveness and Trusting God